Where's my Global Warming!

We can change the climate because we have.

I don't give a damn about the semantics. The increased levels of CO2 are the primary cause of the GLOBAL WARMING we've undergone.

NO ONE in climate science is attempting to redistribute the world's wealth.

And why do I get the feeling that you'd have no problem whatsoever with processes like successful export markets or favorable exchange rates or increased worker productivity or reduced labor costs or increased market shares and profit margins - all things that can and DO redistribute the world's wealth. The just redistribute it upwards. No one ever has any complaints about that. At least no one here in America.
I posted the info..Co2 is not the reason for climate change.
That isn't "info", retard, that's your idiotic delusion, unsupported by any evidence. The fact that the 43% increase in CO2 levels since the start of the industrial revolution has caused global average temperatures to increase and consequently change long established climate patterns is affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community.

Deny all you want,
I'm not denying that you are a delusional retard, Krok. That's a given. What I am doing is supporting the conclusions of the world's climate scientists.

it's your religion I'm questioning so I understand.
Your inability to tell the difference between scientific conclusions (based on the laws of physics, many decades of intensive research and mountains of evidence and data) and "religion" is just another symptom of your anti-science insanity and severe retardation.

Love when the bone heads put the pumpkin on the tee for me!!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBO2IstMi2A]CO2 is a trace gas. - YouTube[/ame]
I posted the info..Co2 is not the reason for climate change.
That isn't "info", retard, that's your idiotic delusion, unsupported by any evidence. The fact that the 43% increase in CO2 levels since the start of the industrial revolution has caused global average temperatures to increase and consequently change long established climate patterns is affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community.

I'm not denying that you are a delusional retard, Krok. That's a given. What I am doing is supporting the conclusions of the world's climate scientists.

it's your religion I'm questioning so I understand.
Your inability to tell the difference between scientific conclusions (based on the laws of physics, many decades of intensive research and mountains of evidence and data) and "religion" is just another symptom of your anti-science insanity and severe retardation.
Love when the bone heads put the pumpkin on the tee for me!!!!
/www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBO2IstMi2A]CO2 is a trace gas. - YouTube

The kookster - always reliably retarded and full of the completely debunked myths of his cult.

Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense
Evidence for human interference with Earth's climate continues to accumulate

Scientific American
By John Rennie
Nov 30, 2009
Claim 1: "Anthropogenic CO2 can't be changing climate, because CO2 is only a trace gas in the atmosphere and the amount produced by humans is dwarfed by the amount from volcanoes and other natural sources. Water vapor is by far the most important greenhouse gas, so changes in CO2 are irrelevant."

Although CO2 makes up only 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, that small number says nothing about its significance in climate dynamics. Even at that low concentration, CO2 absorbs infrared radiation and acts as a greenhouse gas, as physicist John Tyndall demonstrated in 1859. The chemist Svante Arrhenius went further in 1896 by estimating the impact of CO2 on the climate; after painstaking hand calculations he concluded that doubling its concentration might cause almost 6 degrees Celsius of warming—an answer not much out of line with recent, far more rigorous computations.

Contrary to the contrarians, human activity is by far the largest contributor to the observed increase in atmospheric CO2. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, anthropogenic CO2 amounts to about 30 billion tons annually—more than 130 times as much as volcanoes produce. True, 95 percent of the releases of CO2 to the atmosphere are natural, but natural processes such as plant growth and absorption into the oceans pull the gas back out of the atmosphere and almost precisely offset them, leaving the human additions as a net surplus. Moreover, several sets of experimental measurements, including analyses of the shifting ratio of carbon isotopes in the air, further confirm that fossil-fuel burning and deforestation are the primary reasons that CO2 levels have risen 35 percent since 1832, from 284 parts per million (ppm) to 388 ppm—a remarkable jump to the highest levels seen in millions of years. Contrarians frequently object that water vapor, not CO2, is the most abundant and powerful greenhouse gas; they insist that climate scientists routinely leave it out of their models. The latter is simply untrue: from Arrhenius on, climatologists have incorporated water vapor into their models. In fact, water vapor is why rising CO2 has such a big effect on climate. CO2 absorbs some wavelengths of infrared that water does not so it independently adds heat to the atmosphere. As the temperature rises, more water vapor enters the atmosphere and multiplies CO2's greenhouse effect; the IPCC notes that water vapor (pdf) may “approximately double the increase in the greenhouse effect due to the added CO2 alone.”
:cool:More CO2 please

Global Warming Models are Wrong!

How to think about that? Let’s review. CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas. Even if it tripled, it wouldn’t cause the horror that climate alarmists insist is coming. C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases. Eventually it flatlines. This is beyond debate. In order for the horror that alarmists insist is our future to occure, CO2 must cause the “forcing” of other, more potent greenhouse gasses. All catastrophic AGW models include this forcing. Here is how that works…

Though C02 is a weak greenhouse gas, the little warming it creates will cause more water vapor; which is a strong greenhouse gas. More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway effect. A little nudge by atmospheric CO2 causes a cascade of horrors.

The question you have to ask is this: If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past? Why didn’t the Earth become an 800 degree hothouse like Venus ages ago? How is it that the system has been relatively stable for hundreds of millions of years?

Increases in C02 do cause increases in the greenhouse effect. This likely does result in increased water vapor. But, contrary to the findings of the unnamed scientists in the linked article, the water vapor probably results in increased cloud cover which reflects more of the sun’s energy. Increased water vapor probably also results in increased precipitation as snow which also reflects the sun’s radiant energy. Increased water vapor likely results in lower clouds allowing the Earth to cool more efficiently.

Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong! | Opinion - Conservative
More CO2 please
Global Warming Models are Wrong!
How to think about that? Let’s review. CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas. Even if it tripled, it wouldn’t cause the horror that climate alarmists insist is coming. C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases. Eventually it flatlines. This is beyond debate. In order for the horror that alarmists insist is our future to occure, CO2 must cause the “forcing” of other, more potent greenhouse gasses. All catastrophic AGW models include this forcing. Here is how that works…

Though C02 is a weak greenhouse gas, the little warming it creates will cause more water vapor; which is a strong greenhouse gas. More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway effect. A little nudge by atmospheric CO2 causes a cascade of horrors.

The question you have to ask is this: If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past? Why didn’t the Earth become an 800 degree hothouse like Venus ages ago? How is it that the system has been relatively stable for hundreds of millions of years?

Increases in C02 do cause increases in the greenhouse effect. This likely does result in increased water vapor. But, contrary to the findings of the unnamed scientists in the linked article, the water vapor probably results in increased cloud cover which reflects more of the sun’s energy. Increased water vapor probably also results in increased precipitation as snow which also reflects the sun’s radiant energy. Increased water vapor likely results in lower clouds allowing the Earth to cool more efficiently.

Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong! | Opinion - Conservative

Oh, KrokoKrap, you just get funnier and funnier the more you make these retarded attempts to debate a subject you're so completely ignorant about.

I, and others, in order to support our positions, cite and quote either actual scientific research or else press reports on actual published scientific research by real climate scientists. You, and quite often the other denier cult cretins, post blog entries, like the one above, written by some unknown, non-scientist dufus and filled with lies, denier cult myths and absurd pseudo-science. Basically just his unscientific opinions based on ignorance and misinformation. You're obviously too stupid and ignorant about science to have the capability to tell the difference between real science from reputable sources and dimwitted propaganda from biased non-scientists.

The blog post you quoted you linked to a sort of blog aggregator that sourced it to another blog called: "The Real REVO - A High Capacity Assault Blog". LOLOLOL. The original blog post by some denier cult nitwit cited a newspaper article as his source.
Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong!
The Real REVO
Posted on January 2, 2014 by R.D. Walker
That’s right, cabal of unnamed United Nation scientists are reporting that a significant percentage of global warming models are just plain wrong and have skewed the average result. They explain that all of the models that predict less warming are incorrect and, therefore, there is to be more warming and more horror than they ever imagined.

The article he links to there, which, BTW, clearly names the lead scientist, is this one and it certainly reads a lot different from the denier dingbat's misinterpretation and spin. It does not support your ignorant denial of AGW at all.

World's climate warming faster than feared, scientists say
Scientists say the world’s climate is warming faster than feared because previous predictions were too “optimistic” and overestimated the cooling impact of clouds

The Telegraph
By Jonathan Pearlman
01 Jan 2014
As the planet marked its fourth hottest year on record, a study published in the journal Nature found increasing levels of carbon dioxide will lead to thinner ocean clouds and reduce their cooling impact, causing temperature rises of at least 5.6F (3C) over the course of the century. The team of scientists said the findings show some climate models have been too “optimistic” and previous estimates of a minimum temperature rise of only 2.7F (1.5C) could now be discounted. The optimistic models did not properly assess the impact of water evaporation, which sometimes rises only a short distance into the atmosphere and causes updraughts that reduce cloud cover, the study found. ”These models have been predicting a lower climate sensitivity but we believe they’re incorrect,” Professor Steven Sherwood, from the University of New South Wales, told The Sydney Morning Herald. ”The net effect of [climate change] is you have less cloud cover.”

...Australia in 2013 marked its hottest year since reliable recordings began in 1910. The world’s driest continent also recorded its hottest day, hottest month, hottest winter’s day and hottest summer. The run of warmer weather began late in 2012 and was so great that Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology last year changed its official weather forecasting map to include new colours - deep purple and pink - for areas with temperatures above 50C (122F). Globally, according to figures released in December by the United States National Climatic Data Center, 2013 was set to be the fourth hottest year in 134 years of records behind 2010, 2005 and 1998. Meteorologists said it was the hottest year on record for a non-El Niño year.

The blog post you quoted makes these fallacious claims.
* "CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas" - false, CO2 is actually a powerful greenhouse gas that is one of the key drivers of the Earth's climate.

* "C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases" - false, CO2 is not saturated and won't be for a long time. A Saturated Gassy Argument

* "More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway(sic) effect." - false, water vapor does saturate; it can only get so high and then it precipitates out and falls as rain or snow. There is no runaway effect with water vapor.

* "If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past?" - false, the system is not that unstable, there is no "runaway water vapor greenhouse effect". This denier dingbat writing this is just ignorant and misinformed and apparently severely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
More CO2 please
Global Warming Models are Wrong!
How to think about that? Let’s review. CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas. Even if it tripled, it wouldn’t cause the horror that climate alarmists insist is coming. C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases. Eventually it flatlines. This is beyond debate. In order for the horror that alarmists insist is our future to occure, CO2 must cause the “forcing” of other, more potent greenhouse gasses. All catastrophic AGW models include this forcing. Here is how that works…

Though C02 is a weak greenhouse gas, the little warming it creates will cause more water vapor; which is a strong greenhouse gas. More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway effect. A little nudge by atmospheric CO2 causes a cascade of horrors.

The question you have to ask is this: If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past? Why didn’t the Earth become an 800 degree hothouse like Venus ages ago? How is it that the system has been relatively stable for hundreds of millions of years?

Increases in C02 do cause increases in the greenhouse effect. This likely does result in increased water vapor. But, contrary to the findings of the unnamed scientists in the linked article, the water vapor probably results in increased cloud cover which reflects more of the sun’s energy. Increased water vapor probably also results in increased precipitation as snow which also reflects the sun’s radiant energy. Increased water vapor likely results in lower clouds allowing the Earth to cool more efficiently.

Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong! | Opinion - Conservative

Oh, KrokoKrap, you just get funnier and funnier the more you make these retarded attempts to debate a subject you're so completely ignorant about.

I, and others, in order to support our positions, cite and quote either actual scientific research or else press reports on actual published scientific research by real climate scientists. You, and quite often the other denier cult cretins, post blog entries, like the one above, written by some unknown, non-scientist dufus and filled with lies, denier cult myths and absurd pseudo-science. Basically just his unscientific opinions based on ignorance and misinformation. You're obviously too stupid and ignorant about science to have the capability to tell the difference between real science from reputable sources and dimwitted propaganda from biased non-scientists.

The blog post you quoted you linked to a sort of blog aggregator that sourced it to another blog called: "The Real REVO - A High Capacity Assault Blog". LOLOLOL. The original blog post by some denier cult nitwit cited a newspaper article as his source.
Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong!
The Real REVO
Posted on January 2, 2014 by R.D. Walker
That’s right, cabal of unnamed United Nation scientists are reporting that a significant percentage of global warming models are just plain wrong and have skewed the average result. They explain that all of the models that predict less warming are incorrect and, therefore, there is to be more warming and more horror than they ever imagined.

The article he links to there, which, BTW, clearly names the lead scientist, is this one and it certainly reads a lot different from the denier dingbat's misinterpretation and spin. It does not support your ignorant denial of AGW at all.

World's climate warming faster than feared, scientists say
Scientists say the world’s climate is warming faster than feared because previous predictions were too “optimistic” and overestimated the cooling impact of clouds

The Telegraph
By Jonathan Pearlman
01 Jan 2014
As the planet marked its fourth hottest year on record, a study published in the journal Nature found increasing levels of carbon dioxide will lead to thinner ocean clouds and reduce their cooling impact, causing temperature rises of at least 5.6F (3C) over the course of the century. The team of scientists said the findings show some climate models have been too “optimistic” and previous estimates of a minimum temperature rise of only 2.7F (1.5C) could now be discounted. The optimistic models did not properly assess the impact of water evaporation, which sometimes rises only a short distance into the atmosphere and causes updraughts that reduce cloud cover, the study found. ”These models have been predicting a lower climate sensitivity but we believe they’re incorrect,” Professor Steven Sherwood, from the University of New South Wales, told The Sydney Morning Herald. ”The net effect of [climate change] is you have less cloud cover.”

...Australia in 2013 marked its hottest year since reliable recordings began in 1910. The world’s driest continent also recorded its hottest day, hottest month, hottest winter’s day and hottest summer. The run of warmer weather began late in 2012 and was so great that Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology last year changed its official weather forecasting map to include new colours - deep purple and pink - for areas with temperatures above 50C (122F). Globally, according to figures released in December by the United States National Climatic Data Center, 2013 was set to be the fourth hottest year in 134 years of records behind 2010, 2005 and 1998. Meteorologists said it was the hottest year on record for a non-El Niño year.

The blog post you quoted makes these fallacious claims.
* "CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas" - false, CO2 is actually a powerful greenhouse gas that is one of the key drivers of the Earth's climate.

* "C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases" - false, CO2 is not saturated and won't be for a long time. A Saturated Gassy Argument

* "More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway(sic) effect." - false, water vapor does saturate; it can only get so high and then it precipitates out and falls as rain or snow. There is no runaway effect with water vapor.

* "If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past?" - false, the system is not that unstable, there is no "runaway water vapor greenhouse effect". This denier dingbat writing this is just ignorant and misinformed and apparently severely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Maybe you missed this? or since it questioned your religious beliefs you didn't bother to watch this detailed presentation.... Who knows:confused:

Last edited:

Oh, KrokoKrap, you just get funnier and funnier the more you make these retarded attempts to debate a subject you're so completely ignorant about.

I, and others, in order to support our positions, cite and quote either actual scientific research or else press reports on actual published scientific research by real climate scientists. You, and quite often the other denier cult cretins, post blog entries, like the one above, written by some unknown, non-scientist dufus and filled with lies, denier cult myths and absurd pseudo-science. Basically just his unscientific opinions based on ignorance and misinformation. You're obviously too stupid and ignorant about science to have the capability to tell the difference between real science from reputable sources and dimwitted propaganda from biased non-scientists.

The blog post you quoted you linked to a sort of blog aggregator that sourced it to another blog called: "The Real REVO - A High Capacity Assault Blog". LOLOLOL. The original blog post by some denier cult nitwit cited a newspaper article as his source.
Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong!
The Real REVO
Posted on January 2, 2014 by R.D. Walker
That’s right, cabal of unnamed United Nation scientists are reporting that a significant percentage of global warming models are just plain wrong and have skewed the average result. They explain that all of the models that predict less warming are incorrect and, therefore, there is to be more warming and more horror than they ever imagined.

The article he links to there, which, BTW, clearly names the lead scientist, is this one and it certainly reads a lot different from the denier dingbat's misinterpretation and spin. It does not support your ignorant denial of AGW at all.

World's climate warming faster than feared, scientists say
Scientists say the world’s climate is warming faster than feared because previous predictions were too “optimistic” and overestimated the cooling impact of clouds

The Telegraph
By Jonathan Pearlman
01 Jan 2014
As the planet marked its fourth hottest year on record, a study published in the journal Nature found increasing levels of carbon dioxide will lead to thinner ocean clouds and reduce their cooling impact, causing temperature rises of at least 5.6F (3C) over the course of the century. The team of scientists said the findings show some climate models have been too “optimistic” and previous estimates of a minimum temperature rise of only 2.7F (1.5C) could now be discounted. The optimistic models did not properly assess the impact of water evaporation, which sometimes rises only a short distance into the atmosphere and causes updraughts that reduce cloud cover, the study found. ”These models have been predicting a lower climate sensitivity but we believe they’re incorrect,” Professor Steven Sherwood, from the University of New South Wales, told The Sydney Morning Herald. ”The net effect of [climate change] is you have less cloud cover.”

...Australia in 2013 marked its hottest year since reliable recordings began in 1910. The world’s driest continent also recorded its hottest day, hottest month, hottest winter’s day and hottest summer. The run of warmer weather began late in 2012 and was so great that Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology last year changed its official weather forecasting map to include new colours - deep purple and pink - for areas with temperatures above 50C (122F). Globally, according to figures released in December by the United States National Climatic Data Center, 2013 was set to be the fourth hottest year in 134 years of records behind 2010, 2005 and 1998. Meteorologists said it was the hottest year on record for a non-El Niño year.

The blog post you quoted makes these fallacious claims.
* "CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas" - false, CO2 is actually a powerful greenhouse gas that is one of the key drivers of the Earth's climate.

* "C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases" - false, CO2 is not saturated and won't be for a long time. A Saturated Gassy Argument

* "More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway(sic) effect." - false, water vapor does saturate; it can only get so high and then it precipitates out and falls as rain or snow. There is no runaway effect with water vapor.

* "If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past?" - false, the system is not that unstable, there is no "runaway water vapor greenhouse effect". This denier dingbat writing this is just ignorant and misinformed and apparently severely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Maybe you missed this? or since it questioned your religious beliefs you didn't bother to watch this detailed presentation.... Who knows


LOLOLOL.....you're a hoot, KrokoKrap. Your previous denier cult propaganda piece got completely debunked so now you're just throwing whatever crap you can find against the wall to see if anything sticks. LOL. You did manage to find a real scientist this time, even if he is a fraudulent crackpot who the other scientists think is nuts.

Of course you can always find a few fringe scientists who dispute something that the rest of the scientific community accepts as factual, like the greenhouse gas properties of carbon dioxide. If you find a lump on your chest and visit ten doctors and nine of them tell you it's cancer and you need to get it treated immediately, and one doctor tells you it's nothing to worry about, do you believe the one doctor and ignore the other nine doctors? The vast majority of scientists, especially climate scientists, point to CO2 as the main driver of the current abrupt warming trend. Citing one scientist who disagrees but who can't convincingly back up his contentions with real scientific evidence isn't as persuasive to scientifically literate people as you brainwashed denier cultists imagine.
Oh, KrokoKrap, you just get funnier and funnier the more you make these retarded attempts to debate a subject you're so completely ignorant about.

I, and others, in order to support our positions, cite and quote either actual scientific research or else press reports on actual published scientific research by real climate scientists. You, and quite often the other denier cult cretins, post blog entries, like the one above, written by some unknown, non-scientist dufus and filled with lies, denier cult myths and absurd pseudo-science. Basically just his unscientific opinions based on ignorance and misinformation. You're obviously too stupid and ignorant about science to have the capability to tell the difference between real science from reputable sources and dimwitted propaganda from biased non-scientists.

The blog post you quoted you linked to a sort of blog aggregator that sourced it to another blog called: "The Real REVO - A High Capacity Assault Blog". LOLOLOL. The original blog post by some denier cult nitwit cited a newspaper article as his source.
Scientists: Global Warming Models are Wrong!
The Real REVO
Posted on January 2, 2014 by R.D. Walker
That’s right, cabal of unnamed United Nation scientists are reporting that a significant percentage of global warming models are just plain wrong and have skewed the average result. They explain that all of the models that predict less warming are incorrect and, therefore, there is to be more warming and more horror than they ever imagined.

The article he links to there, which, BTW, clearly names the lead scientist, is this one and it certainly reads a lot different from the denier dingbat's misinterpretation and spin. It does not support your ignorant denial of AGW at all.

World's climate warming faster than feared, scientists say
Scientists say the world’s climate is warming faster than feared because previous predictions were too “optimistic” and overestimated the cooling impact of clouds

The Telegraph
By Jonathan Pearlman
01 Jan 2014
As the planet marked its fourth hottest year on record, a study published in the journal Nature found increasing levels of carbon dioxide will lead to thinner ocean clouds and reduce their cooling impact, causing temperature rises of at least 5.6F (3C) over the course of the century. The team of scientists said the findings show some climate models have been too “optimistic” and previous estimates of a minimum temperature rise of only 2.7F (1.5C) could now be discounted. The optimistic models did not properly assess the impact of water evaporation, which sometimes rises only a short distance into the atmosphere and causes updraughts that reduce cloud cover, the study found. ”These models have been predicting a lower climate sensitivity but we believe they’re incorrect,” Professor Steven Sherwood, from the University of New South Wales, told The Sydney Morning Herald. ”The net effect of [climate change] is you have less cloud cover.”

...Australia in 2013 marked its hottest year since reliable recordings began in 1910. The world’s driest continent also recorded its hottest day, hottest month, hottest winter’s day and hottest summer. The run of warmer weather began late in 2012 and was so great that Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology last year changed its official weather forecasting map to include new colours - deep purple and pink - for areas with temperatures above 50C (122F). Globally, according to figures released in December by the United States National Climatic Data Center, 2013 was set to be the fourth hottest year in 134 years of records behind 2010, 2005 and 1998. Meteorologists said it was the hottest year on record for a non-El Niño year.

The blog post you quoted makes these fallacious claims.
* "CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas" - false, CO2 is actually a powerful greenhouse gas that is one of the key drivers of the Earth's climate.

* "C02 offers a diminishing increase in greenhouse effect as it increases" - false, CO2 is not saturated and won't be for a long time. A Saturated Gassy Argument

* "More water vapor will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor which will cause even more water vapor.. you get the picture. These are positive feedbacks and the result is a runway(sic) effect." - false, water vapor does saturate; it can only get so high and then it precipitates out and falls as rain or snow. There is no runaway effect with water vapor.

* "If the system is that unstable, why didn’t runaway global warming occur eons ago? If all it takes is a tiny little nudge of C02 to cause a runaway water vapor greenhouse effect, how come it didn’t happen when C02 levels were greater in the past?" - false, the system is not that unstable, there is no "runaway water vapor greenhouse effect". This denier dingbat writing this is just ignorant and misinformed and apparently severely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Maybe you missed this? or since it questioned your religious beliefs you didn't bother to watch this detailed presentation.... Who knows


LOLOLOL.....you're a hoot, KrokoKrap. Your previous denier cult propaganda piece got completely debunked so now you're just throwing whatever crap you can find against the wall to see if anything sticks. LOL. You did manage to find a real scientist this time, even if he is a fraudulent crackpot who the other scientists think is nuts.

Of course you can always find a few fringe scientists who dispute something that the rest of the scientific community accepts as factual, like the greenhouse gas properties of carbon dioxide. If you find a lump on your chest and visit ten doctors and nine of them tell you it's cancer and you need to get it treated immediately, and one doctor tells you it's nothing to worry about, do you believe the one doctor and ignore the other nine doctors? The vast majority of scientists, especially climate scientists, point to CO2 as the main driver of the current abrupt warming trend. Citing one scientist who disagrees but who can't convincingly back up his contentions with real scientific evidence isn't as persuasive to scientifically literate people as you brainwashed denier cultists imagine.

Throwing shit to see what sticks?
Sounds like GW supporters to me. It's warming..no wait,it's climate change.
Maybe you missed this? or since it questioned your religious beliefs you didn't bother to watch this detailed presentation.... Who knows


LOLOLOL.....you're a hoot, KrokoKrap. Your previous denier cult propaganda piece got completely debunked so now you're just throwing whatever crap you can find against the wall to see if anything sticks. LOL. You did manage to find a real scientist this time, even if he is a fraudulent crackpot who the other scientists think is nuts.

Of course you can always find a few fringe scientists who dispute something that the rest of the scientific community accepts as factual, like the greenhouse gas properties of carbon dioxide. If you find a lump on your chest and visit ten doctors and nine of them tell you it's cancer and you need to get it treated immediately, and one doctor tells you it's nothing to worry about, do you believe the one doctor and ignore the other nine doctors? The vast majority of scientists, especially climate scientists, point to CO2 as the main driver of the current abrupt warming trend. Citing one scientist who disagrees but who can't convincingly back up his contentions with real scientific evidence isn't as persuasive to scientifically literate people as you brainwashed denier cultists imagine.

Throwing shit to see what sticks?
Sounds like GW supporters to me. It's warming..no wait,it's climate change.

And another denier cult nitwit pops up to parrot one of the most idiotic of the denier cult myths.

Here's the actual facts.

1. Global warming causes climate changes.
2. The two terms don't mean the same thing.
3. Both terms have been in use in the scientific community since the 1960s.
* Gilbert Plass' 1956 study 'The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change'.
* Barrett and Gast published a letter in Science in 1971 entitled simply 'Climate Change'.
* The journal 'Climatic Change' was created in 1977 (and is still published today).
* The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established in 1988.
* A Google Scholar search reveals that the term 'climate change' was in use before the term 'global warming', and has always been the more commonly-used term in scientific literature:
4. Both terms are still in use.
5. The only individual to actually advocate changing the term from 'global warming' to 'climate change' was Republican political strategist Frank Luntz in a controversial memo advising conservative politicians on communicating about the environment:
"It’s time for us to start talking about “climate change” instead of global warming and “conservation” instead of preservation. “Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming”. As one focus group participant noted, climate change “sounds like you’re going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale.” While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge."​
1. Global warming causes climate changes.

This right here shows that the AGW church is about a religion and not based on science.

This right here shows that Klod is a clueless retard who knows nothing about science. There is absolutely no doubt that rising global temperatures cause climate patterns to change. That is just basic physics.

Climate Change: Basic Information

What are climate change and global warming?

Global warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth's surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is causing climate patterns to change. However, global warming itself represents only one aspect of climate change.

Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer.

Climate change is happening

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.

The evidence is clear. Rising global temperatures have been accompanied by changes in weather and climate. Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced some big changes - oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these and other changes become more pronounced in the coming decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and our environment.
1. Global warming causes climate changes.

This right here shows that the AGW church is about a religion and not based on science.

This right here shows that Klod is a clueless retard who knows nothing about science. There is absolutely no doubt that rising global temperatures cause climate patterns to change. That is just basic physics.

Climate Change: Basic Information

What are climate change and global warming?

Global warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth's surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is causing climate patterns to change. However, global warming itself represents only one aspect of climate change.

Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer.

Climate change is happening

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.

The evidence is clear. Rising global temperatures have been accompanied by changes in weather and climate. Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced some big changes - oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these and other changes become more pronounced in the coming decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and our environment.

Try to stick with "man caused" climate change ok? The climate as always changed, Get through your head. You're a loon... Your bold print screams out crazy:cuckoo:
This right here shows that the AGW church is about a religion and not based on science.

This right here shows that Klod is a clueless retard who knows nothing about science. There is absolutely no doubt that rising global temperatures cause climate patterns to change. That is just basic physics.

Climate Change: Basic Information

What are climate change and global warming?

Global warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth's surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is causing climate patterns to change. However, global warming itself represents only one aspect of climate change.

Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer.

Climate change is happening

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.

The evidence is clear. Rising global temperatures have been accompanied by changes in weather and climate. Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced some big changes - oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these and other changes become more pronounced in the coming decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and our environment.
The climate as always changed
And there's another idiotic denier cult myth based entirely on their own ignorance of what paleoclimatology actually tells us about the Earth's climate history. In reality, there have been many long periods of fairly stable climate. The Holocene has had a fairly stable climate for about eight thousand years, until recently, which allowed humans to develop agriculture and civilization.

Our agricultural systems, that allow us to feed seven billion people, are entirely dependent on stable climate patterns which provide regular, predictable rainfall in predictable amounts, and a yearly cycle of predictable temperature ranges. AGW is destabilizing global climate patterns and will eventually lead to agricultural failures on a massive scale resulting in mass starvation and hundreds of millions of climate refugees.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPq1wimsf-c]Solar Activity and Cosmic Rays Drives Climate Changes (6-6) - YouTube[/ame]

YouTube videos of lame, debunked denier cult delusions and frauds aren't any more convincing than the written drivel you post, KrocoKrap.

You still obviously have no ability whatsoever to distinguish between demented propaganda and actual science.

if you say so religion boy. These people don't make millions off their research, cant say the same for you money grubbing global warming nuts
Says a majority of scientist. I welcome skeptics as this is the way science works but you have to find a real theory to replace it with.

The theory is Solar activity is the main cause of 'global climate change, and it has been proven. The fraudulent catastrophic effect of Co2 on the climate has been debunked, and the studies have been manipulated by these money hungry scientist

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