Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?

We had proof the Rs cut funding and then refused to increase it when it requested by both Obama and Clinton.

Show us the proof that Republicans prevented the desperately requested increase in security by Christopher Stephens.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Why are you even trying to make this tired dog hunt, Slade? This rather pathetic attempt at passing the buck was shot down shortly after Democrats tried using it in an attempt to cover Hillary's rather fat ass! Budget cuts were not the problem in Benghazi. That was testified to under oath by the woman who was in charge of that in the Middle East for the State Department.
Show me something that a single one of these "investigations" have proven, Nat

Glad you asked......

Flynn (who was once loved by the orange clown) proved to be an agent for a foreign government, Turkey and possibly even for Russia..he got fired.

Carter Page (once called by Trump one of his top foreign advisers) proved to be a prime target for Russian spies....He got fired.

Paul Manafort (once head of Trump's campaign) proved to be an agent for the communist former Ukrainian leaders and crook....He got fired...

You see, investigations cause your ilk a bit of a problem, don't you think?

When was Flynn ever proven to be an "agent for a foreign government"? Are you smoking crack today?
How about you tell us what we do know about Flynn... be objective and honest if your capable.

I know that it's never been proven by anyone that he's an agent for a foreign government! Nat is talking out of his ass when he makes that claim but then...what else is new!
Since your 20 million people getting health insurance for the first time is a lie in and of itself, Nat...what difference does it make what "ilk" they are?

Well, you can put your head back up your arse....but you should check out those town halls in red states when citizens are told that you're going to take away their ACA.....Seriously, check it out how that is going.....LOL

You think that I'm in any way shocked that the people who were given huge subsidies under ObamaCare are now upset that that might be coming to an end? I told anyone who would listen way back in 2009 that you couldn't make the numbers work with the way that the ACA was structured and that it would lead to increases in healthcare coverage costs for middle class Americans or massive increases in the National debt! That's the game that you progressives played...you did what you love to do...gave out free stuff and obligated the tax payer to foot the bill...knowing that when the adults in the room pointed out that the costs were going to be unsustainable that they'd face enormous political pressure because once people GET free stuff it's almost impossible to then take it away from them! Barry, Harry and Nancy lied their asses off when they were ramming the ACA through before the Republicans could stop them following the 2010 midterms. They set this whole mess up to fail thinking that they could then pass Medicaid for all, once Hillary took the Oval Office and the GOP lost seats in the House and Senate! Now that hasn't happened...you progressives are demanding to know why Republicans can't fix the FUBARED healthcare system that you've bequeathed them!

For 7 long YEARS Republicans campaigned on repealing Obamacare: "I am going to repeal Obamacare the very 1st day I am in office." How many freaking times did we hear that one? It then went into we are going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare--it must have been stated a million times between Republican candidates.

This has NOTHING to do with Democrats. Republicans have a full house & they failed MISERABLY. They never had a health care plan that could have replaced Obamacare. They had 7 long years to work on one, but they were too busy doing 8 investigations into Benghazi, and saying NO to everything that came down the pipeline. They actually took the time to write 30 house bills to repeal Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a veto pen. That's what you paid their salaries for.

You voted for Trump because you believed he was some kind John Wayne--and the Republican congress and Senate would just melt to his whims. Well that didn't happen. They're treating him like he is Pee Wee Herman.

JOHN BOEHNER--Laughed and stated a few months ago that Republicans NEVER agree on health care, and that repeal & replace was nothing more than campaign hyperbole rhetoric.
"Former Speaker John Boehner said Republicans were “wildly optimistic” on the campaign trail in promising voters a full and immediate repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare. Politico said Boehner made the comments about the ACA, which could disgruntle Republicans who campaigned heavily against the law, at the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, a gathering of health care professionals, scientists and scholars held in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday. During the keynote address, Boehner, who retired from Congress in 2015, was reported to have labeled the Republican’s repeal-and-replacement strategy as “happy talk.”
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

It is a glaring exhibit of how inept the Republican party really is. With Trump in office we have the blind leading the enept.

And as stated: People may not know how they got health care, but they will sure as hell remember who took it away from them--LOL And it shows in these Republican town halls.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton faces an angry crowd in Arkansas.


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Show me something that a single one of these "investigations" have proven, Nat

Glad you asked......

Flynn (who was once loved by the orange clown) proved to be an agent for a foreign government, Turkey and possibly even for Russia..he got fired.

Carter Page (once called by Trump one of his top foreign advisers) proved to be a prime target for Russian spies....He got fired.

Paul Manafort (once head of Trump's campaign) proved to be an agent for the communist former Ukrainian leaders and crook....He got fired...

You see, investigations cause your ilk a bit of a problem, don't you think?

When was Flynn ever proven to be an "agent for a foreign government"? Are you smoking crack today?
How about you tell us what we do know about Flynn... be objective and honest if your capable.

What I do know is that Flynn was fired because he misled Vice President Pence when he was asked if he'd spoken to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions. Talking to the Russian Ambassador would be part of Flynn's job. Not being forthcoming to the VP would not be!
You posted a link in response to this which dealt with security, not the motivation for the attack.

Now who's deflecting? Funding had nothing to do with the security decisions in Benghazi as you regressives keep implying in spite of proof otherwise. In fact, in her testimony, Lamb went on to say an appearance of normalcy was the primary driver of her decisions.
You're right funding doesn't make decisions, and saying the the video was an instigating factor didn't kill anybody either. Fact is, when you cut funding you lessen resources and increase risk.

Hey it was the bitch and her minions that went for an appearance of normalcy in a hot bed of terrorism, the woman that made the decision said funding had nothing to do with her decision. (see the provided quote) So stop the bullshit deflection already. It's just another example of the bitches state dept, and to think you wanted to make that incompetent bitch president.
I wanted to make her president? Really? Haha, you're a presumptive idiot

You sure have been defending her, it was her fault that Stevens didn't get the additional security he begged for.
Whatever you say poncho. Curious if you know the details about the following. How many embassies made requests for additional security and/or resources? What would the costs be to fulfill all of these requests? What was the budget that was available? Make sure to factor In the 300 million dollar cut made by congress

More deflection, the subject was the decisions made in response to Stevens requests and what were the reasons for not providing it.
Since your 20 million people getting health insurance for the first time is a lie in and of itself, Nat...what difference does it make what "ilk" they are?

Well, you can put your head back up your arse....but you should check out those town halls in red states when citizens are told that you're going to take away their ACA.....Seriously, check it out how that is going.....LOL

You think that I'm in any way shocked that the people who were given huge subsidies under ObamaCare are now upset that that might be coming to an end? I told anyone who would listen way back in 2009 that you couldn't make the numbers work with the way that the ACA was structured and that it would lead to increases in healthcare coverage costs for middle class Americans or massive increases in the National debt! That's the game that you progressives played...you did what you love to do...gave out free stuff and obligated the tax payer to foot the bill...knowing that when the adults in the room pointed out that the costs were going to be unsustainable that they'd face enormous political pressure because once people GET free stuff it's almost impossible to then take it away from them! Barry, Harry and Nancy lied their asses off when they were ramming the ACA through before the Republicans could stop them following the 2010 midterms. They set this whole mess up to fail thinking that they could then pass Medicaid for all, once Hillary took the Oval Office and the GOP lost seats in the House and Senate! Now that hasn't happened...you progressives are demanding to know why Republicans can't fix the FUBARED healthcare system that you've bequeathed them!

For 7 long YEARS Republicans campaigned on repealing Obamacare: "I am going to repeal Obamacare the very 1st day I am in office." How many freaking times did we hear that one? It then went into we are going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare--it must have been stated a million times between Republican candidates.

This has NOTHING to do with Democrats. Republicans have a full house & they failed MISERABLY. They never had a health care plan that could have replaced Obamacare. They had 7 long years to work on one, but they were too busy doing 8 investigations into Benghazi, and saying NO to everything that came down the pipe line. They actually took the time to write 30 bills to repeal Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a veto pen. That's what you paid their salaries for.

You voted for Trump because you believed he was some kind John Wayne--and the Republican congress and Senate would just melt to his whims. Well that didn't happen. They're looking at him as a Pee Wee Herman.

JOHN BOEHNER--Laughed and stated a few months ago that Republicans NEVER agree on health care, and that repeal & replace was nothing more than campaign hyperbole.
"Former Speaker John Boehner said Republicans were “wildly optimistic” on the campaign trail in promising voters a full and immediate repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare. Politico said Boehner made the comments about the ACA, which could disgruntle Republicans who campaigned heavily against the law, at the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, a gathering of health care professionals, scientists and scholars held in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday. During the keynote address, Boehner, who retired from Congress in 2015, was reported to have labeled the Republican’s repeal-and-replacement strategy as “happy talk.”
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

It is a glaring exhibit of how inept the Republican party really is. With Trump in office we have the blind leading the enept.

And as stated: People may not know how they got health care, but they will sure as hell remember who took it away from them--LOL And it shows in these Republican town halls.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton faces an angry crowd in Arkansas.


You're amusing, Oreo...you just chastised the GOP for not replacing the ACA for the last six years of the Obama Administration...but in doing so you admitted that Barack Obama was waiting for anything that they DID pass with his veto pen. Since the GOP never came close to having enough votes to overturn a Presidential veto then why are you in anyway shocked that didn't get done?
The Obamas admin spent plenty of money, too much in my opinion, but facts in this case are the GOP was responsible for cutting 300 million that was allocated to embassy security.

Have you EVER done your own research on any of your posts rather than parroting the talking points sent to you?

The attack on Benghazi was on 9/11/2012. The fiscal year ended 9/30/2012.

The budget with the alleged $300 million cut would have been for 2014

Vice presidential debate: Did Paul Ryan want $300 million embassy security cut?

In the vice presidential debate Thursday, Joe Biden said a budget written by Rep. Paul Ryan sought a $300 million cut in embassy security. The facts are more nuanced.

By Peter Grier, Staff Writer OCTOBER 12, 2012


This came up when the men were dealing with the issue of the tragic attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in which US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other men were killed.

The Romney/Ryan ticket has accused the administration of stinting on embassy security prior to these attacks. In reply, Vice President Biden said the charge was “malarkey.”

“This congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for, No. 1. So much for the embassy security piece,” said Biden.

The nugget of fact behind this charge is that as chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan has submitted a budget blueprint that proposes cutting all nondefense discretionary spending by 19 percent in fiscal 2014. This category includes everything Uncle Sam does that is not an entitlement program, like Social Security, or run by the Pentagon, or interest on the debt.


Vice presidential debate: Did Paul Ryan want $300 million embassy security cut?

The desperation of Progressives is simply pathetic!
Since your 20 million people getting health insurance for the first time is a lie in and of itself, Nat...what difference does it make what "ilk" they are?

Well, you can put your head back up your arse....but you should check out those town halls in red states when citizens are told that you're going to take away their ACA.....Seriously, check it out how that is going.....LOL

You think that I'm in any way shocked that the people who were given huge subsidies under ObamaCare are now upset that that might be coming to an end? I told anyone who would listen way back in 2009 that you couldn't make the numbers work with the way that the ACA was structured and that it would lead to increases in healthcare coverage costs for middle class Americans or massive increases in the National debt! That's the game that you progressives played...you did what you love to do...gave out free stuff and obligated the tax payer to foot the bill...knowing that when the adults in the room pointed out that the costs were going to be unsustainable that they'd face enormous political pressure because once people GET free stuff it's almost impossible to then take it away from them! Barry, Harry and Nancy lied their asses off when they were ramming the ACA through before the Republicans could stop them following the 2010 midterms. They set this whole mess up to fail thinking that they could then pass Medicaid for all, once Hillary took the Oval Office and the GOP lost seats in the House and Senate! Now that hasn't happened...you progressives are demanding to know why Republicans can't fix the FUBARED healthcare system that you've bequeathed them!

For 7 long YEARS Republicans campaigned on repealing Obamacare: "I am going to repeal Obamacare the very 1st day I am in office." How many freaking times did we hear that one? It then went into we are going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare--it must have been stated a million times between Republican candidates.

This has NOTHING to do with Democrats. Republicans have a full house & they failed MISERABLY. They never had a health care plan that could have replaced Obamacare. They had 7 long years to work on one, but they were too busy doing 8 investigations into Benghazi, and saying NO to everything that came down the pipe line. They actually took the time to write 30 bills to repeal Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a veto pen. That's what you paid their salaries for.

You voted for Trump because you believed he was some kind John Wayne--and the Republican congress and Senate would just melt to his whims. Well that didn't happen. They're looking at him as a Pee Wee Herman.

JOHN BOEHNER--Laughed and stated a few months ago that Republicans NEVER agree on health care, and that repeal & replace was nothing more than campaign hyperbole.
"Former Speaker John Boehner said Republicans were “wildly optimistic” on the campaign trail in promising voters a full and immediate repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare. Politico said Boehner made the comments about the ACA, which could disgruntle Republicans who campaigned heavily against the law, at the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, a gathering of health care professionals, scientists and scholars held in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday. During the keynote address, Boehner, who retired from Congress in 2015, was reported to have labeled the Republican’s repeal-and-replacement strategy as “happy talk.”
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

It is a glaring exhibit of how inept the Republican party really is. With Trump in office we have the blind leading the enept.

And as stated: People may not know how they got health care, but they will sure as hell remember who took it away from them--LOL And it shows in these Republican town halls.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton faces an angry crowd in Arkansas.


You're amusing, Oreo...you just chastised the GOP for not replacing the ACA for the last six years of the Obama Administration...but in doing so you admitted that Barack Obama was waiting for anything that they DID pass with his veto pen. Since the GOP never came close to having enough votes to overturn a Presidential veto then why are you in anyway shocked that didn't get done?

Do you live in a closet? The new health plan didn't come up for a vote--because Republicans wouldn't vote for it. When the house speaker, in this case Paul Ryan knows he doesn't have the votes they typically will table it, versus going through the embarrassement of watching it get slammed dunked on C-SPAN, and every national news network across this country.

"Washington (CNN) That didn't take long. The Republican Party's freshly unveiled bill to repeal Obamacare is already in trouble. House Republican leaders are proud of their plan to roll back key pillars of the Affordable Care Act. But Tuesday, the proposal has invited criticism from rank-and-file lawmakers, powerful conservative groups and key senators that could threaten the bill's survival.

The fiercest opposition is coming from some of the most conservative Republicans in Congress who have labeled the new legislation "Obamacare Lite" and "Obamacare 2.0." They are warning party leaders that the bill simply doesn't go far enough in gutting the current health care system.
"The bill's dead. Too many conservative groups are coming out against it. There's no way they'll have the votes to pass it in its current form," a conservative House aide told CNN, in a sign of some lawmakers' desire to flex their muscles and make a hard push for changes to the bill."
The GOP's Obamacare replacement bill: Dead on arrival? - CNNPolitics.com

It really wouldn't have mattered if the house passed it, because it was dead on arrival in the Republican Senate anyway. That's another reason they won't bring it to the floor for a vote.


Republicans would be smart to work with Democrats to FIX the existing Obamacare bill--by getting Prescription drugs down to reasonable and figuring out a way to reduce health care costs. Playing musical chairs with Health Care is NOT the solution. Americans do not like their health care plans screwed around with to score political points.

AGAIN--Republicans had 7 long years to work up a comparable bill that could have replaced or fixed Obamacare to make it better and to reduce cost--and they failed MISERABLY. They're inept.
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I did blame the ones responsible... terrorist. I don't think GOP votes were the cause, nor do I think Obama or Clinton or our military was the cause. It was a horrible terror attack and y'all are mad at the wrong people so you can politicize the situation... that's the sick thing

PROVEN WRONG, you dodge and run. So typical of Progressives.

Hillary refused additional protection, lied about the cause as did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Susan Rice went on FIVE TV Sunday news shows and LIED on all FIVE.

President Obama, after his initial 15-minute briefing, went to bed refusing to allow the help to head to Benghazi. Instead, President Obama went to bed and left early the next morning for a FUND RAISER IN LAS VEGAS.

Just sick!
For 7 long YEARS Republicans campaigned on repealing Obamacare: "I am going to repeal Obamacare the very 1st day I am in office." How many freaking times did we hear that one? It then went into we are going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare--it must have been stated a million times between Republican candidates.

It took SEVENTEEN MONTHS to shove Obamacare up the throats of America.

So, using a tired cliche from Yogi Berra, it ain't over until it's over!
I did blame the ones responsible... terrorist. I don't think GOP votes were the cause, nor do I think Obama or Clinton or our military was the cause. It was a horrible terror attack and y'all are mad at the wrong people so you can politicize the situation... that's the sick thing

PROVEN WRONG, you dodge and run. So typical of Progressives.

Hillary refused additional protection, lied about the cause as did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Susan Rice went on FIVE TV Sunday news shows and LIED on all FIVE.

President Obama, after his initial 15-minute briefing, went to bed refusing to allow the help to head to Benghazi. Instead, President Obama went to bed and left early the next morning for a FUND RAISER IN LAS VEGAS.

Just sick!

BULLSHIT--You know we can only Thank God that Democrats didn't line the stage with 240 grieving mothers of 240 U.S. Marines that were killed at that embassy and Lebanon and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.

As we know G.W. Bush had a few Benghazi's of his own.


It really couldn't be better stated than this:

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.

There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down".

With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy


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For 7 long YEARS Republicans campaigned on repealing Obamacare: "I am going to repeal Obamacare the very 1st day I am in office." How many freaking times did we hear that one? It then went into we are going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare--it must have been stated a million times between RepThey ublican candidates.

It took SEVENTEEN MONTHS to shove Obamacare up the throats of America.

So, using a tired cliche from Yogi Berra, it ain't over until it's over!

Yeah it took that long to write a bill for health care. Republicans didn't work on a health care bill for the last 7 years. They were too busy with 8 Benghazi investigations, and complaining about Obamacare, threatening to shut down the government over Obamacare--and pulled a new 76 page health care bill out of their ass's in 2 weeks and tried to shove that down Congessional Republicans throats and it got shoved right back up their ass's.

They NEVER had a Health Care bill. Clearly, they NEVER thought about a Health Care Bill to replace Obamacare with, and they've had 7 long years to come up with one that would pass and they failed MISERABLY. They couldn't even get their own freaking party to vote for it.

They've been great at campaigning on repeal & replace but when the rubber met the road they had a 4 tire blow-out.

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The snowflake 'McCarthy witch hunt going on, just like the Benghazi investigation, has revealed DEMOCRAT crimes. ZERO evidene to support the lies / false accusations made by snowflakes.
The snowflake 'McCarthy witch hunt going on, just like the Benghazi investigation, has revealed DEMOCRAT crimes. ZERO evidene to support the lies / false accusations made by snowflakes.

No Evidence- are you brain dead?

Here is the evidence so far. There will be much more.

1. The Russians were being wiretapped all along. They have Trump surrogates on recording with not only the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents also--throughout the campaign season.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

2.. CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting, with Russian ambassador--this includes Carter Page who we recently found out had a FISA warrant issued on him. This only (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

3. John McCain wants to know why that clause was put in the platform:

4. We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

The biggest denier of all--Donald Trump

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season.Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. He has refused to go back to congress to answer more questions, under oath.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

6. General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone. Recently we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey receiving over 500K for his services, and while also attention National Security briefings. Flynn is now asking for immunity for his testimony.
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Graham: Flynn asking for immunity ‘is a bit bizarre’

7. Then this comes out.

8. CNN confirms it
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Republican congressman Devin Nunes is booted off the chair of the House Intelligence Committee--for running into Trump's office to inform him of what new evidence was showing up. He apolgized to the committee and was booted. Comey cancelled the meeting (behind closed doors) that Nunes had wanted.

Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee.
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says - CNNPolitics.com

Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee. "Chairman just cancelled open Intelligence Committee hearing with (former Director of National Intelligence James) Clapper, (former CIA Director John) Brennan and (former deputy Attorney General Sally) Yates in attempt to choke off public info," Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the committee tweeted moment before going to speak to the press Friday morning.
House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing - CNNPolitics.com

10. Roger Stone, a long time friend and campaign adviser to Trump tweets out that he had a back door into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker, known as Guccifer 2.0.

In the final months of the 2016 campaign, longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone repeatedly discussed his backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and claimed knowledge of forthcoming leaks from the group, a CNN KFile review of his public statements shows. Stone's comments about WikiLeaks have come under increased scrutiny as the FBI and congressional committees investigate whether Trump associates were involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics.com

President Donald Trump's former campaign adviser and longtime confidante Roger Stone said he exchanged private messages with a hacker implicated in a massive cyberattack that targeted the Democratic National Commitee last year. Stone told Business Insider in an email late Thursday night that he had a private conversation on Twitter with the person, nicknamed "Guccifer 2.0," and that the interaction was so "brief and banal, I had forgotten it."
Top Trump confidante admits to speaking privately with Guccifer 2.0, an alleged Russian cyberspy

11. Adam Schiff-- cochair of the House investigation committee had this to say.

I was around during Watergate--and I can tell you that they didn't have a smidgen of the evidence that they currently have on Trump & company. This is your evidence, and there will be much more coming as John McCain stated. They are taking their time with these 3 ongoing investigations to make certain that all I's are dotted and T's are crossed There are actually CIA agents in Russia right now collecting more evidence.

Comey's comment of a few weeks ago in the Senate. While he refused to answer specific questions about this case he said something that should have caught everyone's ear. He stated: It's as like they didn't even care if they got." That can only mean one thing. They've been caught.

This is the biggest scandal in American history. Watergate will pale in comparison.

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You're amusing, Oreo...you just chastised the GOP for not replacing the ACA for the last six years of the Obama Administration...but in doing so you admitted that Barack Obama was waiting for anything that they DID pass with his veto pen. Since the GOP never came close to having enough votes to overturn a Presidential veto then why are you in anyway shocked that didn't get done?

What a moronic post.......

Why should the "fear" of Obama's veto stop the GOP from formulating a HC plan?

For SIX years the GOP sat bitching about the ACA with NOTHING but the bitching.
The snowflake 'McCarthy witch hunt going on, just like the Benghazi investigation, has revealed DEMOCRAT crimes. ZERO evidene to support the lies / false accusations made by snowflakes.

No Evidence- are you brain dead?

Here is the evidence so far. There will be much more.

1. The Russians were being wiretapped all along. They have Trump surrogates on recording with not only the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents also--throughout the campaign season.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

2.. CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting, with Russian ambassador--this includes Carter Page who we recently found out had a FISA warrant issued on him. This only (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

3. John McCain wants to know why that clause was put in the platform:

4. We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

The biggest denier of all--Donald Trump

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season.Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. He has refused to go back to congress to answer more questions, under oath.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

6. General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone. Recently we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for Turkey receiving over 500K for his services, and while also attention National Security briefings. Flynn is now asking for immunity for his testimony.
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Graham: Flynn asking for immunity ‘is a bit bizarre’

7. Then this comes out.

8. CNN confirms it
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Republican congressman Devin Nunes is booted off the chair of the House Intelligence Committee--for running into Trump's office to inform him of what new evidence was showing up. He apolgized to the committee and was booted. Comey cancelled the meeting (behind closed doors) that Nunes had wanted.

Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee.
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says - CNNPolitics.com

Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee. "Chairman just cancelled open Intelligence Committee hearing with (former Director of National Intelligence James) Clapper, (former CIA Director John) Brennan and (former deputy Attorney General Sally) Yates in attempt to choke off public info," Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the committee tweeted moment before going to speak to the press Friday morning.
House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing - CNNPolitics.com

10. Roger Stone, a long time friend and campaign adviser to Trump tweets out that he had a back door into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker, known as Guccifer 2.0.

In the final months of the 2016 campaign, longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone repeatedly discussed his backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and claimed knowledge of forthcoming leaks from the group, a CNN KFile review of his public statements shows. Stone's comments about WikiLeaks have come under increased scrutiny as the FBI and congressional committees investigate whether Trump associates were involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics.com

President Donald Trump's former campaign adviser and longtime confidante Roger Stone said he exchanged private messages with a hacker implicated in a massive cyberattack that targeted the Democratic National Commitee last year. Stone told Business Insider in an email late Thursday night that he had a private conversation on Twitter with the person, nicknamed "Guccifer 2.0," and that the interaction was so "brief and banal, I had forgotten it."
Top Trump confidante admits to speaking privately with Guccifer 2.0, an alleged Russian cyberspy

11. Adam Schiff-- cochair of the House investigation committee had this to say.

I was around during Watergate--and I can tell you that they didn't have a smidgen of the evidence that they currently have on Trump & company. This is your evidence, and there will be much more coming as John McCain stated. They are taking their time with these 3 ongoing investigations to make certain that all I's are dotted and T's are crossed There are actually CIA agents in Russia right now collecting more evidence.

Comey's comment of a few weeks ago in the Senate. While he refused to answer specific questions about this case he said something that should have caught everyone's ear. He stated: It's as like they didn't even care if they got." That can only mean one thing. They've been caught.

This is the biggest scandal in American history. Watergate will pale in comparison.

Dude, how many times are you going to repeat the same CNN talking points that grossly exaggerate what took place? Do you think for some reason that CNN becomes more credible when you spam it's slanted coverage?
You're amusing, Oreo...you just chastised the GOP for not replacing the ACA for the last six years of the Obama Administration...but in doing so you admitted that Barack Obama was waiting for anything that they DID pass with his veto pen. Since the GOP never came close to having enough votes to overturn a Presidential veto then why are you in anyway shocked that didn't get done?

What a moronic post.......

Why should the "fear" of Obama's veto stop the GOP from formulating a HC plan?

For SIX years the GOP sat bitching about the ACA with NOTHING but the bitching.

It's simple politics, Nat. The only way the Affordable Care Act can be "fixed" is if you take out the preexisting clause, take out the clause that let's "children" stay on their parents plan until 26, take out the huge subsidies and increase penalties on those who don't sign up! Only then will you make the numbers work. The problem is...you liberals have given people freebies which quite frankly we can't afford to pay for and now those people think what was given to them is a right. Getting rid of those things will probably be political suicide even though it's what SHOULD be done! It's what the architects of the ACA intended all along. People like Jonathon Gruber KNEW they were lying about what it would do and what it would cost! They counted on the gullibility of people like you to allow them to pass a healthcare bill that was designed to fail.
Probably under the "guidance" of FOX and Friends geniuses, right wingers on here, whenever there is mention of possible collusion between the Trumpsters and Russian oligarchs and Russian spies, revert to the trite: "Show me the proof?"

Now, the question arises (not that these same right wing nitwits could ever admit) if there already WAS proof, we wouldn't be subjected to the world embarrassment of an orange clown in the oval office........Proof is the result of careful, objective and unhindered investigations by both our intelligence agencies and [hopefully] congressional oversight committees.

We can witness this drip, drip, drip of allegations materializing, and tonight's news is that Carter Page and other Trump advisers were indeed the subject of Russian intelligence recruitment. Since some of these investigations go back to last summer, the issue is NOT whether Putin and his cohorts are currently recruiting, BUT whether the earlier recruitment led to collusion, such as the RNC platform's softening on Russian land grab in the Ukraine and Crimea.

Now, rarely there may be smoke but no fire.....but much more often, this amount of "smoke" CANNOT be witnessed without there having been a smoldering fire.
Some things don't need investigation. Your braindead posts for one.

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