Which Handgun Are You?


Colt 1911 (.45)
The link got me to the page, but I could not see the quiz... strange...
The quiz says I am a Glock in .45.

Not an accurate assessment. I like the technology of a Glock, but they have never been something I want to own. They just don't fit.
well this sucks... either I'm stupid or I have a computer issue! hmmmmm ... it say take quiz below but no matter what I click on it just keeps bringing me back to the screen with the gun and summary about the quiz, but not the quiz itself!
fine, I just went to another site....

Heckler and Koch, Model P7 in 9mm!

It's awesome.. (and German) ... like me :) (well my ancestors were German anyway... )
This is the message that I got. :) :) :)

Handguns aren't really your thing. You're a peacemaker who wants to avoid conflict whenever possible. You're also genuine and completely unique. Kids love you, and it's hard not to have a good time when you're around. You are a Red Ryder BB Gun. Be careful, though: you don't want to shoot anybody's eye out.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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