Where the money for climate science is raised and who spends it

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

This is the signature RINO hall of worship. Anything "climate spending" is OKed without any thought. JUST DO IT!!!

The Co2 FRAUD is THE MOST OBVIOUS SCIENCE FRAUD ever. It is a disgusting reminder of HOW STUPID MANY PEOPLE ARE right now that it continues....
This is the signature RINO hall of worship. Anything "climate spending" is OKed without any thought. JUST DO IT!!!

The Co2 FRAUD is THE MOST OBVIOUS SCIENCE FRAUD ever. It is a disgusting reminder of HOW STUPID MANY PEOPLE ARE right now that it continues....
What do you mean putting the blame on Republicans? She did not mention CO2 in her commentary and my purpose was not to chat about CO2 but to expose Academia for them supporting climate change. There is big money made by being a Addition to climate so called science.
It all starts with the worst traitor in American history, George W Bush, firing 7 US Attorneys in 2007. Then it came to the homO Administration and treasonous left wing black affirmative action bigot Eric Holder, who told homO about the case, and it took two years to decide to toss the FBI fraud case against the "climate scientists" into the CLOSET...

The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" are just as guilty regarding the Co2 Fraud as their allies, the left wing commie hate hoaxing homos, and this was what sealed the "alliance for treason against America"



Michelle and George: The Embrace Seen Around the World - The New York Times

When SUBs vote for "pro Israel" Republicans, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO AMERICA!!!! ^^^^^^
I am not about to believe your junk about Bush merely because he was kind to other officials of the Government. Firing Clinton's attorneys is not unusual, it has been done by many presidents.

I want to remind every reader that your news content is run by Democrats. Yes Rs do have a small amount of news they run, but they do not pull the crap Democrats pull. Does anybody think Biden kept the Trump lawyers? Give me a break man.
The woman in the video claims she was a physics major ... not Atmospheric Science ... and in typical pussy fashion goes into great detail about her emotional state of mind during her time as a physics major ...

[yawn] ...

It was the math that chased her off ... not financing ... pretty lame ...


It's expensive researching weather in the polar regions ... at least Antarctica is on dry land and that helps a little ... but still, if we want the weather in the polar regions studied, we need to spend the money to set meteorologists up in some fairly harsh conditions, on a big ship ... weather you like it or not, we have NOT spent that money and we know very very very little about polar whether ...

We can totally disprove climate change tomorrow and climate research will continue ... the money will continue flowing ... important basic research will be completed ... just like research continues on asteroids even though we're clear from attack for at least 300 years, and very likely 3,000 years ...

That's just how science is ...
Follow the money.

All of the corrupting bribe money goes to Robert's pals, so all the fraud and garbage science comes from Robert's pals. No scientist spouts denier garbage unless they get paid well to do so.

The academics, they get paid the same no matter what they report. They refuse denier bribe money. They take a pay cult to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility.
This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

For the Grant Money ,of course. Just proves Big Colleges are a ripoff.
This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

As often said, follow the money trail.
In this case, lots of money for the pro-AGW/ACC agenda, next to none for the common sense anti-AGW/ACC.
Follow the money.

All of the corrupting bribe money goes to Robert's pals, so all the fraud and garbage science comes from Robert's pals. No scientist spouts denier garbage unless they get paid well to do so.

The academics, they get paid the same no matter what they report. They refuse denier bribe money. They take a pay cult to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility.
Bribes as you talk of them do not flow to the alarmist proclaimers. That is all you are, You predict the future as were you a seer.
Forecasting Future Events with AI and ML: Capabilities and ...

Predicting future events is a complex task that requires understanding the underlying factors that influence the event and the ability to model the interactions between those factors.Jul 6, 2023
For the Grant Money ,of course. Just proves Big Colleges are a ripoff.
The money is being made by the future predictors. And they have no evidence to back them up. When any of them shows they control even a tornado, we can then allege they are on the right track to predict climate. Even weather forecaster's leave room for mistakes.
This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

The impetus for university researchers to get grants and get published precedes global warming by many years and it is certainly not limited to climate researchers. Universities have many other departments and they are all under pressure to publish. This is evidence of nothing Robert.
The impetus for university researchers to get grants and get published precedes global warming by many years and it is certainly not limited to climate researchers. Universities have many other departments and they are all under pressure to publish. This is evidence of nothing Robert.
It is evidence of what I said. And nobody is trying to claim you are wrong. Yet here you are trying it on me.
The impetus for university researchers to get grants and get published precedes global warming by many years and it is certainly not limited to climate researchers. Universities have many other departments and they are all under pressure to publish. This is evidence of nothing Robert.

And now global warming is the biggest cash cow in history.
Climb on board. Don't dissent or you'll get canceled.
This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

So where is the money raised and who spends it?
The woman in the video claims she was a physics major ... not Atmospheric Science ... and in typical pussy fashion goes into great detail about her emotional state of mind during her time as a physics major ...

[yawn] ...

It was the math that chased her off ... not financing ... pretty lame ...


It's expensive researching weather in the polar regions ... at least Antarctica is on dry land and that helps a little ... but still, if we want the weather in the polar regions studied, we need to spend the money to set meteorologists up in some fairly harsh conditions, on a big ship ... weather you like it or not, we have NOT spent that money and we know very very very little about polar whether ...

We can totally disprove climate change tomorrow and climate research will continue ... the money will continue flowing ... important basic research will be completed ... just like research continues on asteroids even though we're clear from attack for at least 300 years, and very likely 3,000 years ...

That's just how science is ...
there is absolutely no current risk of antarctica melting for any reason. To date, no reason has been given, no empirical data to suggest any concern with antarctica melting. The same with the arctic. none!!!! not one piece of empirical evidence. IN fact, every concerned ever raised has never come to fruition. Not a fking one!

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