Where in Rosenstein's Russia meddling in Democrats anything about meddling in GOP?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
FBI director James Comey told a Senate panel that there was "penetration on the Republican side of the aisle and old Republican National Committee domains" no longer in use.
Comey later added that "there was evidence of hacking directed at state-level organizations, state-level campaigns, and the RNC, but old domains of the RNC, meaning old emails they weren't using. None of that was released."

FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

Rep. Devin Nunes: Indictment of Russians leaves out targeting of GOP
NUNES: Now, I'm not saying they shouldn't be indicted. I'm just saying that.

BARTIROMO: That the Russians were targeting both Democrats and Republicans.

NUNES: And Republicans.


NUNES: And they know that. It's in our report.
So why doesn't the -- why doesn't Department of Justice allow this to be declassified, so the American public can see this?

BARTIROMO: The other thing is that these people are never going to see justice, right? I mean, we don't have jurisdiction over these -- these people. They're not going to come to the U.S.

And so they really won't actually be held accountable.

NUNES: Right. They're intelligence officers, so they're not going to be held accountable.
It doesn't mean, though, that we shouldn't call out Russia for attacking our -- conducting cyber-attacks on our system.

BARTIROMO: But the timing of this, I mean, they -- they released this right after the Peter Strzok hearing.

And your point is, we knew all of this year ago. Why is now the time to make these arrests, and not a year ago, when you actually had the information?

Now for another very strange aspect of this "collusion" lack of interest in Democrats and Hillary's server.

1) Where is that server that had 32,000 emails?
2) Department of Justice Assoc. Deputy Attorney General Bruce G Ohr was demoted because he had working relationships with dossier author Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS; and -more importantly or perhaps ‘conveniently’- according to James Rosen, Bruce Ohr did not reveal his October 2016 contacts with MI6 agent Steele or Glenn Simpson (Fusion-GPS) to DOJ leadership.
However, the ongoing Dossier story gets far more intriguing as it is now discovered that Bruce G Ohr’s wife, Nellie H. Ohr, actually worked for Fusion GPS and likely helped guide/script the Russian Dossier.
But wait, it doesn’t stop there… Mrs. Nellie Ohr was not only a Fusion GPS contracted employee, but she was also part of the CIA’s Open Source Works, in Washington DC
Both Mr. and Mrs Ohr worked on a collaborative group project surrounding International Organized Crime.
Wife of DOJ Deputy Was Fusion GPS Employee, CIA Research Aide, and Applied for HAM Radio License Month After Contracting MI6 Agent Christopher Steele…

Again...remember the Steele dossier was the one accusing Trump of being in Russia and peed on by a prostitute.
It was used to smear Trump before the election.

So repeat: Ohr worked for DOJ and helped get the Dossier published because his wife WORKED for the firm that published the document!

Maybe to you but how many naive ignorant ill-informed people know that the FBI's deep state agenda, i.e. promote Democrats decry Trump along with the gross complicity of the MSM have denied people these points.
I mean why didn't Rosenstein mention Russian interference with GOP?
I mean how can any one not see the bias when a deputy DOJ official's WIFE works for the company that promoted the fake dossier?
Fusion GPS admits DOJ official's wife Nellie Ohr hired to probe Trump

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