Where Is Hillary & Obama?

Hillary Clinton lost. Accept that.Your irrational hatred and angst are noted.

Please make an appointment with your Butt Hurt doctor immediately.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
He'll be lucky to make it 2 years


we shall see won't we.
Yup. And we can all suffer together while that complete buffoon remains in office.
Hillary Clinton lost. Accept that.Your irrational hatred and angst are noted.

Please make an appointment with your Butt Hurt doctor immediately.

I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
He'll be lucky to make it 2 years


we shall see won't we.
Yup. And we can all suffer together while that complete buffoon remains in office.

Yes to the complete shame and disgrace of our nation, Donald fucking Trump is now the President. Idiocracy has come to life.
this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.

Actually that is false info, the intelligence agencys and the state vote investigations showed and stated there was no evidence Russia tampered the with voting in this election.
The symantics is blaming Russia for the hacks and claiming that swayed votes & the elections, but it was the content not the hack and the culprit of the wikileaks was said NOT TO BE THE RUSSIANS.
The Russian blame is to hide the fact it was either a DNC insider whistle blower or the Pakistani IT guys and one girl hired by the idiots who forgot who they just killed in Pakistan.
I'm guessing it's the Pakistani imigrant which is why the cover up.
If anyone tampered with the election itcwas the justice dept in not prosecuting Hillary over her destruction of evidence, the same you blame on Russians for meddling. Sort of circular logic there.

Now that being cleared, explain where were these same concerned election purists when Obama tampered and interfered with Israeli elections?
And when Clinton fast tracked without proper vetting imigrants to register them to vote, the stolen identity dead votes, registered illegals to vote and had created a network to swap votes to circumvent the electorate set up. Election purists please explain Dems claiming "0" illegals voted when one state found a 6% illegal vote total?
Yes to the complete shame and disgrace of our nation, Donald fucking Trump is now the President. Idiocracy has come to life.
Idiocracy is thinking 8 years of coolaid would nourish the crops and bring us harvest and prosperity. So now you blame Trump for telling you it's water, so yes you are like the people in that movie who was used to the failed status quo, affraid to try anything new including the right way to do things.
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this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.

Actually that is false info, the intelligence agencys and the state vote investigations showed and stated there was no evidence Russia tampered the with voting in this election.
The symantics is blaming Russia for the hacks and claiming that swayed votes & the elections, but it was the content not the hack and the culprit of the wikileaks was said NOT TO BE THE RUSSIANS.
The Russian blame is to hide the fact it was either a DNC insider whistle blower or the Pakistani IT guys and one girl hired by the idiots who forgot who they just killed in Pakistan.
I'm guessing it's the Pakistani imigrant which is why the cover up.
If anyone tampered with the election itcwas the justice dept in not prosecuting Hillary over her destruction of evidence, the same you blame on Russians for meddling. Sort of circular logic there.

Now that being cleared, explain where were these same concerned election purists when Obama tampered and interfered with Israeli elections?
And when Clinton fast tracked without proper vetting imigrants to register them to vote, the stolen identity dead votes, registered illegals to vote and had created a network to swap votes to circumvent the electorate set up. Election purists please explain Dems claiming "0" illegals voted when one state found a 6% illegal vote total?
God you dupes believe a pile of crap...
Thank You For Posting That!

I found the video thanks for posting the info.

why was the sexy woman on the left showing off her best two parts?

My god my what a pile of irrellavant bs. Collusion was always a little far fetched and only bs GOP propaganda brings it up...The Russians were doing great on their own, with media nonstop crap about the e-mails that were NOTHING - staffers BSing, dupes...And then GOP shytte Comey.

So now we get mindless dupes, including Trump I guess, in charge. Poor America. Actually, they're so dumb we'll just get a big tax cut on the rich, a military buildup, and de-regged financial institutions. At least no Rummy and Cheney.
Where Is Hillary & Obama?

Really? You need to bring up them both of them? What is this? Some bizarre attempt to create conversation that isn't about Trump's ever increasing madness?
Hillary Clinton lost. Accept that.Your irrational hatred and angst are noted.

Please make an appointment with your Butt Hurt doctor immediately.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
He'll be lucky to make it 2 years


we shall see won't we.
Yup. And we can all suffer together while that complete buffoon remains in office.

Yes to the complete shame and disgrace of our nation, Donald fucking Trump is now the President. Idiocracy has come to life.
Nope just insane things coming from the alt left. Trump and the republicans are great!
Life Cereal should make a "Find Barry and The Bitch" game on the backs of their cereals

Rex, everyone who can think knows the Russians; even if they tried, had no effect on the election. The leftist narrative that Trump is illegitimate because without the Russians Hilly would have won is easily proven false.

How? Follow the easy logic--->

If the Russians had convinced ANYONE, let alone thousands, or millions, to vote for Trump instead of Hilly.......or, it caused them not to vote, we would be seeing Americans screaming all over TV that false information had changed their vote!

That is NOT what we see! What we see is snowflakes claiming the Russians changed the election, but they can't find, or won't produce ONE voter that has their mind changed.

So the real question is----> why don't they produce a few hundred of them, even if they are leftist liars to make the case?

I will tell you why, and you are going to laugh just like I do, lol.

Because if they do that, the people that come forth would be asked what phony narrative put forth caused you to vote for Trump instead of Hillary, or not vote at all!

Ok Rex, now you tell me which narrative put forth was false, and does ANYBODY believe they want to relitigate what Hilly and the Democrats have been up to for 8 years, or rather; should they want to stick with this phony story that never forces them to defend anything, and can constantly attack. Catch my drift!

Remember, they would have to show what talking point was soooo phony, it flipped the election, and the Russians did it, and Trump knew it.

Refresh my memory! Exactly what talking point was that, hehehe.

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Hussein aka the Beach Bum is in Tahiti.....realxing at luxury on his permanent vacation.

Hilarious Clinton who knows...somewhere with Huma?
Tahiti? Wow...Mr. Obama is living the so called good life now :ack-1:
I think Hillary Clinton is still angry for her defeat against Donald Trump. I've heard she wants to run for NYC mayor :)
Anyway Barack Obama should be careful because Tahiti is full of sharks :D

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this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.

Actually that is false info, the intelligence agencys and the state vote investigations showed and stated there was no evidence Russia tampered the with voting in this election.
The symantics is blaming Russia for the hacks and claiming that swayed votes & the elections, but it was the content not the hack and the culprit of the wikileaks was said NOT TO BE THE RUSSIANS.
The Russian blame is to hide the fact it was either a DNC insider whistle blower or the Pakistani IT guys and one girl hired by the idiots who forgot who they just killed in Pakistan.
I'm guessing it's the Pakistani imigrant which is why the cover up.
If anyone tampered with the election itcwas the justice dept in not prosecuting Hillary over her destruction of evidence, the same you blame on Russians for meddling. Sort of circular logic there.

Now that being cleared, explain where were these same concerned election purists when Obama tampered and interfered with Israeli elections?
And when Clinton fast tracked without proper vetting imigrants to register them to vote, the stolen identity dead votes, registered illegals to vote and had created a network to swap votes to circumvent the electorate set up. Election purists please explain Dems claiming "0" illegals voted when one state found a 6% illegal vote total?
God you dupes believe a pile of crap...

Trump was not the candidate that hired a secret army of Hackers and IT Contractors who when given Immunity by The FBI plead the 5th 256 times. They also created the Fake Russian narrative, hacked McDonald's Twitter account, and hacked a Russian bank and a Trump Tower server and put a ping between the two to create false evidence.

The NSA looked at this and there were no transactions of any sort. Just a phucking ping, set up by one of Hillary's Hackers.
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Life Cereal should make a "Find Barry and The Bitch" game on the backs of their cereals

Rex, everyone who can think knows the Russians; even if they tried, had no effect on the election. The leftist narrative that Trump is illegitimate because without the Russians Hilly would have won is easily proven false.

How? Follow the easy logic--->

If the Russians had convinced ANYONE, let alone thousands, or millions, to vote for Trump instead of Hilly.......or, it caused them not to vote, we would be seeing Americans screaming all over TV that false information had changed their vote!

That is NOT what we see! What we see is snowflakes claiming the Russians changed the election, but they can't find, or won't produce ONE voter that has their mind changed.

So the real question is----> why don't they produce a few hundred of them, even if they are leftist liars to make the case?

I will tell you why, and you are going to laugh just like I do, lol.

Because if they do that, the people that come forth would be asked what phony narrative put forth caused you to vote for Trump instead of Hillary, or not vote at all!

Ok Rex, now you tell me which narrative put forth was false, and does ANYBODY believe they want to relitigate what Hilly and the Democrats have been up to for 8 years, or rather; should they want to stick with this phony story that never forces them to defend anything, and can constantly attack. Catch my drift!

Remember, they would have to show what talking point was soooo phony, it flipped the election, and the Russians did it, and Trump knew it.

Refresh my memory! Exactly what talking point was that, hehehe.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Not only that, she won the popular vote, so exactly how did Russia impact the election?
Now we know that whole narrative was false and came out of Hillary Clinton's campaign and was created by her private Army of Hackers, Internet Trolls, and IT Contractors, who plead the 5th 256 consecutive times despite being given immunity by The FBI.
Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.

I would love to see these two hang for their Treason and Treachery but The Deep State will probably cover for them.

Where is Hillary and Obama?

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