Where's the "CHANGE" Obama?

trillions of dollars in unpayable debt, the highest unemployment in 30 years, Lowest economic output in God knows how long, soon to be $4 per gallon gasoline, restrictions on energy production that reach the level of draconian......I could go on....
The gas prices WILL cause a double dip recession as people hunker down and hold off on discretionary spending.
And then there's this startling endorsement of Obama:

"I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about "Barry." Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn't even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn't have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement). "

this is a powder keg if true, has ap picked this up?. i wonder if some of his colleagues didn't like the company he kept.... ayers, rev wright etc.
university of chicago is one of the places for the best and brightest.
and, how can you sit in frontof a guy for twenty years, and not know his character?, so you see it's been damage control from the beginning, and remains today.

Maybe because a sound byte is not representative enough of twenty years.

In 1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F. Kennedy's challenge to, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,' gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia and voluntarily joined the Marines.

In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the Marines, volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. (They provide medical assistance to the Marines as well as to Navy personnel.)

The man did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Not surprisingly, he was assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility, Bethesda Naval Hospital, as a member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery.

For his service on the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three letters of commendation.

What is even more remarkable is that this man entered the Marines and Navy not many years after the two branches began to become integrated.

While this young man was serving six years on active duty, Vice President Dick Cheney, who was born the same year as the Marine/sailor, received five deferments, four for being an undergraduate and graduate student and one for being a prospective father.

Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both five years younger than the African-American youth, used their student deferments to stay in college until 1968. Both then avoided going on active duty through family connections.

Who is the real patriot?

Military Service of Jeremiah Wright-Truth!

yeah ok....so that excuses his reprehensible conduct he now displays in his "sermons"?
Please. You friggin lefties could not give two shits about anyone's military service or the military in general. Unless of course that military service record can be used to your political advantage. Cut the bullshit.
"General Motors Co (GM.N) shares rose as much as 2.5 percent in midday trading on Tuesday after banks resumed coverage of the automaker with high marks for its North American sales and position in emerging markets.

Barclays said GM is "relatively attractive" for three reasons -- strong positions in emerging markets China and Brazil; strong earnings in North America due to price discipline; and even a conservative estimate of its financial position suggest $42 per share price target.

JPMorgan sees the "potential for significant additional appreciations beyond year-end 2011."

GM's presence in fast-growing international markets, lowered debt levels as well as a slew of new products over the few years will be advantage for the automaker, JPMorgan said.

The U.S. government bailed out GM for $50 billion after the automaker's 2009 bankruptcy. The Obama administration has said it is on track to recoup the full investment in GM and that it is making progress toward shedding government's stake by mid-to-late 2012."




Chrysler Group LLC and General Motors Co. continued to recover from federally backed bankruptcies, with GM going public in November. Meanwhile, Ford Motor Co. earned $6.37billion, making it the most profitable carmaker in the world.

From The Detroit News: 2010 year in review: Revival and change | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Gee....how did Ford ever do it....all alone....without Obama's socialist caretaking......??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

They did it by building their second most popular CAR model(Fusion) entirely in Mexico with 60% foreign made parts. That's how.....
Ford saves it's ass by building great trucks. Without the F- Series, for withers on the vine and the Blue Oval becomes a raisin.
Obama's following the Bush Doctrine to a tee, though perhaps more discreetly than ole' Dubya did. What a sorry ass sellout; bought off as soon as he was inaugurated (most likely even before that).

Legalization of Marijuana? Lied about that.
Closing Guantanamo Bay? Lied about that too.
Pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan? If he considers reducing the troops a 'pullout', he can cram it up his cornhole.

And this murderous puppet won the Nobel peace prize, so you know how much that award means fuck all. He's a disgrace and an abomination. Most, if not all, presidents in the past thirty-fourty years have been disgraces and abominations.
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January 4, 2011

"New order$ received by factories unexpectedly rose in November, and orders excluding transportation recorded their largest gain in eight months, providing more signs the economic recovery was on sustainable path.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast factory orders slipping 0.1 percent in November from a previously reported 0.9 percent decline in October. Orders have risen in four of the last five months.

Manufacturing has been the star performer during the recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s and continues to expand. Factories appear to be ramping up activity to meet a pickup in demand from consumers and businesses."


January 04, 2011

"General Motors Co.’s U.S. sales rose 7.5 percent in December, topping analysts’ expectations as higher demand for the new Chevrolet Cruze compact gained.

Deliveries in the month climbed to 224,185, Detroit-based GM said today in a statement. The largest U.S. automaker was expected to post a 4.3 percent sales increase, the average of four analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg.

“GM is on a bit of a roll,” said Jeremy Anwyl, chief executive officer of auto researcher Edmunds.com. “Incentive spending was down, market share should be up. They’re doing it with nice products. The Cruze is doing pretty well.”

Chevrolet deliveries gained 9.1 percent to 147,960 vehicles in December, GM said today. Buick sales climbed 40 percent to 17,095, led by the Enclave sport-utility vehicle. GMC sales gained 35 percent to 42,159. Cadillac deliveries rose 13 percent to 16,718.

Cruze deliveries rose to 10,865 in December from 8,066 units in November. Sales of the Chevy Equinox SUV gained 79 percent, while the Cadillac SRX climbed 18 percent, GM said.

Since filing for bankruptcy in 2009, GM has closed Hummer, Pontiac and Saturn and sold Saab to focus on Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC.

Sales of GM’s four remaining brands rose 16 percent compared with December 2009, the company said."

He delivered some change i guess. Unfortunately,all his changes were bad for our nation. That being said,i don't see any real differences between this Administration and the previous one. This President just took all of the previous President's worst ideas and made them much much worse. I would call this Presidency a Bush 3rd Term for sure. I haven't seen any new or original ideas coming from this White House. That's how i see it anyway.
First the libs have been screaming "all jobs go to China!"
Now, to cover for Obama, they are trumpeting a mild gain in manufacturing activity.
Let's settle down here. I'll reserve judgement on a recovery when it lasts for at least 4 consecutive quarters with a commensurate rise in employment.
He delivered some change i guess. Unfortunately,all his changes were bad for our nation. That being said,i don't see any real differences between this Administration and the previous one. This President just took all of the previous President's worst ideas and made them much much worse. I would call this Presidency a Bush 3rd Term for sure. I haven't seen any new or original ideas coming from this White House. That's how i see it anyway.

You are right. Obama and his political cohorts are following Progressive Elitist orders just as all his predecessors right to the progressive founder Woodrow Wilson of the illegal FRB who said he betrayed his Country on his death bed....
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First the libs have been screaming "all jobs go to China!"
Now, to cover for Obama, they are trumpeting a mild gain in manufacturing activity.
Let's settle down here. I'll reserve judgement on a recovery when it lasts for at least 4 consecutive quarters with a commensurate rise in employment.

Check this stuff out... Glenn Beck has been teaching people about this stuff for a couple of years now.... Got to give him respect for that.... :mrgreen:

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions


Not Good for what is left of private sector unions. More power taken from the working class civilian whose unions now only represent 12% of the private sector work force....

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated)

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program
'Trusted traveler' plan eliminates U.S. boundary with Canada, too...

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program

So, far nothing we have done has slowed down the progressive destruction of our Republic.... The crooks are trying to force the American people into an all out confrontation.... Look what has been going on in other countries already brought under the Elitist bootheels....
First the libs have been screaming "all jobs go to China!"
Now, to cover for Obama, they are trumpeting a mild gain in manufacturing activity.
Let's settle down here. I'll reserve judgement on a recovery when it lasts for at least 4 consecutive quarters with a commensurate rise in employment.

Check this stuff out... Glenn Beck has been teaching people about this stuff for a couple of years now.... Got to give him respect for that.... :mrgreen:

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions


Not Good for what is left of private sector unions. More power taken from the working class civilian whose unions now only represent 12% of the private sector work force....

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated)

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program
'Trusted traveler' plan eliminates U.S. boundary with Canada, too...

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program

So, far nothing we have done has slowed down the progressive destruction of our Republic.... The crooks are trying to force the American people into an all out confrontation.... Look what has been going on in other countries already brought under the Elitist bootheels....

I had a good line on this occurring. Public sector unions have been responsible for the fleecing of taxpayers for far too long. Civil service protections for government workers created a system where a worker would have to commit a felony to be fired. Meanwhile salaries for public sector union represented workers spun out of control.
It comes as no surprise that big union states such as NY,NJ, IL and CA have the highest taxes in the nations but also are states with the largest debt.
The gravy train has ground to a halt.
No more public sector unions......OVER!
Oh, just 7% of private sector workers are represented by labor organizations. That number continues to decline. Good.
First the libs have been screaming "all jobs go to China!"
Now, to cover for Obama, they are trumpeting a mild gain in manufacturing activity.
Let's settle down here. I'll reserve judgement on a recovery when it lasts for at least 4 consecutive quarters with a commensurate rise in employment.

Check this stuff out... Glenn Beck has been teaching people about this stuff for a couple of years now.... Got to give him respect for that.... :mrgreen:

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions


Not Good for what is left of private sector unions. More power taken from the working class civilian whose unions now only represent 12% of the private sector work force....

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated)

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program
'Trusted traveler' plan eliminates U.S. boundary with Canada, too...

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program

So, far nothing we have done has slowed down the progressive destruction of our Republic.... The crooks are trying to force the American people into an all out confrontation.... Look what has been going on in other countries already brought under the Elitist bootheels....

I had a good line on this occurring. Public sector unions have been responsible for the fleecing of taxpayers for far too long. Civil service protections for government workers created a system where a worker would have to commit a felony to be fired. Meanwhile salaries for public sector union represented workers spun out of control.
It comes as no surprise that big union states such as NY,NJ, IL and CA have the highest taxes in the nations but also are states with the largest debt.
The gravy train has ground to a halt.
No more public sector unions......OVER!
Oh, just 7% of private sector workers are represented by labor organizations. That number continues to decline. Good.

Yep, when skilled labor is finally gone, that will stop progress, and we can go back to riding horses and reading by candle light.:lol: So when will you start advocating the illegal mexicans take over government positions for a few peso a day?
Things are really worse then many of us know. The information I'm presenting should scare the heck out of anyone that reads and listens....



Frances Fox Piven Rings in The New Year By Calling for Violent Revolution

Frances Fox Piven Rings in The New Year By Calling for Violent Revolution | The Blaze

Frances Fox Piven: Glenn Beck Seeks ‘Foreign, Dark-Skinned, Intellectual’ Scapegoats - Big Government

Frances Fox Piven: Thomas Jefferson Would Be ‘Stunned’ at America Today (But Not For the Reason You Think) - Big Government

David DeGraw Interviewed on Ring of Fire & RT [video]

David DeGraw Interviewed on Ring of Fire & RT [video] | Amped Status...

Facebook Makes Pact with the Devil – Goldman Sachs Private IPO – Welcome to Neo-Feudal Facebook!

David DeGraw -- Independent Investigative Reporting

“The Road to World War III?”


“Old South Order, New Northern Horizon”

“Old South Order, New Northern Horizon” | David DeGraw

Van Jones and STORM should scare the daylights out of every American

Van Jones and STORM should scare the daylights out of every American...

Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe

Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe...

European Projects
He delivered some change i guess. Unfortunately,all his changes were bad for our nation.
January 5, 2011

"A surprise surge in private-sector employment last month to its highest level on record provided the most bullish signal in months that the economy is slowly mending.

Private employers added 297,000 jobs in December, triple the median estimate by economists and up from the gain of 92,000 in November, an ADP Employer Services report showed on Wednesday.

The news reduced early losses in stock index futures, though the stock market was still expected to open lower. The jobs report helped send the price of the 30-year Treasury bond a full point lower.

"You cannot ignore the strength of this report," Tom Porcelli, a U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets. "With small business now beginning to start to ramp up hiring, it's safe to feel better about the labor backdrop."

Adding to the rosy picture, the number of planned layoffs at U.S. firms fell last month to the lowest level in 10 years, according to a report by consultants Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc."



January 4, 2011

"U.S. banking regulators have authorized lawsuits against 109 bank officials so far as they seek to recover at least $2.5 billion in losses connected to recent bank failures.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said on Tuesday the suits target bank directors and officers for "either gross or simple negligence." It is seeking to recoup money for its deposit insurance fund, which backs customer accounts.

The FDIC has previously said it was pursuing such legal actions but now has unveiled a website with updated numbers.

The website will be updated monthly with a running tally of the amount of lawsuits authorized and how much the agency is seeking to recover. So far, however, the FDIC has only filed suits against directors and officers from two banks.


Check this stuff out... Glenn Beck has been teaching people about this stuff for a couple of years now.... Got to give him respect for that.... :mrgreen:

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Killer psalm? Bible verse deemed as threat on Obama's life

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions


Not Good for what is left of private sector unions. More power taken from the working class civilian whose unions now only represent 12% of the private sector work force....

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated)

HHS is Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program
'Trusted traveler' plan eliminates U.S. boundary with Canada, too...

U.S.-Mexico border vanishes under Obama agency program

So, far nothing we have done has slowed down the progressive destruction of our Republic.... The crooks are trying to force the American people into an all out confrontation.... Look what has been going on in other countries already brought under the Elitist bootheels....

I had a good line on this occurring. Public sector unions have been responsible for the fleecing of taxpayers for far too long. Civil service protections for government workers created a system where a worker would have to commit a felony to be fired. Meanwhile salaries for public sector union represented workers spun out of control.
It comes as no surprise that big union states such as NY,NJ, IL and CA have the highest taxes in the nations but also are states with the largest debt.
The gravy train has ground to a halt.
No more public sector unions......OVER!
Oh, just 7% of private sector workers are represented by labor organizations. That number continues to decline. Good.

Yep, when skilled labor is finally gone, that will stop progress, and we can go back to riding horses and reading by candle light.:lol: So when will you start advocating the illegal mexicans take over government positions for a few peso a day?

Oh puuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Spare me the "the only skilled workers are union" bullshit..Cry me a fucking river.
Not one of you union thugs will respond to the obvious...that is how do you explain the fact that just 7% of private sector workers are union members and about 20% of public workers the same?.....Your union whining indicates that 93% of the private sector cannot do a thing?
Look, this is all about greed on the part of unions. Unions which are businesses and as such exist to turn a profit.
This nonsense of poverty wages and no benefits and the other union talking points is a bunch of crap...
Unions are no longer needed nor wanted.
It's high time the power public worker unions have held over taxpayers comes to an end.
Genius.....Union does not equate to skilled. There is no difference other than the union worker is paid far above market rate for similar work. Unions create an artificially expensive and as we have seen, unaffordable labor market.
The days of unions having the ability to coerce states and cities into paying ridiculous wages and benefits are over. It is high time the wages of the servers are brought in line with those who workers are employed to serve.

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