Where's The Liberal Outrage Over Kate Steinle

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.

Liberal morality (or lack thereof) is extremely arbitrary. They don't know what they stand for from day to day. They have to be told how to respond to things by twisted media and or Hollywood. It's an odd sort of moral programming...don't even try to understand it.
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.
Oh you mean the shooting where the murderer was caught, there are laws being changed over it and there's some pretty heavy duty lawsuits going on? That Kate Steinle?
Leftist outrage has to suit an established agenda.

They check with their leaders to learn how to proceed
Lets face it the democrats are leaderless and losing power each election cycle.....all they have left is the gays, freaks, and illegals
They only care about issues that politically push forward their social justice warrior agenda.

Nothing else.
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.
Oh you mean the shooting where the murderer was caught, there are laws being changed over it and there's some pretty heavy duty lawsuits going on? That Kate Steinle?

The Kate Steinle that would still be alive if San Francisco didn't break Federal law and shelter criminals. That Kate Steinle?
The story is more complex than the obvious use of it as agitprop for the right. The a-hole killed her because a gun was left in a car. I am not justifying anything but when you live in society of guns bad happens.

How Trump and His Allies Exploited the Killing of “Beautiful Kate” to Stoke Anti-Immigrant Fear

What? That is such a stupid thing to say. He did not kill her because of the gun. HE killed her because he is a criminal and the exact type that you want more of. Good grief. You people are so stupid sometimes that I can't even believe it.
The story is more complex than the obvious use of it as agitprop for the right. The a-hole killed her because a gun was left in a car. I am not justifying anything but when you live in society of guns bad happens.

How Trump and His Allies Exploited the Killing of “Beautiful Kate” to Stoke Anti-Immigrant Fear

There you have it folks....LibTarditus on full display...."The filthy wetback didn't kill Kate...the gun did."
Holy fucking shit...you can't make this shit up.
The story is more complex than the obvious use of it as agitprop for the right. The a-hole killed her because a gun was left in a car. I am not justifying anything but when you live in society of guns bad happens.

How Trump and His Allies Exploited the Killing of “Beautiful Kate” to Stoke Anti-Immigrant Fear

This is so stupid.

Guns will be on earth as long as you are breathing and long afterwards.

Think of guns as legalized drugs. They can be dangerous, but you need to be smart about using them and abusing them and prevent kids from gaining access to them.

Now you love guns.....see how easy that was?
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.
Oh you mean the shooting where the murderer was caught, there are laws being changed over it and there's some pretty heavy duty lawsuits going on? That Kate Steinle?

Thank goodness for those individuals on the right who made this stuff happen. The thread is about "Where's The Liberal Outrage". smh lol
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.

Nobody voted to protect criminals. They voted to protect the rights of innocent people.
Leftist outrage has to suit an established agenda.

They check with their leaders to learn how to proceed

It's a; what's cool today sort of thing based on whatever disturbed celebrities and other twisted loons are programming.
They're like a 3 year old throwing a fit, screaming and yelling, stomping their feet, running around in circles, stopping every few seconds to check the reaction of on-lookers to decide how to carry on with the rant...Oh the poor confused whackos.
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.

Nobody voted to protect criminals. They voted to protect the rights of innocent people.

Hey, idiot, Kate was the "innocent" person.

They voted to protect a criminal. As in, what part of "illegal" in illegal alien do you not understand?

You fucking libtardos will do anything to protect criminals instead of locking them up so they can't kill INNOCENT people.
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.

Nobody voted to protect criminals. They voted to protect the rights of innocent people.

Hey, idiot, Kate was the "innocent" person.

They voted to protect a criminal. As in, what part of "illegal" in illegal alien do you not understand?

You fucking libtardos will do anything to protect criminals instead of locking them up so they can't kill INNOCENT people.

Yep, you're still nuts. Punishing every Mexican you can find for something they didn't do isn't protecting the rights of anybody.
Liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs over a Black Lives Matter woman getting killed by a whack job but you don't hear a damn thing about Kate Steinle who was killed in a sanctuary city by one of their whack jobs where illegal aliens are protected by the same liberals.

157 Libtardos in Congress just voted against Kate's law. WTF, Libtardos, 157 of your elected representatives voted to protect these criminals?

Liberals have no moral high ground. Liberals protect these criminals. They kill thousands every year with drugs they import. They kill hundreds every year with their gang violence. Libtardos don't care, they protect them and won't even help our law enforcement get them deported.

Keep up with the race cards, lieberals, you got Trump elected with them.

Nobody voted to protect criminals. They voted to protect the rights of innocent people.

Hey, idiot, Kate was the "innocent" person.

They voted to protect a criminal. As in, what part of "illegal" in illegal alien do you not understand?

You fucking libtardos will do anything to protect criminals instead of locking them up so they can't kill INNOCENT people.

Yep, you're still nuts. Punishing every Mexican you can find for something they didn't do isn't protecting the rights of anybody.

Punishing Mexicans? I believe the law was about sanctuary cities and not punishing anyone.
Kate's Law

(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to revise provisions relating to the reentry of removed aliens.

The bill provides that an alien who has been excluded, deported, removed, or denied admission, or who has departed the United States while under an outstanding order of exclusion, deportation, or removal, and who subsequently crosses or attempts to cross the border into the United States, shall be fined, imprisoned not more than two years, or both. ("Crosses the border" refers to the physical act of crossing the border, regardless of whether the alien is free from official restraint.)

The bill revises reentry of criminal offender provisions to provide that an alien who was convicted before such removal or departure of:

  • three or more misdemeanors or for a felony shall be fined, imprisoned up to 10 years, or both;
  • a felony for which the alien was sentenced to not less than 30 months in prison shall be fined, imprisoned up to 15 years, or both;
  • a felony for which the alien was sentenced to not less than 60 months shall be fined, imprisoned up to 20 years, or both; or
  • murder, rape, kidnapping, or a felony offense relating to peonage and slavery or terrorism, or of three or more felonies of any kind, shall be fined, imprisoned up to 25 years, or both.
An alien who has been excluded, deported, removed, or denied admission three or more times and thereafter enters, attempts to enter, or crosses or attempts to cross the border to, or is at any time found in, the United States shall be fined, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

The bill states that it shall be an affirmative defense to a reentry violation (thus placing the burden of proof on the defendant) that: (1) prior to the alleged violation, the alien had received Department of Homeland Security (DHS) consent to reapply for U.S. admission; or (2) with respect to an alien previously denied admission and removed, the alien was not required to obtain such advance consent and had complied with all other applicable admissions laws and regulations.

In a criminal proceeding under this section, an alien may not challenge the validity of any prior removal order. (Currently, the validity of a prior deportation order may be challenged under certain grounds.)

A removed alien who enters, attempts to enter, or crosses or attempts to cross the border to, or is at any time found in, the United States shall be incarcerated for the remainder of the sentence that was pending at the time of deportation without any reduction for parole or supervised release unless the alien affirmatively demonstrates that DHS has consented to the alien's reentry.

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