Which comes first?

Are things moral because God says so, or does God say so because they're moral?


Well, accoding to His Word the Lord made everything. Here are just two verses that show this:

Pro 16:4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

So, if the Lord made everything then what is moral is because God made them so.
Are things moral because God says so, or does God say so because they're moral?


From the modern preacher teaching from the 'Word of God' to the ancient priest sacrificing his brethren as an army of paid thugs enforce his revelations of Gods will, morality has ALWAYS been the whim of those in the power position of interpreting what the will of 'God' is.

Morality, like the use of an angry or benevolent 'God' to keep the sheeple in line, is strictly an invention of man.

Ask any member of Jonestown when you see them in heaven.
They are,

or they aren't.

God is the Good, the protector, the Brains of the Operation;

Satan is the hate, the divisions that make the peace untenable.

It's a long road, to see on down a couple of miles,

to the place where you'd have to shimmy up to your own worst fears AND deal with 'em.

fuck. <sigh>
From the modern preacher teaching from the 'Word of God' to the ancient priest sacrificing his brethren as an army of paid thugs enforce his revelations of Gods will, morality has ALWAYS been the whim of those in the power position of interpreting what the will of 'God' is.

Morality, like the use of an angry or benevolent 'God' to keep the sheeple in line, is strictly an invention of man.

Ask any member of Jonestown when you see them in heaven.

They didn't go to heaven.

They followed a false prophet,

and believed that DEATH was better than life.

From the modern preacher teaching from the 'Word of God' to the ancient priest sacrificing his brethren as an army of paid thugs enforce his revelations of Gods will, morality has ALWAYS been the whim of those in the power position of interpreting what the will of 'God' is.

Morality, like the use of an angry or benevolent 'God' to keep the sheeple in line, is strictly an invention of man.

Ask any member of Jonestown when you see them in heaven.

They didn't go to heaven.

They followed a false prophet,

and believed that DEATH was better than life.


If you can PROVE that, I will follow whatever morality you subscribe to. In the meantime, your opinion is worth no more than mine or anyone else.

Good luck.
It could be outside the question.

For example:

Which came first? The Chicken or the Egg?

I would say that the Rooster did....
If you can PROVE that, I will follow whatever morality you subscribe to. In the meantime, your opinion is worth no more than mine or anyone else.

Good luck.

State your fucking OBLIGATIONS

before I die.

WHAT do you want?

What is it that I'm supposed to do/think/feel to make it all Right for you?

Well, I mean, that IS the only reason I exist, eh?
God is righteousness, aka moral. You can't separate the two. He can be nothing except righteous, he is unable to be unrighteous. Our morality and righteousness are just pale reflections of God's. So OUR morality came after God's. His morality and righteousness exist simultaneously in his being.
I bow to the resident laying expert. :razz:

It could be outside the question.

For example:

Which came first? The Chicken or the Egg?

I would say that the Rooster did....

chickens lay eggs with NO roosters ~

laying mash.

Call your local feed store about this.
And the answer IS:

They BOTH were.

You can't have one without the other, eh?

Actually, the Bible says on the fith day the Lord made the Chicken came first. Then He told them to multiply and that is where the egg came in. ;)

Gen 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

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