Where Is Trump On The Constitution?

The op wants America to be a third world shit hole that doesn't lead in shit. Period. This is the problem with being 240 years out of date.
The op wants America to be a third world shit hole that doesn't lead in shit. Period. This is the problem with being 240 years out of date.
To Matthew: Third World shit holes were shit holes centuries before Columbus landed. They remained shit holes throughout centuries of colonization by advanced European nations. They will remain shit holes regardless of colonization in the name of democracy.

NOTE: Slaughtering shit hole inhabitants is the only way the New World Order can eliminate Third World shit holes —— which is exactly what population controls is designed to do.

Our government’s only “global” responsibility is to improving the standard of living Americans enjoy. You and your kind preach a sick moral responsibility at the same time you bring in millions of pieces of shit from the shit holes without improving their homelands one iota.

Incidentally, spiritual leaders like that filthy sack of shit in the White House brought this country closer to becoming a shit hole in seven years, while it took centuries for primitive shit hole governments to do the same thing.
Both Trumpery and CrazyCruz have demonstrated their disdain for the US Constitution.

Trumpery has said he would gut the first and fifth amendments.

Reading CrazyCruz's voting record will give you the chills. He is in favor of sharia law and of stealing people's paychecks.

They're different sides of the same fascist coin.

This is the sweetest music this side of heaven:

“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said. “Carly knows from decades in the business world … where jobs come from, and she respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”​

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
BY: Morgan Chalfant
April 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution

Everybody who has not been vacationing in outer-space since the LBJ years knows that Democrats have been working tirelessly to abolish every individual Right in the Bill Of Rights. Big government authority is the only part of the U. S. Constitution Socialists support. Examples: The XVI and XVII Amendments are not individual Rights. Those two amendments did more than anything else to transform the Constitution into a Bill of Rights for government bureaucrats.

I have one question for Donald Trump before it is too late. What is your plan for making this country great without first making the Constitution great again?

Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party. So I would like to know if President Donald Trump has enough knowledge to do the same.

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.

I think a better question is; where is Trump on the constitution *today*.

As the man waffles more than Belgium.
I see nothing in this thread, posted by the originator or anyone else, that even remotely relates to Trump's views on the Constitution.

What am I missing?
I see nothing in this thread, posted by the originator or anyone else, that even remotely relates to Trump's views on the Constitution.

What am I missing?
To DGS49: My thread was posed as a question so anybody could answer to their own satisfaction. I did offer a partial analysis in the OP:

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.​
I see nothing in this thread, posted by the originator or anyone else, that even remotely relates to Trump's views on the Constitution.

What am I missing?

That his constitutional views are ephemeral and based largely on his mood on any given day.
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The op wants America to be a third world shit hole that doesn't lead in shit. Period. This is the problem with being 240 years out of date.
To Matthew: Third World shit holes were shit holes centuries before Columbus landed. They remained shit holes throughout centuries of colonization by advanced European nations. They will remain shit holes regardless of colonization in the name of democracy.

NOTE: Slaughtering shit hole inhabitants is the only way the New World Order can eliminate Third World shit holes —— which is exactly what population controls is designed to do.

Our government’s only “global” responsibility is to improving the standard of living Americans enjoy. You and your kind preach a sick moral responsibility at the same time you bring in millions of pieces of shit from the shit holes without improving their homelands one iota.

Incidentally, spiritual leaders like that filthy sack of shit in the White House brought this country closer to becoming a shit hole in seven years, while it took centuries for primitive shit hole governments to do the same thing.

Flanders, you are beginning to upset me. Will you please say what you believe and feel? As you are well aware, a ten trillion dollar annual budget for NASA is all Matthew asks for.
I want my federal government to have enough power to do the will of the people that elects them. This idea that we should have a powerless federal government is really baseless on reality.
Flanders, you are beginning to upset me. Will you please say what you believe and feel? As you are well aware, a ten trillion dollar annual budget for NASA is all Matthew asks for.
To I Amso IR: Perhaps you should say what you believe and feel? I cannot tell if you are serious!
I want my federal government to have enough power to do the will of the people that elects them.
To Matthew: Spoken like a confirmed parasite. The flaw in your argument becomes apparent when the parasites outnumber the producers. Sadly, every generation breeds legions of fools and parasites who believe a benign totalitarian government is possible.

Finally, parasites feasting at the public larder had more to do with bringing down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture, than did any other factor. America will be no different.​

Pigs Will Fly Before Parasites Become Producers
Flanders, you are beginning to upset me. Will you please say what you believe and feel? As you are well aware, a ten trillion dollar annual budget for NASA is all Matthew asks for.
To I Amso IR: Perhaps you should say what you believe and feel? I cannot tell if you are serious!
I want my federal government to have enough power to do the will of the people that elects them.
To Matthew: Spoken like a confirmed parasite. The flaw in your argument becomes apparent when the parasites outnumber the producers. Sadly, every generation breeds legions of fools and parasites who believe a benign totalitarian government is possible.

Finally, parasites feasting at the public larder had more to do with bringing down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture, than did any other factor. America will be no different.​

Pigs Will Fly Before Parasites Become Producers

Flanders, I was not serious at all, rather just bafooning on your seriousness. It is called taking no prisoner(s). I had hoped my 10 trillion dollar annual budget remark would help out. Actually, Matt only wants 7 or 8 billion a year. I simply hyped it a tad. Don't we wish we had a few billion to lay on space travel? It is right around the corner in the next 50/100 years. Just think, an earth built space ship, moving at near light speed, hitting a small speck of dust! Opp's, now a big cloud of dust! Worse it will happen on the trip home.
“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said.

Straw man fallacy – Cruz is a liar, as Trump, Clinton, and Sanders believe no such thing.

Cruz quitting the race was music the America’s ears.
I see nothing in this thread, posted by the originator or anyone else, that even remotely relates to Trump's views on the Constitution.

What am I missing?

Trumps views on the Constitution?
too bad none of you worried about that with Obama. it doesn't matter anymore. Obama showed how someone can break the laws, break our constitution with EO, Memorandums, government agencies making rules without our representation of our congress, etc and not a thing was said by the people in this country.

just start learning to say: yes masters
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I want my federal government to have enough power to do the will of the people that elects them. This idea that we should have a powerless federal government is really baseless on reality.
That is the point of the Constitution. To keep the Federal government from getting into areas that do not fall within its jurisdiction, to prevent mob rule, and to protect the rights of the states and individuals. A government that would do "the will of the people" would ban unpopular views, prevent your ability to defend yourself, create a state religion, etc., all of the things the Founders wanted to prevent.

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