Where is OldLady?

I'm hardly ever here anymore. Not worth it.
Clearly from these comments:
You and Gracie are still loved and appreciated as irreplaceable characters in this motley crew of lost castaways!

Just ain't the same without you!

Keep adding to the mix.
You help make this place the unique
Zoo that it is.

Thanks Love and Hugs
from "Taliban Texas"....
Clearly from these comments:
You and Gracie are still loved and appreciated as irreplaceable characters in this motley crew of lost castaways!

Just ain't the same without you!

Keep adding to the mix.
You help make this place the unique
Zoo that it is.

Thanks Love and Hugs
from "Taliban Texas"....
Awww. Thanks Emily! Old Lady is like Coyote...I do not agree with her mindset at all when it comes to certain subjects but overall...both are ok in my book. But don't tell 'em I said that. Shhhhhhhhh.:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
Awww. Thanks Emily! Old Lady is like Coyote...I do not agree with her mindset at all when it comes to certain subjects but overall...both are ok in my book. But don't tell 'em I said that. Shhhhhhhhh.:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
If more people were like Coyote and OldLady we would have serious sensible discussions on how to solve conflicts.

Maybe it is "tribal turf wars" that get everyone on the defensive and offensive.

If we could pinpoint the character that allows people to interact and work things out, we could require all leaders to have mediators or negotiators on their team with that quality.

At this point, I think it takes a certain chemistry and balance among a team to bolster that quality.

We have that chemistry here. You contribute by pushing for better and not settling for less. We need all types to achieve the ideal that takes all of us combined from all angles.

Let's use this advantage and try to get the best ideas and solutions we can put together here, and share that with others and vice versa.

Thanks and let's multiply the good points and principles while correcting the bad.

Yours truly, Emily
If more people were like Coyote and OldLady we would have serious sensible discussions on how to solve conflicts.

Maybe it is "tribal turf wars" that get everyone on the defensive and offensive.

If we could pinpoint the character that allows people to interact and work things out, we could require all leaders to have mediators or negotiators on their team with that quality.

At this point, I think it takes a certain chemistry and balance among a team to bolster that quality.

We have that chemistry here. You contribute by pushing for better and not settling for less. We need all types to achieve the ideal that takes all of us combined from all angles.

Let's use this advantage and try to get the best ideas and solutions we can put together here, and share that with others and vice versa.

Thanks and let's multiply the good points and principles while correcting the bad.

Yours truly, Emily
Um. Uh. No. Sorry. There is no talking with discussion with either of them. We 3 are so far apart, there is no ideas or solutions that would please any of us..including everyone here. Too much political distance.

I don't agree with acl on much of what he says, but by golly..I like him. Don't know why, lol. I just like him. So....we sorta avoid stuff that goes against our grains and just Thank or Laugh now and then at each other. Hell, I'd love to meet him and have a cuppa.

Same with OldLady. I enjoy battling her because it doesn't get bloody, ya know? And Coyote? she is WAY out there, but her love of animals and especially dogs is what I love about her. Who can hate an animal lover like Coyote? Certainly not I.

We are all stuck in our ways. Which is what makes USMB what it is and the denizens that inhabit it. Irksome, tiresome, energy sucking, but...family. Except the ones I have on iggie, lol.
You mean well, Emily, but a Utopia will never happen at USMB. For which I am grateful. It would be so boring if we all were on the same page.
Coyote and OL are like so many around here in that they usually aren't the ones that start a fight but will engage if they want to. Unfortunately we have too many people that want to start a fight instead of having a discussion or debate. Or maybe in some cases they just don't know how. For some of them I guess it's about winning instead of learning, and then of course we also have the people that get their jollies by pissing someone else off. Freedom of speech can be a bitch sometimes.
For some of them I guess it's about winning instead of learning
I dont think so. For me, it is not about winning, and I can keep an open mind about many things, but...I also firm in what I myself believe and it will take a lot to change my mind of things I am firm about. Same for those who think opposite of what I think.

Winning has nothing to do with it. What is to win???
Um. Uh. No. Sorry. There is no talking with discussion with either of them. We 3 are so far apart, there is no ideas or solutions that would please any of us..including everyone here. Too much political distance.

I don't agree with acl on much of what he says, but by golly..I like him. Don't know why, lol. I just like him. So....we sorta avoid stuff that goes against our grains and just Thank or Laugh now and then at each other. Hell, I'd love to meet him and have a cuppa.

Same with OldLady. I enjoy battling her because it doesn't get bloody, ya know? And Coyote? she is WAY out there, but her love of animals and especially dogs is what I love about her. Who can hate an animal lover like Coyote? Certainly not I.

We are all stuck in our ways. Which is what makes USMB what it is and the denizens that inhabit it. Irksome, tiresome, energy sucking, but...family. Except the ones I have on iggie, lol.
Sometimes opposites attract, to use the old cliche. When my wife and I met in 1987, I was more or less liberal and she was fairly conservative . But the crazy thing is now we're still together 34 years later and I'm the conservative one and she's more liberal....she hates Trump, that's for sure.

I should say I'm more conservative.... not necessarily Republican, even though I voted for Trump in 2020.
Um. Uh. No. Sorry. There is no talking with discussion with either of them. We 3 are so far apart, there is no ideas or solutions that would please any of us..including everyone here. Too much political distance.

I don't agree with acl on much of what he says, but by golly..I like him. Don't know why, lol. I just like him. So....we sorta avoid stuff that goes against our grains and just Thank or Laugh now and then at each other. Hell, I'd love to meet him and have a cuppa.

Same with OldLady. I enjoy battling her because it doesn't get bloody, ya know? And Coyote? she is WAY out there, but her love of animals and especially dogs is what I love about her. Who can hate an animal lover like Coyote? Certainly not I.

We are all stuck in our ways. Which is what makes USMB what it is and the denizens that inhabit it. Irksome, tiresome, energy sucking, but...family. Except the ones I have on iggie, lol.
Did you ever figure out the trademark on that chinoiserie snuff box? I sent you some stuff but you had me on ignore back then. I didn't know how to tell you I wasn't insulting you so you'd look at it. :(
Did you ever figure out the trademark on that chinoiserie snuff box? I sent you some stuff but you had me on ignore back then. I didn't know how to tell you I wasn't insulting you so you'd look at it. :(
No..I never did. And yeah...I didn't see what you posted. I'm sorry. Thats the thing with iggie. Sometimes you miss some stuff that is not all battles.

I have that snuff box thingy packed away. Someday...I will find out what it is for reals. Got a friend in Morro Bay that is an antique dealer and he specializes in asian stuff. Then again, I may give it to someone who really is in to that. Beats having it in a box. You want it?
And yes..I now. I would see your address if you wanted it. But you would see mine too. LOL. What a conundrum, eh?
Unless you recommend someone you really trust here for me to send it to..and I trust as well...and they can forward it along. Maybe Kat? No. She is ill. Think of a way and if you want it...tis yours.

Then we can go back to verbal fisticuffs, lol.
I won't be putting you back on iggie either. When you make me bugshit crazy, I will just walk away..or laugh attcha. You do the same, lol.
And yes..I now. I would see your address if you wanted it. But you would see mine too. LOL. What a conundrum, eh?
Unless you recommend someone you really trust here for me to send it to..and I trust as well...and they can forward it along. Maybe Kat? No. She is ill. Think of a way and if you want it...tis yours.

Then we can go back to verbal fisticuffs, lol.
I appreciate it, Gracie, so generous! But the last thing I need is another mathom in a drawer somewhere--I'm pretty famous for picking stuff up at estate sales and second hand shops too.

I remembered wrong--we did talk in that thread! Here's the maker marks post I sent you. I took an unusual bit of silver to the science building at the local college once and used their high powered microscope to read the maker mark it was so small. Never did find a corresponding maker mark, but every country had its own and I didn't have that much patience. Yours looks pretty clear. Good luck.

Here's some Asian maker marks. Have fun!
Hey, I've gotten two tire changes and a snuff box out of it. It's cool.
Miss ya.

Hey, OldLady, for a Communist you're alright. :). I've been a member here for 8 years. This is entertainment for me. Nothing more. I take nothing here very seriously.

My advice, just enjoy yourself and post for fun. If it isn't fun don't post. And hey, I talked privately with aaronleland. He promises he will stop sending you dick pics. He's in a 12 step recovery program. :thup:
And yes..I now. I would see your address if you wanted it. But you would see mine too. LOL. What a conundrum, eh?
Unless you recommend someone you really trust here for me to send it to..and I trust as well...and they can forward it along. Maybe Kat? No. She is ill. Think of a way and if you want it...tis yours.

Then we can go back to verbal fisticuffs, lol.
What is wrong with Kat?
What is wrong with Kat?
She is ill. That is all I can say as it is not my place to share that kind of info. No, its not the china virus. She is just...ill. Bones, joints, etc. Triple times worse than mine.

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