Where is my package?

US mail delivery was never a issue until DJT created it.
Bullshit! USPS has been a recurring issue since I've been alive and a model example of how government can fuck things up.

Just as every single government agency that have unionized government workers.
US mail delivery was never a issue until DJT created it.
Bullshit! USPS has been a recurring issue since I've been alive and a model example of how government can fuck things up.
Apparently y'all need a little primer on the post office.
US mail delivery was never an issue until DJT created it.
Donald created the Post Office?
Created the issue.

THE DEMOCRATS created the issue when they demanded that the entire nation try a completely different and untested method of voting, instituted mere weeks before the election, only previously done at the state level that these states admitted took them up to 5 years to work the bugs out, that not done right is just BEGGING for fraud, open to fraud, and at the worst time as Barr has said, at a time when the country is deeply divided and the last thing we need is doubt and uncertainty in our election, but are instead just trying to push us over that edge.

This election needs to be clear cut that there can be no questions, no dispute over its legitimacy in how we arrived at it, and I'm sorry, with what we are doing, it's not that hard and the risks that high that polls cannot take the necessary steps to assure safe voting, and those with undue health concerns have PLENTY of time to apply for an individual, absentee ballot.
US mail delivery was never an issue until DJT created it.
Donald created the Post Office?
Created the issue.

THE DEMOCRATS created the issue when they demanded that the entire nation try a completely different and untested method of voting, instituted mere weeks before the election, only previously done at the state level that these states admitted took them up to 5 years to work the bugs out, that not done right is just BEGGING for fraud, open to fraud, and at the worst time as Barr has said, at a time when the country is deeply divided and the last thing we need is doubt and uncertainty in our election, but are instead just trying to push us over that edge.

This election needs to be clear cut that there can be no questions, no dispute over its legitimacy in how we arrived at it, and I'm sorry, with what we are doing, it's not that hard and the risks that high that polls cannot take the necessary steps to assure safe voting, and those with undue health concerns have PLENTY of time to apply for an individual, absentee ballot.
Scream and post all you want to. Learn some history.

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