Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


"The way of transfer"

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "The
idea of transfer had accompanied
the Zionist movement from its
very beginnings," Tom Segev
reports. "'Disappearing' the Arabs
lay at the heart of the Zionist
dream, and was also a necessary
condition of its existence . . . ."

Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


"The way of transfer"

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "The
idea of transfer had accompanied
the Zionist movement from its
very beginnings," Tom Segev
reports. "'Disappearing' the Arabs
lay at the heart of the Zionist
dream, and was also a necessary
condition of its existence . . . ."


You have already answered your own question.

Palestinian Arabs are NOT CHRISTIANS and therefore NOT entitled Christian Charity.

It's kinda like the so-called "Right To Life". There was not "Right To Life" for the unborn in Afghanistan and Iraq because not American or Christian there was no "Right To Life" to begin with.
There are MANY Islamic states, only one Jewish one. The Palestinians never wish to assimilate or be one with the Jewish people of Israel.
Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


"The way of transfer"

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "The
idea of transfer had accompanied
the Zionist movement from its
very beginnings," Tom Segev
reports. "'Disappearing' the Arabs
lay at the heart of the Zionist
dream, and was also a necessary
condition of its existence . . . ."


You have already answered your own question.

Palestinian Arabs are NOT CHRISTIANS and therefore NOT entitled Christian Charity.

It's kinda like the so-called "Right To Life". There was not "Right To Life" for the unborn in Afghanistan and Iraq because not American or Christian there was no "Right To Life" to begin with.

But neither are the zionuts - so why the disparate treatment?

Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


"The way of transfer"

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "The
idea of transfer had accompanied
the Zionist movement from its
very beginnings," Tom Segev
reports. "'Disappearing' the Arabs
lay at the heart of the Zionist
dream, and was also a necessary
condition of its existence . . . ."


Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive." They asked, and now they are receiving.
When the Palestinians renounce the desire to destroy Jews and Israel, when they cease firing rockets mortars and missiles into Israel aimed at day care centers and malls, when they renounce terrorism in all its forms, I may change my mind about the murderous thugs and killers.
I do have compassion for the Palestinians, however I side with the Jews in the conflict.
Perhaps if the Palestinians stopped supporting and turned against those who fire hundreds of rockets into Israel knowing full well how Israel will respond they could find a way to live in peace.
Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


"The way of transfer"

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "The
idea of transfer had accompanied
the Zionist movement from its
very beginnings," Tom Segev
reports. "'Disappearing' the Arabs
lay at the heart of the Zionist
dream, and was also a necessary
condition of its existence . . . ."


You have already answered your own question.

Palestinian Arabs are NOT CHRISTIANS and therefore NOT entitled Christian Charity.

It's kinda like the so-called "Right To Life". There was not "Right To Life" for the unborn in Afghanistan and Iraq because not American or Christian there was no "Right To Life" to begin with.

Bullshit. There are plenty of Palestinian Christians. Like Suha Arafat.

So yet another jew-hating thread by one of the many resident brain dead goose steppers on this site. What's new?
Israel is being compassionate. Were it not for their Iron Dome defense system they would have laid waste to Gaza entirely.
When the Palestinians renounce the desire to destroy Jews and Israel, when they cease firing rockets mortars and missiles into Israel aimed at day care centers and malls, when they renounce terrorism in all its forms, I may change my mind about the murderous thugs and killers.
All true patriotic American's who love freedom and liberty for people fighting against brutal tyrants.

Should champion the brave Palestinian freedom fighters who against overwhelming odds refuse to surrender to the fascist Israeli's and their apartheid murder machine known as the IDF.

Just like the heroic Texan's who fought the last stand at the Alamo; or the US soldiers who defended Wake Island during WWII and outnumbered a 1,000 to 1

The stoic Palestinian people are to be admired for their continued resistance against evil. .. :cool:
When the Palestinians renounce the desire to destroy Jews and Israel, when they cease firing rockets mortars and missiles into Israel aimed at day care centers and malls, when they renounce terrorism in all its forms, I may change my mind about the murderous thugs and killers.
All true patriotic American's who love freedom and liberty for people fighting against brutal tyrants.

Should champion the brave Palestinian freedom fighters who against overwhelming odds refuse to surrender to the fascist Israeli's and their apartheid murder machine known as the IDF.

Just like the heroic Texan's who fought the last stand at the Alamo; or the US soldiers who defended Wake Island during WWII and outnumbered a 1,000 to 1

The stoic Palestinian people are to be admired for their continued resistance against evil. .. :cool:

I admire them. I will admire them when they end up just like the Texans at the Alamo.
Palestinians - "Israel should not be allowed to exist." Who are they or anyone for that matter - can tell another human being that they have no right to exist?? That is sheer hatred.
The Palestinian Arabs are killers. I have compassion for them. They should change their murderous ways and convert to Christianity. Or, just die.

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