Where the moon landings a cold war publicity stunt

It appears some of the photos where staged or enhanced...the ufo that followed apollo may have discouraged further launches...who knows
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlkV1ybBnHI]Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO Encounter - YouTube[/ame]
All things considered, it was a very large expenditure for very little direct gain. Spin offs occurred in technology, yes, but investing half the sum for alternative energies would probably have put us in a much better place than we are.
All things considered, it was a very large expenditure for very little direct gain. Spin offs occurred in technology, yes, but investing half the sum for alternative energies would probably have put us in a much better place than we are.

We dont need no stinking alternative energies...we need more big fiery gas guzzling all american gawd damn rockets....ya hippie commie

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSv5383Dpvs&feature=fvwrel]The launch of Apollo 11 - YouTube[/ame]
Ahh, but they DO use hydrogen, a very good alternative fuel.

And God has not damned me; we have conversations every evening and he is very happy with me! You, however..., well, I don't want to tell tales out of school, but he has had some harsh words to say! Not just you, either! He is a communist and is very displeased at all those who speak badly of it. I let him think I am a commie so he doesn't get upset, so don't tell him I really am not.

PS My hips are not exceptionally big, either!
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I thought by now there would be a human presence on the moon - instead it was cut and rub ...............

what went wrong ????????????

You're really not the brightest crayon in the box, are ya?

Do you realize how much money it takes to send just 1 lb into space?
I thought by now there would be a human presence on the moon - instead it was cut and rub ...............

what went wrong ????????????

You're really not the brightest crayon in the box, are ya?

Do you realize how much money it takes to send just 1 lb into space?

Lighten up! Surely you can see he's joking.....

.....isn't he?

If you've seen some of the other crap they've posted, you'd know they aren't joking.
I thought by now there would be a human presence on the moon - instead it was cut and rub ...............

what went wrong ????????????

They just announced in 2023 they are going to land on the moon again. Should happen in 2026

I think it's funny they said much of the technology the mission will require, including spacesuits for walking on the moon, are still in development. But we supposedly had guys walk around the moon in spacesuits in the 70's, come back to earth and live into their 90's. Aren't the 1970 spacesuits good?
Well, it was just announced a couple of days ago that we are going back to the moon for a flyby in November of 2024.

A fly by? We've supposedly already done that 9 times

Six missions landed humans on the Moon, beginning with Apollo 11 in July 1969, during which Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon. Apollo 13 was intended to land; however, it was restricted to a flyby due to a malfunction aboard the spacecraft. All nine crewed missions returned safely to the Earth.

And we are getting ready to go back and it's going to take until 2026? Sounds to me like it's our first time landing on the moon.

And did you read they don't even have suits for the astronauts. HUH? We sent 6 missions where humans landed on the moon and their acting like it's our first time. Those suits we used in the 70's worked great.

Why are they acting like it's our first time? Because it will be our first time.
They just announced in 2023 they are going to land on the moon again. Should happen in 2026

I think it's funny they said much of the technology the mission will require, including spacesuits for walking on the moon, are still in development. But we supposedly had guys walk around the moon in spacesuits in the 70's, come back to earth and live into their 90's. Aren't the 1970 spacesuits good?
NASA spent over One billion dollars on these new space suits. This is the problem in this age. The hard problems were tackled a long time ago. And now everything is expensive due to equity excessiveness, diversity excessiveness, lowered standards, corruption of government politicos, corrupted contractors and so on.
NASA spent over One billion dollars on these new space suits. This is the problem in this age. The hard problems were tackled a long time ago. And now everything is expensive due to equity excessiveness, diversity excessiveness, lowered standards, corruption of government politicos, corrupted contractors and so on.
If Buzz and Neal used them, came home and lived to be old men, those old suits must work. Makes me think they never really did it. Not if they are basically telling us they have to start from scratch on everything. Something fishy with the story.

Today I believe we can land on the moon but not 1969.
I thought by now there would be a human presence on the moon - instead it was cut and rub ...............

what went wrong ????????????

The Moon is crap. Literally, nothing to do or see there. What's the point in spending billions getting there?
The ONLY reason the US is going back is because China seems to be interested in mining the thing.
The Moon is crap. Literally, nothing to do or see there. What's the point in spending billions getting there?
The ONLY reason the US is going back is because China seems to be interested in mining the thing.
In this day and age with AI and GW we need to first get on the moon. Then Mars. Then start taking valuable resources from the meteor belt and mars. Then build a spaceship humans can live on for years. Then eventually send that ship into interstellar space.

Unless you think the human race should just die out one day when a meteor hits earth or we wipe ourselves out some other way? Is that what you think? We should not even bother? Just die here when that inevitable day comes?

Shit, we could even have a catastrophy that wipes out humans on earth but in 2 or 5 years we can go back and start over again. Or 20 years. But if we do nothing like you suggest, we'll just die off when it happens? I hope not.

Are you a religious person? I find most religious people believe humans will go when Revelation prophecies come true. It's also why Christians don't believe or care about global warming. The bible never mentioned it in the End Days so they don't believe it's an issue. If it was it'd be talked about in the bible. Is that you?
In this day and age with AI and GW we need to first get on the moon. Then Mars. Then start taking valuable resources from the meteor belt and mars. Then build a spaceship humans can live on for years. Then eventually send that ship into interstellar space.

Unless you think the human race should just die out one day when a meteor hits earth or we wipe ourselves out some other way? Is that what you think? We should not even bother? Just die here when that inevitable day comes?

Shit, we could even have a catastrophy that wipes out humans on earth but in 2 or 5 years we can go back and start over again. Or 20 years. But if we do nothing like you suggest, we'll just die off when it happens? I hope not.

Are you a religious person? I find most religious people believe humans will go when Revelation prophecies come true. It's also why Christians don't believe or care about global warming. The bible never mentioned it in the End Days so they don't believe it's an issue. If it was it'd be talked about in the bible. Is that you?

I don't think we really need to worry about going to space or suffer being wiped out. I think humans as independent entities won't last much longer anyway.

They think they can achieve immortality in humans, which of course will be expensive and probably limited to dictators and the billionaires, and then we're fucked because the dictators will control everything forever, and there won't be any change

With AI and robots, we don't need humans to work to produce money, so just stick humans in some VR world where they can't do any harm, give them 24/7 entertainment and the rich can rule everything, way, way before we get a chance to leave the planet.
I don't think we really need to worry about going to space or suffer being wiped out. I think humans as independent entities won't last much longer anyway.

They think they can achieve immortality in humans, which of course will be expensive and probably limited to dictators and the billionaires, and then we're fucked because the dictators will control everything forever, and there won't be any change

With AI and robots, we don't need humans to work to produce money, so just stick humans in some VR world where they can't do any harm, give them 24/7 entertainment and the rich can rule everything, way, way before we get a chance to leave the planet.

1. Bad attitude. You don't think humans will last much longer? Hopefully you are wrong. And hopefully we don't listen to people like you when we discuss going into space.

2. We will be wiped out. Just a matter of time. But there is no stopping it. It could be in 100 years, 400 years, 1000 years, 5000 years, 20,000 years, 500,000 years. I'd like to know that when earth is no longer habitable for humans, we still exist in the universe. On the Moon, Mars, Europa, in a Space ship or on Alpha Centuari.

3. Think about it this way. Do you care about your great great grandkids even though you're never going to meet them? Then you should care about the human race in 500,000 years from now. I care.

4. If only billionaires and millionaires go up into space, that's fine by me. Of course they will take along some worker bees to do the jobs they don't want to do. But I'm okay with only billionaires getting to go. I'm not worried that my gene's live on. I'm only concerned about the human species.

5. Eventually all humans will die when the universe dies. I just want to prolong it as long as possible. Immortality??? Religious people want to believe their souls will live forever. I want to believe humans will.

6. I wish I lived in the day where humans don't work. How uncivilized it is to give up 9 hours, call it 10 with the drive. Hell, with showering and getting ready in the morning, let's call it 11 hours a day we give up to go do some bullshit we don't really want to do, all to put food on the table and pay our bills. And most of us are grinding it out every day living paycheck to paycheck never saving enough for retirement. Is this the best we can do? I hope one day Capitalism is a thing of the past. I'm sure there will always be have's and have nots but even the have nots don't have to work. Maybe the poor do but not the middle class. And I would hope the majority of humans in the future will be comfortably middle class. The rich will always exist. It's just the way humans are. Hierarchy. But I would love to spend my days doing what I want to do. Fish, paint, walk my dog, hunt, sleep in, stay up late watching sports and movies, going to sporting events.

Anyone with a talent like pro baseball players, inventors, actors, etc. Those people will still work but it's work they WANT to do. Or a stock broker who doesn't want to be middle class so they work to become rich or upper middle. But if I just want to enjoy my short time on earth, why not? Why do each of us have to give up 11 hours a day x 5 days a week for 30-50 years? What we are doing now might work pretty good but I'm sure we could do better.

Humans took a turn for the worse the day we started working for other people. Before that we only worked as much as we needed. So I would go out, catch a fish so I can eat that night, then the rest of the day I do whatever I want. Fix my hut, tend to the gardan, bonk a cave woman over the head and basically make her my slave. LOL
1. Bad attitude. You don't think humans will last much longer? Hopefully you are wrong. And hopefully we don't listen to people like you when we discuss going into space.

2. We will be wiped out. Just a matter of time. But there is no stopping it. It could be in 100 years, 400 years, 1000 years, 5000 years, 20,000 years, 500,000 years. I'd like to know that when earth is no longer habitable for humans, we still exist in the universe. On the Moon, Mars, Europa, in a Space ship or on Alpha Centuari.

3. Think about it this way. Do you care about your great great grandkids even though you're never going to meet them? Then you should care about the human race in 500,000 years from now. I care.

4. If only billionaires and millionaires go up into space, that's fine by me. Of course they will take along some worker bees to do the jobs they don't want to do. But I'm okay with only billionaires getting to go. I'm not worried that my gene's live on. I'm only concerned about the human species.

5. Eventually all humans will die when the universe dies. I just want to prolong it as long as possible. Immortality??? Religious people want to believe their souls will live forever. I want to believe humans will.

6. I wish I lived in the day where humans don't work. How uncivilized it is to give up 9 hours, call it 10 with the drive. Hell, with showering and getting ready in the morning, let's call it 11 hours a day we give up to go do some bullshit we don't really want to do, all to put food on the table and pay our bills. And most of us are grinding it out every day living paycheck to paycheck never saving enough for retirement. Is this the best we can do? I hope one day Capitalism is a thing of the past. I'm sure there will always be have's and have nots but even the have nots don't have to work. Maybe the poor do but not the middle class. And I would hope the majority of humans in the future will be comfortably middle class. The rich will always exist. It's just the way humans are. Hierarchy. But I would love to spend my days doing what I want to do. Fish, paint, walk my dog, hunt, sleep in, stay up late watching sports and movies, going to sporting events.

Anyone with a talent like pro baseball players, inventors, actors, etc. Those people will still work but it's work they WANT to do. Or a stock broker who doesn't want to be middle class so they work to become rich or upper middle. But if I just want to enjoy my short time on earth, why not? Why do each of us have to give up 11 hours a day x 5 days a week for 30-50 years? What we are doing now might work pretty good but I'm sure we could do better.

Humans took a turn for the worse the day we started working for other people. Before that we only worked as much as we needed. So I would go out, catch a fish so I can eat that night, then the rest of the day I do whatever I want. Fix my hut, tend to the gardan, bonk a cave woman over the head and basically make her my slave. LOL

Why do you care if humans survive or not?
We're not special. Just another biological being.

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