where was the panic during the swine flu outbreak ?

The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.

Translation, the lemming Democrats were all consoled by a smooth talking used car salesman who did nothing significant but sufficiently coddled them when necessary.
Look the Dem's response to H1N1 is no different than their response to thousands of Americans being raped and killed by illegals.
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.

This is really pissing me off. You guys just aren't trying anymore. How placid can you get. In the good old days of fine Fauxrage, ya'll would come up with something like "Obama played golf X number of times while hundreds of babies perish from N1H1 super virus! Yet, his government does nothing!"
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.

This is really pissing me off. You guys just aren't trying anymore. How placid can you get. In the good old days of fine Fauxrage, ya'll would come up with something like "Obama played golf X number of times while hundreds of babies perish from N1H1 super virus! Yet, his government does nothing!"
Thank you. I'm still learning, but Democrats are the experts at propaganda.
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.

This is really pissing me off. You guys just aren't trying anymore. How placid can you get. In the good old days of fine Fauxrage, ya'll would come up with something like "Obama played golf X number of times while hundreds of babies perish from N1H1 super virus! Yet, his government does nothing!"
Thank you. I'm still learning, but Democrats are the experts at propaganda.

Amateurs, compared the machine formerly known and the Right Wing Echo Chamber.
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

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Whether he knew or not, he was seen as having the nations best people respond as best they could and supporting them. So there was no "panic." That's the difference. Trump just didn't want numbers of infected people to be seen going up, so his admin chose not to test. And people see that
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.

This is really pissing me off. You guys just aren't trying anymore. How placid can you get. In the good old days of fine Fauxrage, ya'll would come up with something like "Obama played golf X number of times while hundreds of babies perish from N1H1 super virus! Yet, his government does nothing!"
Thank you. I'm still learning, but Democrats are the experts at propaganda.

Amatures, compared the machine formerly known and the Right Wing Echo Chamber.
The right only has Fox, the left has CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post. It's not fair.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?

we had a PRESIDENT during the swine flu

today we have a lying cheating con man with NO EMPATHY......
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
trump wasn't in office, we know.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
though we didnt want ebola in this country we were no where near as venomous as the left and we did not politicize it anywhere near the level that your communist comrades who blame Trump but defend China during this outbreak ! the real truth is we are responding to a more deadly virus much better and effectively than the left did with swine flu ! and thats the truth ! scum like you and your side are just very very good at lying whining and deflecting !so answer the question homo why was Obama's handling of a less deadly virus that killed thousands considered better ?
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?

we had a PRESIDENT during the swine flu

today we have a lying cheating con man with NO EMPATHY......
his title isn't president? hmmmm you sure? your rant is noted.
It's an election year and Dementia Joe is their candidate. Corona panic is their only shot.
A major Party in a nation of 330M and the best they can come up with is Confused Angry Joe?

We don't panic, and we don't under-react. We find the middle and hit it hard.

The Inherent Instability of Centralization:

SOBERING THOUGHTS: Europe’s Coronavirus Fate Is Already Sealed: One reason Britain and Italy are struggling: Their medical systems are too dependent on government.

Scientists around the world have worked overtime to get a handle on Covid-19, we still don’t know for sure whether this is only a medical crisis, or also a medical system crisis.​

Doctors in Italy know what to do to treat severe cases, such as using ventilators in intensive-care units. But hospitals lack the beds and equipment for the influx of patients and Italy doesn’t have enough doctors even to make the attempt. Ill patients languish in hospital corridors for want of beds, recovering patients are rushed out the door as quickly as possible, being treated by sick and exhausted doctors and nurses can’t even muster the energy to throw up their hands in despair.
Poor Choices By Government:

Italy lags other large European countries in provision of acute-care hospital beds, furnishing 2.62 of them per 1,000 residents as of 2016, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In Germany it’s 6.06 and in France and the Netherlands it’s 3.15 and 3 respectively. That year, Italy devoted around $913 per capita to inpatient acute and rehabilitative care, compared with $1,338 in France, $1,506 in Germany, and $1,732 in the U.S.​

U.K. policy makers understand what such analyses portend—because underinvestment in Britain’s creaking health-care system is even worse. The U.K. spent the princely sum of $901.70 per capita on acute care in 2016, according to the OECD. British data don’t distinguish acute-care beds, but a comparison of available beds overall isn’t any more favorable to the U.K. (or to Italy). In 2017, when Germany provided 8 beds per 1,000 residents and France offered 5.98, Italy managed 3.18 and the U.K. only 2.54.​

U.S. healthcare system isn’t really a free market system, being possessed of so many layers of cronyism and regulation a fauxket — something that kind of looks like a market at first, but really isn’t.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?

Well for my age group we were alive and went through 1957 had some immunity to it. I don't know about the younger crowd.
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.

This is really pissing me off. You guys just aren't trying anymore. How placid can you get. In the good old days of fine Fauxrage, ya'll would come up with something like "Obama played golf X number of times while hundreds of babies perish from N1H1 super virus! Yet, his government does nothing!"
Thank you. I'm still learning, but Democrats are the experts at propaganda.

Amatures, compared the machine formerly known and the Right Wing Echo Chamber.
The right only has Fox, the left has CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post. It's not fair.


They have a sizable share of the American viewers and 95% of the Trumpublican base.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
I believe the OP was H1N1. but you're welcome.

He is the 3rd leftist on this forum today to conflate Ebola and H1N1 in this context. It must have been one of the bullet points in the bot instructions email this morning.

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