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Where is the ACLU and Barry Lynn?

Show me that law that you believe was violated.

Show me the trespass by civil authority upon the things that are God's

Hey, you aid Dems did not campaign in Church's and now you ignore how the moonbat left takes Chursh's to court if they do not support the rabid left

You are the perfect lib - you duck, dodge, hide, and ignore the truth
I posted a long list of Bill Clinton making political statements in a Church

Now all you need to do is cite the statute that was violated.

Here is an example of Barry Lynn threatening Churches that do not support liberal views

Since when is filing a complaint, based on credible evidence and a reasonable interpretation of the law, a threat?
Now all you need to do is cite the statute that was violated.

Since when is filing a complaint, based on credible evidence and a reasonable interpretation of the law, a threat?

Your are such a fool. You say Dems do not campaign in a Church yet when I list many statements over many years from Bill, you change your stance

Yes, when the moonbat left threatens to sue a Church if they do not supporting Republcans - that is a threat

Also, here are more examples of the ACLU's war on Christmas. Not that it will mean anything to you

Christmas Under Attack Nationwide
Summary: Images of Jesus Christ and Christmas trees are being censored again this Christmas season across the U.S.

The secularist/ACLU war against Christianity continues to be waged all over the U.S. this Christmas season. The ACLU has sued in various communities to ban the display of Christmas trees as "religious symbols" and a library in Connecticut has banned art that portrays Jesus Christ

Library officials in Meriden, Connecticut, have banned five paintings of Jesus by local artist Mary Morley. The library is allowing paintings of Moses, David and Goliath, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II, and other religious figures but not Jesus.

According to Morley, library officials told her that paintings of Jesus "would cause too much upset and outcry. Isn't Jesus a historical figure?" The library says it can ban displays that are "inappropriate" or "offensive" to "any segment of the community."

Morley has contacted The Rutherford Institute to consider filing a lawsuit against the library for religious discrimination and violation of her freedom of speech.

More on this story is available here: Record-Journal.com.

In Pennsylvania, a school district and parents are arguing over whether or not to ban all Christmas celebrations, including the singing of Christmas carols.

In Colorado, the ACLU has threatened to sue a school district over Christmas celebrations, including the singing of "Jingle Bells." The ACLU claims that Jewish students don't feel "safe or welcome" in the school when Christmas is celebrated.

The school district is being defended by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF). According to ADF lawyer Barry Arrington, "This is the same old ACLU ploy of fear, intimidation and disinformation." The ADF has launched a Christmas Project that provides legal information for schools facing ACLU threats. TVC has posted several links on this issue on our web site.

The attacks on Christmas are not limited to the ACLU. Corporations are now becoming "politically correct" and many are deleting any mention of Christmas in their advertising or stores. Instead, they are using words like "winter holiday" to describe the Christmas season.

In New York, public school officials are denying that Jesus was a real historical figure so they can ban Christmas!

A couple in Virginia recently started a web site to fight back against this anti-Christmas trend. The GrinchList.com site describes what companies are becoming politically correct and lists those that are still promoting Christmas. The mission of the site is to: expose [offending organizations] to the millions of consumers whose heritage is being expunged from the public cultural arena."

GrinchList founders Kirk and Amy McElwain, urge consumers to contact stores that have censored any mention of Christmas and to encourage corporations that have stood strong against the tide of political correctness.

They have sued the Wilson County School System outside of Nashville, TN. We represent several school officials and teachers who have been charged with engaging in what the ACLU calls �illegal acts.� The ACLU claims that the plaintiffs have been harmed, injured and �suffered irreparable damage� through the Christmas program because of its �Christian themes and songs.� The ACLU will then ask for these actions be declared �unconstitutional and illegal.�

It gets even worse. The plaintiffs and the ACLU allege that several kindergarten students role-played a nativity scene of the birth of Jesus�and had the audacity to sing �Away in the Manger� and �Joy to the World.� According to the ACLU, these songs are exclusively Christian in nature because they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and are, therefore, inappropriate.

Now, post the ACLU's description of the Defendant's actions that the Plaintiff complains of. Then, show us the Plaintiffs Original Complaint filed against the Wilson County School System, so we can see which side is accurately describing the Plaintiff's Complaint.
Now, post the ACLU's description of the Defendant's actions that the Plaintiff complains of. Then, show us the Plaintiffs Original Complaint filed against the Wilson County School System, so we can see which side is accurately describing the Plaintiff's Complaint.

Do your own research you lazy lib. It is common knowledge how the ACLU hounds schools, cities, and business every Christmas
You say Dems do not campaign in a Church yet when I list many statements over many years from Bill, you change your stance.

Show me the law that was violated or explain how the Separation of Church and State was violated.

the moonbat left threatens to sue a Church if they do not supporting Republcans - that is a threat

Show me the actual verbal or written threat.

Library officials in Meriden, Connecticut, have banned five paintings of Jesus by local artist Mary Morley. The library is allowing paintings of Moses, David and Goliath, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II, and other religious figures but not Jesus.

According to Morley, library officials told her that paintings of Jesus "would cause too much upset and outcry. Isn't Jesus a historical figure?" The library says it can ban displays that are "inappropriate" or "offensive" to "any segment of the community."

Morley has contacted The Rutherford Institute to consider filing a lawsuit against the library for religious discrimination and violation of her freedom of speech.

Now, show us evidence that the ACLU operates the Public Library in Meriden, Connecticut and directed the actions of the library officials.
I certainly have no problems with judges interpreting the constitution to protect minority rights in the face of a mob mentality majority that would trample on them. For example, just because the collective will might wish to send all muslims or blacks or gays to internment camps, I don't think that we should be allowed to do so... you tend to think that gays marrying one another is a bad thing.... personally, I think it is none of your fucking business. period. And I would love for someone to explain to me how two men marrying one another negatively impacts anyone ELSE's marriage.

Well, first off fuckhead, it is my fucking business. Anytime you make something legal, it becomes socially acceptable, and increases the use of it.
The problems involved with that are so numerous, I shall state some of them, but certainly not all.
Of course you will have your usual liberal lemming rant, GUARANTEED. NOthing new will come out of your puny brain. On the other hand, you will see ideas presented by me that you have never heard before.
1. Marriage is a privledge, not a RIGHT. Rights never require a license. Last time I checked, to marry, one has to get a marriage license.
2. Family courts are clogged enough as is, it leads to bad decisions all the time. If same gender marriage is allowed, it will cause homosexuals to clog the courts up even more while they fight over who gets peewee, the pink poodle. GUARANTEED, this will lead to some decisions made by judges to be in poor judgement due to an even less amount of time alloted for them.
If even ONE CHILD is ever hurt by this, then it makes it my business and gives us fertile ground for opposing same sex marriage.
3. You should not do social experimenting with kids. Some things are so obvious, they are true based on a legal term called Prima Facia. No proof needed. The obvious answer is assumed true, untill one can positively prove otherwise. Kids need a mother and a father for the optimum enviorment to grow up in.
4.Allowing same gender marriage will by defacto, endorse it, government endorsement. This means the govt is stating that it is perfectly normal to be a homo. That is simply not true. Again, prima facia. Its so damn obvious from so many POV's its unreal. Using the male penis to pack someone else's fudge is perverted. But even more so, the FACT that a female cannot arouse a male is proof positive something has gone wrong. The penis is specifically designed or evolved for the purpose of procreation, which means arousal must take place. Obsiously something has gone WRONG,

The people have spoken, same gender marriage will simply not happen in our lifetime, and I doubt it ever will happen. It simply doesnt go in the same category as civil rights. In fact, all of the black people I talk to say its an insult to compare gay rights to civil rights.

You seem to be confused about the "majority rules" concept. At first you support it, power to the people, OPPPPPSSSSSSS, except when the people oppose one of your pet agendas, then suddenly the courts are so high and mighty. So, who is to choose which issues are worthy of the courts, and which arent.
The Constitution simply wasnt set up to be "interpeted" the way libs do it these days. In fact, most of the time, we dont operate under the Constitution, but what makes us different from other countries is we do operate under the law. The last contested presidental election showed that.
While most thought it embarrasing to America, in actuality, quite the opposite was true. It is impossible to avoid an occasional very tight election. THe question is how it is handled. A civil society will deal with it without violence, unlike more barbaric societies.

Executing the death penalty shows the maturity of a civilized nation.
Now, post the ACLU's description of the Defendant's actions that the Plaintiff complains of. Then, show us the Plaintiffs Original Complaint filed against the Wilson County School System, so we can see which side is accurately describing the Plaintiff's Complaint.

First you claim the American civil LIARS union isnt attacking Christmas of Christianity. RSR provides the proof, then you switch gears and want to know what law was violated.

The Aclu doesnt need to violate a law in order to attack Christianity or Christmas. RSR did not say they are attacking them using illegal tactics.
First you claim the American civil LIARS union isnt attacking Christmas of Christianity. RSR provides the proof, then you switch gears and want to know what law was violated.

The Aclu doesnt need to violate a law in order to attack Christianity or Christmas. RSR did not say they are attacking them using illegal tactics.

That is how libs debate. they make a statement - you disporive it with facts - then they change the subject

It is called the liberal two step. The do their dance in a feeble attempt not to nailed down in their lies

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