Where’s Joe ‘Healing and Unity’ Binhiden?

As predicted the feeble coward will remain locked in his basement until Harris replaces him.
The fascists are now in control. The flying monkeys are busy carrying out the destruction of the Republic.
The Trumpets are being proven to be the basement dwellers at Ma's house so you are getting no where with saying Joe is in the basement. he has been working on the new administration while the Orange one hides in shame.

President Trump isn't "hiding" at all. The leftists have silenced his addresses to the American people by cancelling his social media accounts. He has no way to communicate to the people unfiltered right now. Sticking a sock in someone's mouth and then complaining how he remains quiet doesn't make sense.
He is hiding he could give us a press conference but he is hiding behind his shame.
Is that why mega corporations censor Trump, he’s not saying anything?
Fuckhead moron.
Trump is censored because he motivated people to riot and play insurrection during a meeting at Congress...I know it means nothing to you but it does to Congress and those that support them.
Oh? Give us the exact quote.
We’ve had 4 years of Democrats and the media calling for and justifying riots.
President Trump isn't "hiding" at all.
The President has a press briefing room and a pool of reporters and cameras down the hall from where he sleeps.

Reporters who do nothing but lie about what he said.

He should release rabid dogs into that room and lock the doors.
And you guys wonder why you’re kicked off social media.

Daydreaming about murder on par with Kim Jong Un for the crime of speaking against the leader.
As predicted the feeble coward will remain locked in his basement until Harris replaces him.
The fascists are now in control. The flying monkeys are busy carrying out the destruction of the Republic.
The Trumpets are being proven to be the basement dwellers at Ma's house so you are getting no where with saying Joe is in the basement. he has been working on the new administration while the Orange one hides in shame.

President Trump isn't "hiding" at all. The leftists have silenced his addresses to the American people by cancelling his social media accounts. He has no way to communicate to the people unfiltered right now. Sticking a sock in someone's mouth and then complaining how he remains quiet doesn't make sense.
He is hiding he could give us a press conference but he is hiding behind his shame.
Is that why mega corporations censor Trump, he’s not saying anything?
Fuckhead moron.
Trump is censored because he motivated people to riot and play insurrection during a meeting at Congress...I know it means nothing to you but it does to Congress and those that support them.
Oh? Give us the exact quote.
We’ve had 4 years of Democrats and the media calling for and justifying riots.
Why waste my time on extremist fanatics like yous?
As predicted the feeble coward will remain locked in his basement until Harris replaces him.
The fascists are now in control. The flying monkeys are busy carrying out the destruction of the Republic.

After the debacle of the last four years of Republicans and conservatives cucking themselves to Trump? After all his belligerent behavior and corruption excused by his enablers? After a blown response to a pandemic that's killed almost 400K? After losing a free and fair election and then over the course of two months winding his sheep up to violent insurrection to stage a coup in his name because he thought the election was "stolen" from him?....and now you and the rest of Republican nation calling for healing and unity???

Yeah, two words for ya ace...Fuck off!
You deserve everything that's coming.
President Trump isn't "hiding" at all.
The President has a press briefing room and a pool of reporters and cameras down the hall from where he sleeps.

Reporters who do nothing but lie about what he said.

He should release rabid dogs into that room and lock the doors.
And you guys wonder why you’re kicked off social media.

Daydreaming about murder on par with Kim Jong Un for the crime of speaking against the leader.

The left didn't daydream. They committed murder and incitement of riots for a whole year last year.
President Trump isn't "hiding" at all.
The President has a press briefing room and a pool of reporters and cameras down the hall from where he sleeps.

Reporters who do nothing but lie about what he said.

He should release rabid dogs into that room and lock the doors.
And you guys wonder why you’re kicked off social media.

Daydreaming about murder on par with Kim Jong Un for the crime of speaking against the leader.

I know why we are kicking off of social media, while libs who are even worse are not.

Because you people are waging war on us.
Joe Loser Biden is MIA just as predicted. The guy is a joke and no leader even Obama said so.
I know exactly where to find him on Jan 20th at noon. Do you know where Trump will be?
Jan 20 Joe’s handlers will keep him locked in an RPG proof box where he’ll appear for 45 minutes.
Then back to his basement.
You can certainly spin it the way you like. But do you think Biden and Obama were yellow for their boycott of Hannity and Limbaugh over the years?
Obama didn’t have a problem addressing the nation when things got hairy, although to be fair he never caused a riot.

Trump knows he did a bad and he’s too scared to show his face.
Joe Loser Biden is MIA just as predicted. The guy is a joke and no leader even Obama said so.
I know exactly where to find him on Jan 20th at noon. Do you know where Trump will be?
Jan 20 Joe’s handlers will keep him locked in an RPG proof box where he’ll appear for 45 minutes.
Then back to his basement.

I'm wondering if Sleepy Joe is just an act- like "The Chin" was in New York City back in the day?

Just acting goofy with his loyal caporegimes, Dr. Jill and Hunter, acting as buffers?
Jan 20 Joe’s handlers will keep him locked in an RPG proof box where he’ll appear for 45 minutes.
Then back to his basement.
By handlers you mean Secret Service since the right has proven they have thousands of people ready to commit murder for Trump.

Stay safe Joe.
It is very sad that Mr. Biden does not have the will or maybe permission from Dem bigwigs to use this time to help heal and unify.

If he were truly a healer and the nice guy that "everyone" says he is, he would immediately do several things:

1. Stop any criticism of President Trump PERIOD

2. "Request" Nancy to stop her vendetta against President Trump.

3. Reach out to President Trump and assure him that he is welcome at the Inauguration.

4. Ask DR. Jill Biden to reach out to First Lady Melania.

5. Find any reason to congratulate President Trump. I believe that about two weeks ago, he did commend President Trump on trying to get a vaccine as quickly as possible.


Mr. Biden is a career politician. He is obviously old, tired, and mentally frail. He may want to be conciliatory with President Trump, but the Dems are controlled by younger people who believe in confrontation. Probably many of those Cabinet appointments were "suggested" to him by others.

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