Where Trump Stands on Campaign Promises


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Okay, so Lifezette.com is a right-wing site. So what? It doesn’t make the information less valid. But, we all know the leftist/prog trolls here will never, ever click on the link @ Where Trump Stands on Campaign Promises

So, I’ll digest the information here:

Promises Delivered:

Refuse a salary

Replace Scalia with a proven conservative

Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Revive pipeline projects

Bomb the sh*t out of ISIS

Promises broken:

Declare China a currency manipulator

Abolish the Export-Import Bank

Promises likely to be delivered:

Cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities

Repeal and replace Obamacare

Promises likely to be broken:

Stay Out of Syria

Tear Up Obama’s Executive Amnesty Orders

Promises Reversed

Hiring Freeze on Federal Employees

Promises Partially Delivered

Clamp Down on Federal Regulations

Defund Planned Parenthood

And this is with two weeks to go in the first one hundred days. What will he come up with and accomplish within the first one thousand? Or the first year? Fellow Trumpsters, don’t give up on any of it. Remember, he’s dealing with a seriously spineless Congress and powerful lobbyists and special interest groups.
"I am a negotiator" lol yea trump. obviously. That's why everything you do is by EO and your healthcare fell flat.
Okay, so Lifezette.com is a right-wing site. So what? It doesn’t make the information less valid. But, we all know the leftist/prog trolls here will never, ever click on the link @ Where Trump Stands on Campaign Promises

So, I’ll digest the information here:

Promises Delivered:

Refuse a salary

Replace Scalia with a proven conservative

Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Revive pipeline projects

Bomb the sh*t out of ISIS

Promises broken:

Declare China a currency manipulator

Abolish the Export-Import Bank

Promises likely to be delivered:

Cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities

Repeal and replace Obamacare

Promises likely to be broken:

Stay Out of Syria

Tear Up Obama’s Executive Amnesty Orders

Promises Reversed

Hiring Freeze on Federal Employees

Promises Partially Delivered

Clamp Down on Federal Regulations

Defund Planned Parenthood

And this is with two weeks to go in the first one hundred days. What will he come up with and accomplish within the first one thousand? Or the first year? Fellow Trumpsters, don’t give up on any of it. Remember, he’s dealing with a seriously spineless Congress and powerful lobbyists and special interest groups.
Lied about Foreign Policy and that's a HUGE one. Simple as that. I don't care what else he does....he is doing the bidding of the neo cons and the zionists so he is just another shill.

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