Which Bias describes you? 24 cognitive biases warping your perception and reality

Which of 24 Biases describes your perception of reality

  • Anchoring

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Availability Heuristic

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Confirmation

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Curse of Knowledge

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Backfire

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Barnum

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Belief Bias / Self Serving

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bystander

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Declinism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dunning Kruger

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Framing

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Fundamental Attribution

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Halo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In Group / Group Think

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just World

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Pessimism / Optimism / Negativity

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Reactance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sunk Cost

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Placebo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spotlight

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
None of the above.

I do, however, have a bias against intentional abject ignorance/stupidity, especially among Democrats, who as a separate species excel at it.
None of the above.

I do, however, have a bias against intentional abject ignorance/stupidity, especially among Democrats, who as a separate species excel at it.

1. If you go into arguments already deciding to explain all problems in terms of blaming Democrats, that's sounds like a form of
confirmation, anchoring or fundamental attribution.
2. If you wait for other people to do something about this "Democrat" problem,
that sounds like Bystander Effect.
3. Negativity, Pessimism, or Group Think may also reinforce your blame of Democrats if your beliefs are reinforced or stronger justified
when others join in the same blame game.
4. If you cling to your beliefs stronger the more the Liberal Democrats push their own agenda
that could be reactance, backfire or sunk cost. (I checked Sunk Cost because the more these
problems cost us as taxpayers, the more I advocate that we should focus on corrections.
We can't afford to keep going in this dual blame game where nobody is fixing anything just blaming the other party for points.)

Billy_Kinetta honestly I cannot tell too much difference between some of the biases.
Negativity and Pessimisms sound like they are caused by similar things.

If you are better able, can you please read through the list more carefully
and distinguish which of these might apply to how you blame Democrats more for ignorance/stupidity
than Republicans who don't enforce Constitutional corrections either. I believe Republicans and
Conservatives, especially Christians and Constitutionalists, tend to respond better to CORRECTIONS
made by Constitutional laws or by Christian rebuke. But if we don't hold either party to account,
that's why nobody sees the difference. We can't just be BYSTANDERS waiting for someone else to act.
None of the above.

I do, however, have a bias against intentional abject ignorance/stupidity, especially among Democrats, who as a separate species excel at it.

1. If you go into arguments already deciding to explain all problems in terms of blaming Democrats, that's sounds like a form of
confirmation, anchoring or fundamental attribution.
2. If you wait for other people to do something about this "Democrat" problem,
that sounds like Bystander Effect.
3. Negativity, Pessimism, or Group Think may also reinforce your blame of Democrats if your beliefs are reinforced or stronger justified
when others join in the same blame game.
4. If you cling to your beliefs stronger the more the Liberal Democrats push their own agenda
that could be reactance, backfire or sunk cost. (I checked Sunk Cost because the more these
problems cost us as taxpayers, the more I advocate that we should focus on corrections.
We can't afford to keep going in this dual blame game where nobody is fixing anything just blaming the other party for points.)

Billy_Kinetta honestly I cannot tell too much difference between some of the biases.
Negativity and Pessimisms sound like they are caused by similar things.

If you are better able, can you please read through the list more carefully
and distinguish which of these might apply to how you blame Democrats more for ignorance/stupidity
than Republicans who don't enforce Constitutional corrections either.

Indeed, they are both what they are. My problem with the Democrats is that they have become essentially a European-style socialist party within America, with little remaining attachment to American foundational thoughts and principles. Their agenda is anathema to individual liberty and thought. I do not approve of the "fundamental change" they seek to force upon the United States. I consider them, their media and the disreputable culture they've created to be a far greater danger to the Republic than the Republicans could ever hope to be.

Of course, Republicans have their issues, but theirs are more attuned to individual power-seeking and wealth than to the overall destruction of the Republic. They can still be reasoned with. The Democrats cannot.

I am a pessimistic optimist. Let's leave it at that.
None of the above.

I do, however, have a bias against intentional abject ignorance/stupidity, especially among Democrats, who as a separate species excel at it.

1. If you go into arguments already deciding to explain all problems in terms of blaming Democrats, that's sounds like a form of
confirmation, anchoring or fundamental attribution.
2. If you wait for other people to do something about this "Democrat" problem,
that sounds like Bystander Effect.
3. Negativity, Pessimism, or Group Think may also reinforce your blame of Democrats if your beliefs are reinforced or stronger justified
when others join in the same blame game.
4. If you cling to your beliefs stronger the more the Liberal Democrats push their own agenda
that could be reactance, backfire or sunk cost. (I checked Sunk Cost because the more these
problems cost us as taxpayers, the more I advocate that we should focus on corrections.
We can't afford to keep going in this dual blame game where nobody is fixing anything just blaming the other party for points.)

Billy_Kinetta honestly I cannot tell too much difference between some of the biases.
Negativity and Pessimisms sound like they are caused by similar things.

If you are better able, can you please read through the list more carefully
and distinguish which of these might apply to how you blame Democrats more for ignorance/stupidity
than Republicans who don't enforce Constitutional corrections either.

Indeed, they are both what they are. My problem with the Democrats is that they have become essentially a European-style socialist party within America, with little remaining attachment to American foundational thoughts and principles. Their agenda is anathema to individual liberty and thought. I do not approve of the "fundamental change" they seek to force upon the United States. I consider them, their media and the disreputable culture they've created to be a far greater danger to the Republic than the Republicans could ever hope to be.

Of course, Republicans have their issues, but theirs are more attuned to individual power-seeking and wealth than to the overall destruction of the Republic. They can still be reasoned with. The Democrats cannot.

I am a pessimistic optimist. Let's leave it at that.

Thanks Billy_Kinetta
Just don't let the Pessimism "obstruct" oppress or censor the Optimism.
it's okay to check idealism by realism and real life practical solutions.
What happens too often is votes NO that end up shutting down
the dialogue instead of getting to workable solutions that mean YES.

The Optimism will push for solutions, so we need that push!
People will not agree until it's really the right solution across the board for everyone.
So there's plenty of objections to put on the brakes. No worries about that side of the equation!

I'm concerned with the lack of faith that parties would agree to better solutions
so nobody is asking or pushing for those. if only what is consensual is going
to get us to agreement, there shouldn't be any fear in asking. But that's what
I run across. People don't even want to ask because they "assume" the "Democrats won't want that."
Republicans here are Belief Bias, Self-serviing Bias, Groupthink, and they suffer from Declinism, and Backfire Effect.

Me? I'm Optimism Bias, if anything. :)
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Republicans here are Belief Bias, Self-serviing Bias, Groupthink, and they suffer from Declinism, and Backfire Effect.

Me? I'm Optimism Bias, if anything. :)
Interesting MarcATL
And do you call your above view of Republicans "Optimism" or "Pessimism/Negative"?
I would think if you were suffering from too much Optimism,
you'd point out the good side you see in Republicans,
and have biased faith that the good outweighs the bad.

I think this shows the common bias of "them vs. us"
You forgive the faults of the group you identify with as "us" while the other side
criticizes the Negatives (as you do with Republicans); and the members of
that group forgive the faults of their group they identify with (Republicans)
while criticizing the Democrats as "hateful and fear-based" while
saying they are the ones OPTIMISTIC and believing America is great
while it's those "Liberal Democrats" tearing down American traditions
as Negative, from the Flag to the Anthem, to Christian prayer and the Constitution.

Do you agree that both groups impose this same bias of "them vs. us"
"We" are the good guys, and the problems are causing by that OTHER GROUP.

Do you see both sides projecting this bias on each other?
Each thinking they have the positive solutions that the OTHER SIDE is rejecting
and destroying with hateful angry negativity?
No idea what any of them mean

Okay rightwinger, let me guess, your response most relates to
Curse of Knowledge. The more you know, it biases your views one way or the other.
And the less you research and back up what you believe, the more you may
cling to and defend them out of emotional reasons instead of the real rational behind them.

* If your unconscious reasoning backs up what you believe
then the More you research and know the More you enforce your beliefs grounded on this knowledge
* If the real reasons behind your beliefs are due to OTHER "emotional" biases
(and not based on real factors affecting problems and solutions in real life)
then the More you research, the More this may CHANGE your beliefs
(from negative fear-based reaction against problems to positive focus on solutions instead)

rightwinger what I find is that
if people research SOLUTIONS to the problems they oppose,
this tends to expand their beliefs and faith that they can get to those solutions
without compromising their principles. So they don't have to be BIASED
against other groups. This reinforces their true principles and priorities,
while getting rid of any false need to "justify" beliefs "emotionally by rejecting other groups"
that have nothing to do with the actual solution. It gets rid of that negativity factor
and directing focus and resources to the positive solutions.

So the more you know about the SOLUTIONS the less you blame others for the PROBLEMS.
And the less you blame others for the PROBLEMS, the more clearly you can see the SOLUTIONS.
None of the above.

I do, however, have a bias against intentional abject ignorance/stupidity, especially among Democrats, who as a separate species excel at it.

And here trump played to the lower educated for votes.

You want to find ignorant people, go to any church near you.

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