Where's The Outrage Over The Kill Team Photos?

If you had any integrity, you would have banned yourself by now, bub.

You're just not an honest person. I would live up to my promise if you were being honest but we both know you're not.

Liar. I showed where I had already addressed your question and you are still here.

Any limited shred of integrity you might have had is now dust. You said you would ban yourself, and you didn't.

You are a Lying Liar Who Lies.

Just stop you're embarrassing yourself now.

Any sane person would find murder to be worse then putting underwear on someones head. That's not what I asked you. You never answered my question. You were talking to someone else with post #34 answering a different question then what I asked. Are you this dishonest all of the time? Or are you just too dumb to understand what my question was? I'll let you pick.

I asked what you thought about what the Kill Team did. You never stated your opinion on their actions. I didn't see your outrage posted anywhere over what they did, so I wanted to hear your thoughts.
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And the Liar who said he would BAN himself is still here.

I can't wait for the next thread you start that you get utterly demolished in. Your threads are usually a guaranteed laugh due to your ignorance/stupidity/hypocrisy.

So now that I've shown you to be a liar/idiot in 2 separate threads that you've started I think I'll keep an eye out for what other crap you post so we can complete the trifecta.
I can't wait for the next thread you start that you get utterly demolished in. Your threads are usually a guaranteed laugh due to your ignorance/stupidity/hypocrisy.

So now that I've shown you to be a liar/idiot in 2 separate threads that you've started I think I'll keep an eye out for what other crap you post so we can complete the trifecta.

Only in your Bizarro parallel universe where the value system is reversed, bub.

The one thing that you have certifiably proven in this one is that you are a liar with no integrity.
I can't wait for the next thread you start that you get utterly demolished in. Your threads are usually a guaranteed laugh due to your ignorance/stupidity/hypocrisy.

So now that I've shown you to be a liar/idiot in 2 separate threads that you've started I think I'll keep an eye out for what other crap you post so we can complete the trifecta.

Only in your Bizarro parallel universe where the value system is reversed, bub.

The one thing that you have certifiably proven in this one is that you are a liar with no integrity.

Good luck with life. You obviously need it.
Thank you for your kind thoughts, but I am quite content with my lot in life.
A president is not personally responsible for a couple of murderers that happen to be in the service. They will get their just desserts. A president is however responsible for torture that is committed with the knowledge of his advisers.

You do understand that msm coverage on this has been, well slim may be the right word, and frankly, calls for everyone's head from bush on down, was pretty common fair for quite a while.

I can clearly remember multiple press conf.'s where in bush, his mouthpieces, the dept. of Def. etc. were overwhelmed with questions, and rightly so ( to an extent) , can you please direct me to a press conf. where in Obama has been asked to answers questions on the kills teams? Or say Project Gun Runner ( his one and only Q on that was from a Spanish TV station interview?)? Or Gates ala the Kill teams?

AS as blame goes, I agree with you but zI would frame it thus- the president is responsible but, he is not to blame, he is the Capt and its his ship, he must drive the issue amongst his own JD and ensure justice is done. At the very least he should take some heat, at least some roughly equal to his predecessors , which I think all reasonable folks would agree has not been equitable in this case.

Abu Gharib was an institution, the kill team are rouge individuals.

The kill team is going to Jail, No one but one girl went to jail for Abu Gharib :evil:

Republicans defended most of the pics from Abu Gharib dismissing them as "pranks" and attacking Dems as being terrorist sympathizers

Dems are not defending the kill teams at all

Do you see the difference?

This post right here is the thread killer.
You do understand that msm coverage on this has been, well slim may be the right word, and frankly, calls for everyone's head from bush on down, was pretty common fair for quite a while.

I can clearly remember multiple press conf.'s where in bush, his mouthpieces, the dept. of Def. etc. were overwhelmed with questions, and rightly so ( to an extent) , can you please direct me to a press conf. where in Obama has been asked to answers questions on the kills teams? Or say Project Gun Runner ( his one and only Q on that was from a Spanish TV station interview?)? Or Gates ala the Kill teams?

AS as blame goes, I agree with you but zI would frame it thus- the president is responsible but, he is not to blame, he is the Capt and its his ship, he must drive the issue amongst his own JD and ensure justice is done. At the very least he should take some heat, at least some roughly equal to his predecessors , which I think all reasonable folks would agree has not been equitable in this case.

Abu Gharib was an institution, the kill team are rouge individuals.

The kill team is going to Jail, No one but one girl went to jail for Abu Gharib :evil:

Republicans defended most of the pics from Abu Gharib dismissing them as "pranks" and attacking Dems as being terrorist sympathizers

Dems are not defending the kill teams at all

Do you see the difference?

Oh, really? So as long as people don't KILL PEOPLE IN A BUILDING the Administration gets a pass?


You think thats what it says? :lol:
Where's the outrage over six more kids being killed in Afghanistan yesterday? Didn't see anything on CNN or NBC on it. Remember when they both used to plaster our fallen soldiers' faces all over TV anytime they were killed? Not seeing that anymore huh? Gee i wonder why? Same ole Same ole dishonesty & hypocrisy from the Left/Democrats. if an 'R' was in there,i'm pretty sure CNN & NBC would have very different takes on these 'Kill Team' photos and our fallen Soldiers. It is what it is.
Where's the outrage over six more kids being killed in Afghanistan yesterday? Didn't see anything on CNN or NBC on it. Remember when they both used to plaster our fallen soldiers' faces all over TV anytime they were killed? Not seeing that anymore huh? Gee i wonder why? Same ole Same ole dishonesty & hypocrisy from the Left/Democrats. if an 'R' was in there,i'm pretty sure CNN & NBC would have very different takes on these 'Kill Team' photos and our fallen Soldiers. It is what it is.

Nobody cares about Afghanistan anymore, Libya is the talk of the hour. Afghanistan is seen as boring, uninteresting and dull, Libya is where its at. The cheerleaders are in formation and ready.
Where's the outrage over six more kids being killed in Afghanistan yesterday? Didn't see anything on CNN or NBC on it. Remember when they both used to plaster our fallen soldiers' faces all over TV anytime they were killed? Not seeing that anymore huh? Gee i wonder why? Same ole Same ole dishonesty & hypocrisy from the Left/Democrats. if an 'R' was in there,i'm pretty sure CNN & NBC would have very different takes on these 'Kill Team' photos and our fallen Soldiers. It is what it is.

Nobody cares about Afghanistan anymore, Libya is the talk of the hour. Afghanistan is seen as boring, uninteresting and dull, Libya is where its at. The cheerleaders are in formation and ready.

Yea it's very sad & tragic. Hardly a mention of these six kids killed in Afghanistan yesterday. I guess CNN & NBC are far too busy cheerleading for Bombing & Killing in Libya to pretend they care. Nothing New with the Liberal News though. :(
Abu Gharib was an institution, the kill team are rouge individuals.

The kill team is going to Jail, No one but one girl went to jail for Abu Gharib :evil:

Republicans defended most of the pics from Abu Gharib dismissing them as "pranks" and attacking Dems as being terrorist sympathizers

Dems are not defending the kill teams at all

Do you see the difference?

Oh, really? So as long as people don't KILL PEOPLE IN A BUILDING the Administration gets a pass?


You think thats what it says? :lol:

I'm giving it the interpretation that your pathetic logic deserves.
Where's the outrage over six more kids being killed in Afghanistan yesterday? Didn't see anything on CNN or NBC on it. Remember when they both used to plaster our fallen soldiers' faces all over TV anytime they were killed? Not seeing that anymore huh? Gee i wonder why? Same ole Same ole dishonesty & hypocrisy from the Left/Democrats. if an 'R' was in there,i'm pretty sure CNN & NBC would have very different takes on these 'Kill Team' photos and our fallen Soldiers. It is what it is.

Nobody cares about Afghanistan anymore, Libya is the talk of the hour. Afghanistan is seen as boring, uninteresting and dull, Libya is where its at. The cheerleaders are in formation and ready.

Yea it's very sad & tragic. Hardly a mention of these six kids killed in Afghanistan yesterday. I guess CNN & NBC are far too busy cheerleading for Bombing & Killing in Libya to pretend they care. Nothing New with the Liberal News though. :(

Yeah man its all about bombing the pants off of Ghaddafi and arming the rebels, no one gives a shit about boring old Afghanistan. I didn't heard a word about the Troops killed until I read some paragraph about it in some article this morning, sad.:(
Nobody cares about Afghanistan anymore, Libya is the talk of the hour. Afghanistan is seen as boring, uninteresting and dull, Libya is where its at. The cheerleaders are in formation and ready.

Yea it's very sad & tragic. Hardly a mention of these six kids killed in Afghanistan yesterday. I guess CNN & NBC are far too busy cheerleading for Bombing & Killing in Libya to pretend they care. Nothing New with the Liberal News though. :(

Yeah man its all about bombing the pants off of Ghaddafi and arming the rebels, no one gives a shit about boring old Afghanistan. I didn't heard a word about the Troops killed until I read some paragraph about it in some article this morning, sad.:(

Yea there is no more credible News Media in this country. It's all about regurgitating Government Talking Points Propaganda at this point. They don't even question the Talking Points anymore. CNN & NBC used to at least pretend to care about dead soldiers. Now they don't even do that. But if an 'R' was in there,i'm sure their coverage would be much different. They Suck. Nuff said.
Yea it's very sad & tragic. Hardly a mention of these six kids killed in Afghanistan yesterday. I guess CNN & NBC are far too busy cheerleading for Bombing & Killing in Libya to pretend they care. Nothing New with the Liberal News though. :(

Yeah man its all about bombing the pants off of Ghaddafi and arming the rebels, no one gives a shit about boring old Afghanistan. I didn't heard a word about the Troops killed until I read some paragraph about it in some article this morning, sad.:(

Yea there is no more credible News Media in this country. It's all about regurgitating Government Talking Points Propaganda at this point. They don't even question the Talking Points anymore. CNN & NBC used to at least pretend to care about dead soldiers. Now they don't even do that. But if an 'R' was in there,i'm sure their coverage would be much different. They Suck. Nuff said.

A UN Building was attacked this morning in Afghanistan and people were beheaded, none of them Americans but still disgusting none the less, I posted a thread on it but beyond that, I don't hear anyone talking about it. Afghanistan is a dead horse.:doubt:
Where's the outrage over six more kids being killed in Afghanistan yesterday? Didn't see anything on CNN or NBC on it. Remember when they both used to plaster our fallen soldiers' faces all over TV anytime they were killed? Not seeing that anymore huh? Gee i wonder why? Same ole Same ole dishonesty & hypocrisy from the Left/Democrats. if an 'R' was in there,i'm pretty sure CNN & NBC would have very different takes on these 'Kill Team' photos and our fallen Soldiers. It is what it is.

Were the six kids killed by rogue kill teams?

I guess you are too young to remember Vietnam...they didn't plaster names and faces on national tv after a while. But locally (I'm near Camp Pendleton), Marines killed are honored on our news.

That probably disappoints you.
Yeah man its all about bombing the pants off of Ghaddafi and arming the rebels, no one gives a shit about boring old Afghanistan. I didn't heard a word about the Troops killed until I read some paragraph about it in some article this morning, sad.:(

Yea there is no more credible News Media in this country. It's all about regurgitating Government Talking Points Propaganda at this point. They don't even question the Talking Points anymore. CNN & NBC used to at least pretend to care about dead soldiers. Now they don't even do that. But if an 'R' was in there,i'm sure their coverage would be much different. They Suck. Nuff said.

A UN Building was attacked this morning in Afghanistan and people were beheaded, none of them Americans but still disgusting none the less, I posted a thread on it but beyond that, I don't hear anyone talking about it. Afghanistan is a dead horse.:doubt:

Yup gotta kill those Libyans now. CNN & NBC are obsessed with cheerleading for this. It turns my stomach. Can't even watch that stuff anymore. Six more kids dead in Aghanistan and not a peep out of them. :(

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