where was the panic during the swine flu outbreak ?

the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
a fraction of the transmission ability ?? then why were millions infected ? why did thousands die ?face it Trumps travel bans and proactive measures were more effective than obama's .
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where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak
There was nothing to criticize in Obama's EXCELLENT and PERFECT handling of the swine (Trump?) flu, unlike Nazi Don"s complete failure to contain the Trump-19 virus.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
and millions of Americans were infected and thousands died and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized because of swine flu a less fatal and less infectious disease than covid 19 ! thanks to Trump we haven't seen those numbers and we wont ! Trump is a much much better leader !
Libs hate it that we rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of the liberal double standard, Obama vs Trump. Deal with it snowflakes.
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
and millions of Americans were infected and thousands died and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized because of swine flu a less fatal and less infectious disease than covid 19 ! thanks to Trump we haven't seen those numbers and we wont ! Trump is a much much better leader !
and yes he will be able to successfully run on those stats and beat your stupid communist asses again !
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?

I well remember the panic of the swine flu outbreak in 1976.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
though we didnt want ebola in this country we were no where near as venomous as the left and we did not politicize it anywhere near the level that your communist comrades who blame Trump but defend China during this outbreak ! the real truth is we are responding to a more deadly virus much better and effectively than the left did with swine flu ! and thats the truth ! scum like you and your side are just very very good at lying whining and deflecting !so answer the question homo why was Obama's handling of a less deadly virus that killed thousands considered better ?
I really think these fks wold shoot an American Olympian.
1976 swine flu outbreak - Wikipedia

In 1976, an outbreak of the swine flu, influenza A virus subtype H1N1 at Fort Dix, New Jersey caused one death, hospitalized 13, and led to a mass immunization program. After the program began, the vaccine was associated with an increase in reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which can cause paralysis, respiratory arrest, and death. The immunization program was ended after approximately 25% of the population of the United States had been administered the vaccine.

Richard Krause, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1975 to 1984, writes that the government response to the swine flu outbreak was considered to be too fast and the response to the AIDS epidemic too slow.
They came out too quickly with a vaccine for swine flu in 1976 and ended up with a disaster.

Something to keep in mind these days.

"You first!"
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
and millions of Americans were infected and thousands died and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized because of swine flu a less fatal and less infectious disease than covid 19 ! thanks to Trump we haven't seen those numbers and we wont ! Trump is a much much better leader !
The swine (Trump?) flu lasted for a full year, we will see how bad the Trump-19 virus is a year from now.
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
but but millions caught it the US ! and its less contagious than covid19 ...but but thousands died in th US and it was less deadly than covid 19..... why oh why oh left wing wise one did this happen ???
where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak
There was nothing to criticize in Obama's EXCELLENT and PERFECT handling of the swine (Trump?) flu, unlike Nazi Don"s complete failure to contain the Trump-19 virus.
Obama - 18,000 dead

trump - 40 dead
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
and millions of Americans were infected and thousands died and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized because of swine flu a less fatal and less infectious disease than covid 19 ! thanks to Trump we haven't seen those numbers and we wont ! Trump is a much much better leader !
The swine (Trump?) flu lasted for a full year, we will see how bad the Trump-19 virus is a year from now.
ohhh i get it ! when the virus is contained and the crisis is over the faggots are going to claim that thousands died that we thought died from the regular flu right faggot ! fat chance homo ! according what weve seen this virus has overloaded hospitals in China and other coutries ! it hasnt happened here because Trump took early action action yall labeled as racist !
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.

You didn't utter a peep when millions were infected under O.
How many in America?
TP trees.jpg
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
i wonder if any members of the left have any negative things to say about China for covering up lying to the world about this virus which in turn allowed it to spread more easily into other countries.
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
no the difference is Obama and the left did not treat that outbreak as seriously as they should have ! when less people die from this more lethal more contagious virus than died from swine flu the left will need to tell us why ! why did a less lethal less contagious virus kill many many more under Obama .
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
i wonder if any members of the left have any negative things to say about China for covering up lying to the world about this virus which in turn allowed it to spread more easily into other countries.

are you talking about the FAKE virus that isn't real?
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.

Translation, the lemming Democrats were all consoled by a smooth talking used car salesman who did nothing significant but sufficiently coddled them when necessary.
he also coddled the Chinese and Russian gov .

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