'Whether You Love Him or Hate Him': President Trump's 3 Qualities Christian Leaders Should Learn

Oh god. This is the line now when he’s busted lying or doing stupid crap?

No its pure comedic value with revenge on the media sprinkled on top.

I believe America as I grew up to love it is well and truly fucked.

Someone to turnover the chessboard and the table might slow the decline.
Then what?

Try to start working towards a future that is NOT your dystopia of One Party Rule and racial oppression of whites.
Christians that support trump are HYPOCRITES.....OF THE FIRST ACCOUNT....they are allowing a lying, perverted traitor to rule their country and mind...most are racist...of the closet type...

He's called the God-Emperor for a reason.
Nowhere in the bible does it indicate divorce is wrong. And, most of the biblical bigwigs had wives AND lovers.
Christians that support trump are HYPOCRITES.....OF THE FIRST ACCOUNT....they are allowing a lying, perverted traitor to rule their country and mind...most are racist...of the closet type...
Trump is everything that Christians claim to oppose........unfaithful, untruthful, greedy
Don't even talk to me about people who call themselves "Christians" in today's society. They have absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus of Nazareth except to steal his name.
Trump looked so stunned yesterday when he admitted Russia meddled.

Only the best stunned.
Nowhere in the bible does it indicate divorce is wrong. And, most of the biblical bigwigs had wives AND lovers.

Yes. Jesus is quoted as saying that divorce is wrong. How about women having BOTH husbands and lovers? In the "way of the Lord," can't women do this, too?

Is this okay?

Don’t avoid confrontation? He’s the master at that:

During the campaign, he went to Mexico. Didn’t say one thing about the wall to the Mexican President’s face. Later that evening, once back in the US….it was all about the wall at his rally.

This past week; trashed Germany when Merkel wasn’t in the room. When she was in the room, it was “we have a great relationship”

Trashed May to the press….met with May? Not a word about it….called it “fake news”

Better not to cause the storm in the first place.

As for public opinion…that much I can agree with. What is popular isn’t always right; what is right isn’t always popular….
If your blob ever takes an unpopular stand with his constituency…please let us know. PS: Ain’t going to happen. He’s the biggest slave in the world to the opinion of his moronic supporters. Or do you really think he actually believes the shit he says about guns (that he doesn’t own), illegals (that he has employed in the past), or trade policies that favor the US (while having his wares made overseas)?

And this from the weekend:

In front of Putin...our intel agencies are wrong...Putin did not interfere
5,000 miles away...our intel agencies are right...Putin interfered.

Trump is a pussy.

As a matter of review:

During the campaign, he went to Mexico. Didn’t say one thing about the wall to the Mexican President’s face. Later that evening, once back in the US….it was all about the wall at his rally.

This past week; trashed Germany when Merkel wasn’t in the room. When she was in the room, it was “we have a great relationship”

Trashed May to the press….met with May? Not a word about it….called it “fake news”

And you see it in his policy too. Remember after one of the school shootings he was saying "You can't be afraid of the NRA"....then when the NRA came calling; he changed his tune...

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