where was the panic during the swine flu outbreak ?

The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

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i wonder if any members of the left have any negative things to say about China for covering up lying to the world about this virus which in turn allowed it to spread more easily into other countries.

are you talking about the FAKE virus that isn't real?
the swine flu was very real ...
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

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Whether he knew or not, he was seen as having the nations best people respond as best they could and supporting them. So there was no "panic." That's the difference. Trump just didn't want numbers of infected people to be seen going up, so his admin chose not to test. And people see that
well why arent our hospitals overun ?
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

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Whether he knew or not, he was seen as having the nations best people respond as best they could and supporting them. So there was no "panic." That's the difference. Trump just didn't want numbers of infected people to be seen going up, so his admin chose not to test. And people see that
well why arent our hospitals overun ?
We may be lucky despite the Orange Suck
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?

we had a PRESIDENT during the swine flu

today we have a lying cheating con man with NO EMPATHY......
sooo thats why the swine flu killed more people ??? youve got nothing ! and for days your side has been spouting bullshit about the POTUS ! but now maybe the left is slowly very slowly starting to realize they are going to eat shit once again !
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Oh bull!....You people look for anything you can twist into the worst ever because you can't win on your ideas....So, you've whipped up panic in the population for your own ends....you suck.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Whether he knew or not, he was seen as having the nations best people respond as best they could and supporting them. So there was no "panic." That's the difference. Trump just didn't want numbers of infected people to be seen going up, so his admin chose not to test. And people see that
well why arent our hospitals overun ?
We may be lucky despite the Orange Suck
bwaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! we got lucky ! ok ..... i think i see the lefts bullshit narrative ! we got lucky folks ! or maybe the warmer weather coming helped us ! bwaaahaaaahaaaaa ! if and thats if Biden is not replaced by the dnc in nov to run against Trump Biden will need to explain why so many more died under Obama's and his leadership in 09.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.
yaaasssssss ! look at the leftist idiot beginning to realize how this all is going to backfire on quid pro joe and obama if joe even runs against Trump !
Libs hate it that we rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of the liberal double standard, Obama vs Trump. Deal with it snowflakes.
and the irony is they started it ! once again they politicized something that should not be politicized and now its going to bite them in the ass again ! especially when compared to bidens and obamas handling of the swine flu a less lethal and less contagious disease that infected millions and killed thousands in the US !
The swine flu vaccine killed more people than it saved. Thanks Jimmy Carter and Red China (where swine flu originated). Dumkoft Jimmy Carter just happened to be President.
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
and millions of Americans were infected and thousands died and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized because of swine flu a less fatal and less infectious disease than covid 19 ! thanks to Trump we haven't seen those numbers and we wont ! Trump is a much much better leader !
The swine (Trump?) flu lasted for a full year, we will see how bad the Trump-19 virus is a year from now.
ohh i see maybe just maybe it will be worse ! oh i know your side would love to see thousands die if it would hurt Trump ..it aint going to happen idiot unlike obama Trump has removed regs to speed up treatment and vaccines ! crisis is overted already punk ! it will just take a few weeks for things across the world to calm down ! oh and thanks to those actions Roche as already got a vaccine for testing ...record time ! while your communist allies were trashing the POTUS and defending China calling travel bans racist Trump was acting behind the scenes ! the pharma companies just stated that Trumps admin has been doing this for weeks while the left screamed and bitched like little girls !Trump has done something the left would never do ! he empowered private industry to act instead of just relying on big sluggish government bureaucracies like the left does !
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the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.

You didn't utter a peep when millions were infected under O.
How many in America?
nearly 60 million !2009 flu pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia
Libs hate it that we rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of the liberal double standard, Obama vs Trump. Deal with it snowflakes.
and the irony is they started it ! once again they politicized something that should not be politicized and now its going to bite them in the ass again ! especially when compared to bidens and obamas handling of the swine flu a less lethal and less contagious disease that infected millions and killed thousands in the US !
The CEO of Walmart said we are prepared at the National Emergency press conference. Trump said to a big black woman, I don't answer stupid questions.
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Libs hate it that we rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of the liberal double standard, Obama vs Trump. Deal with it snowflakes.
and the irony is they started it ! once again they politicized something that should not be politicized and now its going to bite them in the ass again ! especially when compared to bidens and obamas handling of the swine flu a less lethal and less contagious disease that infected millions and killed thousands in the US !

Any attack the left launches at Trump comes back on them in spades its hilarious. That's why they are freaking out about H1N1 facts surfacing. Pretty much this is the state of your typical liberal these days :aargh::102::aargh:
The swine flu vaccine killed more people than it saved. Thanks Jimmy Carter and Red China (where swine flu originated). Dumkoft Jimmy Carter just happened to be President.

Check your calendar, revisionist. 1976 belonged to Gerald Ford.

Carter Derangement Syndrome lasts a lifetime. Remember blame everything you can on him. He wanted to decriminalize Cannabis, make us energy independent from the ME, and reduce our world wide military interventions.
where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak
There was nothing to criticize in Obama's EXCELLENT and PERFECT handling of the swine (Trump?) flu, unlike Nazi Don"s complete failure to contain the Trump-19 virus.
No children have died during this epidemic, while 136 children died from H1N1 while Obungo played golf. Obama the failure.
where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak
There was nothing to criticize in Obama's EXCELLENT and PERFECT handling of the swine (Trump?) flu, unlike Nazi Don"s complete failure to contain the Trump-19 virus.
No children have died during this epidemic, while 136 children died from H1N1 while Obungo played golf. Obama the failure.

How many rounds and what was his score?
The swine flu vaccine killed more people than it saved. Thanks Jimmy Carter and Red China (where swine flu originated). Dumkoft Jimmy Carter just happened to be President.

Check your calendar, revisionist. 1976 belonged to Gerald Ford.

Carter Derangement Syndrome lasts a lifetime. Remember blame everything you can on him. He wanted to decriminalize Cannabis, make us energy independent from the ME, and reduce our world wide military interventions.
Carter wanted to do a lot of things, but couldn't because he isn't a leader.
Libs hate it that we rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of the liberal double standard, Obama vs Trump. Deal with it snowflakes.
and the irony is they started it ! once again they politicized something that should not be politicized and now its going to bite them in the ass again ! especially when compared to bidens and obamas handling of the swine flu a less lethal and less contagious disease that infected millions and killed thousands in the US !

Any attack the left launches at Trump comes back on them in spades its hilarious. That's why they are freaking out about H1N1 facts surfacing. Pretty much this is the state of your typical liberal these days :aargh::102::aargh:
What kind of virus is H1N1? That's a new one on me. NH3 is ammonia and evaporates at -60F. I bet ammonia kills covid-19.
Do y'all know what the difference is between the swine flu and the bird flu? Swine flu needs oinkment and bird flu needs tweetment.
where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak
There was nothing to criticize in Obama's EXCELLENT and PERFECT handling of the swine (Trump?) flu, unlike Nazi Don"s complete failure to contain the Trump-19 virus.
Obama - 18,000 dead

trump - 40 dead
so typical of the worthless lying scum Right, overstate Obama's deaths by 50% and understate Nazi Don's deaths.
The swine flu vaccine killed more people than it saved. Thanks Jimmy Carter and Red China (where swine flu originated). Dumkoft Jimmy Carter just happened to be President.

Check your calendar, revisionist. 1976 belonged to Gerald Ford.

Carter Derangement Syndrome lasts a lifetime. Remember blame everything you can on him. He wanted to decriminalize Cannabis, make us energy independent from the ME, and reduce our world wide military interventions.
Carter wanted to do a lot of things, but couldn't because he isn't a leader.

He alienate big business, big oil and the military industrial complex.

He got Carter-ized. Still gets it today. If he was Caesar, they all would have stabbed him.

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