Where We Are, And Why


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. The 'why' first: the 'Deep State' is the mass of cookie-cutter career Liberals who inhabit, and control, much of the people's government. Unfortunately, they don't believe in either that the people believe in, nor do they believe in American democracy.

2. Like all Liberals...they know best what is good for everyone else.
"...the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

....the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

Now....where we are today:

3. "If a coup d’etat came to America it would look like this: unelected bureaucrats voting to remove a president because of his hostility to their jobs and his childlike temperament in expressing and executing his agenda.

President Trump is many things: an oaf, a buffoon and an incompetent politician. But he is also an existential threat to the culture of Washington, D.C., and its elites. His call to “drain the swamp,” whether he means it or not, has obviously riled his base and whatever base elites still have to ground themselves on. This goes a long way toward explaining the rage that encompasses the coastal media and its enablers.

Nonetheless, the white-hot rage that has been brewing among the president’s detractors since Nov. 8, 2016, seems to be reaching a point not seen since the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape a month before the election.

But these are unstable times and these are dangerous ideas. In an election that — fairly or not — cast doubt on the president’s legitimacy, in a political environment that careens between incompetence by Republicans and obstruction by Democrats, in a country whose social fabric is fraying, the calls to remove the president are reckless at best and damning at worst.

The elites had their chance to persuade the American people to trust them: Between Hillary Clinton and the 17 Republican candidates, the people had a choice to vote for order and stability and politics as usual. But they chose the “Make America Great Again” candidate." Don't resort to a coup to remove Trump from the White House

Quo Vadis, America
Quo Vadis, America
Quo Vadis, indeed. The Orange Clown has set this once great Nation on the path of division by faction with pure malevolent intent for his own narcissistic and self-indulgent purposes! But his 'Reign' will be shortened by the People, the bloody fool, but lawfully!

To Hell with your propaganda!
As you can see the far left wants to bring down the US..

They do not care about anything other than pushing their religious agenda.

They even backed Hilary to do that!

That should tell you all you need to know about the far left!
Quo Vadis, America
Quo Vadis, indeed. The Orange Clown has set this once great Nation on the path of division by faction with pure malevolent intent for his own narcissistic and self-indulgent purposes! But his 'Reign' will be shortened by the People, the bloody fool, but lawfully!

To Hell with your propaganda!

Seven more years. It will take a few years to clean up the stain, O, that this country endured.
Earlier in the thread some dunce suggested a disbelief in the idea that a Deep Stated lives in and controls our government.....

Back in 2010, the brilliant Angelo Codevilla wrote this....and it is, sadly, true to this day.

America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
By Angelo M. Codevilla from the July 2010 - August 2010 issue


  1. Our ruling class's agenda is power for itself. While it stakes its claim through intellectual-moral pretense, it holds power by one of the oldest and most prosaic of means: patronage and promises thereof. Like left-wing parties always and everywhere, it is a "machine," that is, based on providing tangible rewards to its members. Such parties often provide rank-and-file activists with modest livelihoods and enhance mightily the upper levels' wealth. Because this is so, whatever else such parties might accomplish, they must feed the machine by transferring money or jobs or privileges -- civic as well as economic -- to the party's clients, directly or indirectly.
a. Hence our ruling class's standard approach to any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of the government -- meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves, to profit those who pay with political support for privileged jobs, contracts, etc But there can be no doubt that such power and money makes Americans ever more dependent on those who wield it.

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