Where Is the KKK?

I think the KKK is dead, too much baggage and you can't wear white after Labor Day.

I don't believe that is true. In August 2017, hundreds of far-right extremists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue from a local park. Dubbed “Unite the Right,” the gathering was the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades. It also demonstrated a resurgent and emboldened white supremacist movement with lots of anti-Semitism mixed in.
Did you bother to read the article? It says HUNDREDS and that it was the largest assembly in decades. That invalidates your whole premis.
I think the KKK is dead, too much baggage and you can't wear white after Labor Day.

I don't believe that is true. In August 2017, hundreds of far-right extremists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue from a local park. Dubbed “Unite the Right,” the gathering was the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades. It also demonstrated a resurgent and emboldened white supremacist movement with lots of anti-Semitism mixed in.
I was heading there that morning to join them but decided I didn't feel like a 6-hour drive. I know a lot of people who were there and can say that most of what you think you know about that event is a HOAX. Read the recently released book...Charlottesville: Untold

The book gives the truth about that event, and even has scannable links inside that play videos proving its statements to be correct.
Anyone have a reputable story of the KKK doing anything in the past decade?

Seems most of the racism going on are Leftist hoaxes.

Jussie Smollett's Race Hoax Joins a List of HUNDREDS of Other Fake 'Hate Crimes.' Here Are Just 8...​

The KKK is where it's always been...firmly entrenched in the DemoKKKrat party. I mean, this guy is still governor in Virginia, because his fellow DemoKKKrats made sure he kept his job.

Anyone have a reputable story of the KKK doing anything in the past decade?

You'd have to go back to the 1980s to find any actual KKK activity. They've been, for all intents and purposes, extinct since then, since they were sued into bankruptcy by the mother of one of their last victims.

The modern counterparts to the KKK are the “Black LIES Matter and Antifa movements.
You'd have to go back to the 1980s to find any actual KKK activity. They've been, for all intents and purposes, extinct since then, since they were sued into bankruptcy by the mother of one of their last victims.

The modern counterparts to the KKK are the “Black LIES Matter and Antifa movements.
BLM and Antifa (who are interchangeable at this point) have far more Blood on their hands than the KKK has in 100 years combined. Yet, why is the KKK part of our daily vernacular?
Screw the KKK but I’m from the little town of the old leader the Berrys. Fun fact his son married a black woman and ended up beating his Dad half to death for calling her… well you know
I think the KKK is dead, too much baggage and you can't wear white after Labor Day.

I don't believe that is true. In August 2017, hundreds of far-right extremists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue from a local park. Dubbed “Unite the Right,” the gathering was the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades. It also demonstrated a resurgent and emboldened white supremacist movement with lots of anti-Semitism mixed in.
"...hundreds of far-right extremists..."

"...the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades."

Hundreds. Oooooh.

Hundreds are politically insignificant.
ended up beating his Dad half to death for calling her… well you know

"...hundreds of far-right extremists..."

"...the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades."

Hundreds. Oooooh.

Hundreds are politically insignificant.
I know---what a BS article....and they weren't violent. And they were there to protest the destruction of their culture, which was and IS happening.
Anyone have a reputable story of the KKK doing anything in the past decade?

Seems most of the racism going on are Leftist hoaxes.

Jussie Smollett's Race Hoax Joins a List of HUNDREDS of Other Fake 'Hate Crimes.' Here Are Just 8...​


If you somehow entered a room where 10 "kkk members" were having a meeting, rest assured that four of them are FBI paid informants, three of them are actual FBI agents, one is an ATF agent, one is DEA, and one is a blithering idiot being set up.

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