Which is a bigger number: 4,380 American deaths per year from illegals or 254 blacks shot by cops?

I am sure glad there is no crime by whites..You guys might have to stop brow beating the brown man..
So has the response to this thread been proof that the numbers provided are terribly wrong, or just a big ol' pile of deflection?

I think people like trump who use illegals both as a wedge issue and for cheap labor do so because they don't really believe anything will ever be done about it.

I'm sure trump didn't think the left would figure out and expose him for being an illegal employer. Neither did Romney when he got caught.

It would be great if this debate actually stopped this so trump would be forced to pay Americans a fair wage. He can afford it right? He even brags about how much he has.

If you add up the people who want them to stay you have a very small number of bleeding hearts and illegal employers who want them to stay they are a small minority. The bleeding hearts have no political power but the illegal employers do.

Where are your facts about Trump hiring "illegals"?

"Wedge issue"?? So you believe "illegal immigrants" have a right to break the law ?
No as I said I want them all to leave. The reason they stay is because we have any legal employer problem. They come for the jobs. Would you blame me if Canada had a system where I could easily go there and make $500,000 a year would you blame me for going? Who would be to blame? The Canadian employers hiring me would. Don't blame the illegal workers when its been allowed for so long hush hush. America has to sign John its border a small one that says stay out and a big one that says help wanted.
I think people like trump who use illegals both as a wedge issue and for cheap labor do so because they don't really believe anything will ever be done about it.

I'm sure trump didn't think the left would figure out and expose him for being an illegal employer. Neither did Romney when he got caught.

It would be great if this debate actually stopped this so trump would be forced to pay Americans a fair wage. He can afford it right? He even brags about how much he has.

If you add up the people who want them to stay you have a very small number of bleeding hearts and illegal employers who want them to stay they are a small minority. The bleeding hearts have no political power but the illegal employers do.

Where are your facts about Trump hiring "illegals"?

"Wedge issue"?? So you believe "illegal immigrants" have a right to break the law ?
They busted trumps company for hiring illegals. But he and you think he is innocent because his company contracts that hiring out to a third party company? Are you that stupid? And then you tell me who is hiring the illegals? And did you know that under Bush workforce raids went down as soon as Bush got into office and all this started on Reagan's watch? I'm serious. And I could show you the facts but I'm writing my smartphone so I can't cut and paste for you but it's easy to find.
I think people like trump who use illegals both as a wedge issue and for cheap labor do so because they don't really believe anything will ever be done about it.

I'm sure trump didn't think the left would figure out and expose him for being an illegal employer. Neither did Romney when he got caught.

It would be great if this debate actually stopped this so trump would be forced to pay Americans a fair wage. He can afford it right? He even brags about how much he has.

If you add up the people who want them to stay you have a very small number of bleeding hearts and illegal employers who want them to stay they are a small minority. The bleeding hearts have no political power but the illegal employers do.

Where are your facts about Trump hiring "illegals"?

"Wedge issue"?? So you believe "illegal immigrants" have a right to break the law ?
They busted trumps company for hiring illegals. But he and you think he is innocent because his company contracts that hiring out to a third party company? Are you that stupid? And then you tell me who is hiring the illegals? And did you know that under Bush workforce raids went down as soon as Bush got into office and all this started on Reagan's watch? I'm serious. And I could show you the facts but I'm writing my smartphone so I can't cut and paste for you but it's easy to find.

Please prove with FACTS NOT your opinion.
When and where did this occur? YOU are making the accusation therefore YOU are responsible to PROVE...so prove it!
Since illegal aliens are a PC-protected group, we won't see a great deal of outrage.

Only in a police state do the faithful want the police left alone when they kill people.

What kind of moron would tie a police mans hand when criminals kill and you fucking scum bag pieces of shit will give them public support.

When you get to advocating criminals above police you deserve to die at the hands of one of your own .......................

If you would just kindly move to Detroit or Baltimore .................................

We have laws, rules, and regulations covering police practices for good reason.
But we aren't enforcing laws of "illegal immigration" with 200 "sanctuary cities" harboring law breakers.
That is the truly disgusting aspect and YOUR president hasn't said ONE word...Like the San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi on Friday
He also quipped federal agents should "do your job," meaning that if the immigration department had wanted Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez to return to Mexico, agents should have issued a court order instead of detainer.
San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi Says Too Much Finger-Pointing Distortion in Pier 14 Shooting Holds News Conference to Set Record Straight NBC Bay Area

I support zero immigration. But I'm not interested in putting the GOP imperialists back in power on false promises to achieve it.

"Zero immigration"????
Are you that intolerant? That afraid of competition? Truly that ignorant that our entire country is founded on "legal immigrants"!
My goodness how backward are YOU?
I think people like trump who use illegals both as a wedge issue and for cheap labor do so because they don't really believe anything will ever be done about it.

I'm sure trump didn't think the left would figure out and expose him for being an illegal employer. Neither did Romney when he got caught.

It would be great if this debate actually stopped this so trump would be forced to pay Americans a fair wage. He can afford it right? He even brags about how much he has.

If you add up the people who want them to stay you have a very small number of bleeding hearts and illegal employers who want them to stay they are a small minority. The bleeding hearts have no political power but the illegal employers do.

Where are your facts about Trump hiring "illegals"?

"Wedge issue"?? So you believe "illegal immigrants" have a right to break the law ?
They busted trumps company for hiring illegals. But he and you think he is innocent because his company contracts that hiring out to a third party company? Are you that stupid? And then you tell me who is hiring the illegals? And did you know that under Bush workforce raids went down as soon as Bush got into office and all this started on Reagan's watch? I'm serious. And I could show you the facts but I'm writing my smartphone so I can't cut and paste for you but it's easy to find.

Please prove with FACTS NOT your opinion.
When and where did this occur? YOU are making the accusation therefore YOU are responsible to PROVE...so prove it!
Sorry I'm on a smartphone doing talk to text and I don't think I could prove anything to a right wing nut job. Whatever facts I would link you would just blow off as liberal propaganda I've seen it time and time again
I think people like trump who use illegals both as a wedge issue and for cheap labor do so because they don't really believe anything will ever be done about it.

I'm sure trump didn't think the left would figure out and expose him for being an illegal employer. Neither did Romney when he got caught.

It would be great if this debate actually stopped this so trump would be forced to pay Americans a fair wage. He can afford it right? He even brags about how much he has.

If you add up the people who want them to stay you have a very small number of bleeding hearts and illegal employers who want them to stay they are a small minority. The bleeding hearts have no political power but the illegal employers do.

Where are your facts about Trump hiring "illegals"?

"Wedge issue"?? So you believe "illegal immigrants" have a right to break the law ?
They busted trumps company for hiring illegals. But he and you think he is innocent because his company contracts that hiring out to a third party company? Are you that stupid? And then you tell me who is hiring the illegals? And did you know that under Bush workforce raids went down as soon as Bush got into office and all this started on Reagan's watch? I'm serious. And I could show you the facts but I'm writing my smartphone so I can't cut and paste for you but it's easy to find.

Please prove with FACTS NOT your opinion.
When and where did this occur? YOU are making the accusation therefore YOU are responsible to PROVE...so prove it!
Sorry I'm on a smartphone doing talk to text and I don't think I could prove anything to a right wing nut job. Whatever facts I would link you would just blow off as liberal propaganda I've seen it time and time again

But it's OK for you to use hyperbole, innuendoes, exaggerations...LIE??? Just because you are on a "smartphone"???
Excuse sucks and totally negates any comments you make because see opinions are more likely believed if backed with at least
facts and or LINKS to prove your comments!
Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct
And IF pigs had wings...

WOW, the racist Right are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this discredited GOP scripted bullshit from 2006 that was disproved immediately upon release. Yeah that's right, this bullshit was known to be bullshit since 2006, but racist lies never die on the Right.

The lie starts with this disclaimer "Though no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by illegal aliens" and runs from there. So how did Republican racist Steve King fabricate the number? He took another Right-wing racist phony number and used that to "extrapolate" his GOP scripted lie. King claimed that 28% of prison inmates are "criminal aliens," but the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and has found that only 6.4% of all state and federal inmates were "noncitizens." BTW, not all aliens are here illegally!
Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct
And IF pigs had wings...

WOW, the racist Right are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this discredited GOP scripted bullshit from 2006 that was disproved immediately upon release. Yeah that's right, this bullshit was known to be bullshit since 2006, but racist lies never die on the Right.

The lie starts with this disclaimer "Though no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by illegal aliens" and runs from there. So how did Republican racist Steve King fabricate the number? He took another Right-wing racist phony number and used that to "extrapolate" his GOP scripted lie. King claimed that 28% of prison inmates are "criminal aliens," but the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and has found that only 6.4% of all state and federal inmates were "noncitizens." BTW, not all aliens are here illegally!

YES I know NOT all aliens are here illegally.
We are talking about "Illegal immigrants".

So two simple questions. Do you think people that have successful jobs in Mexico
a) Still want to leave Mexico and immigrate to the USA and if so..
b) would they do it illegally?

Obvious answer then is NO they probably would not and b) if they did the most likely would not do it illegally!

So what does that leave? Mostly poor people that Mexico doesn't want and already criminals when they come "illegally"!

US Border Patrol Overview

How about this list to begin with!!!

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers We re All Victims The Constitution Party
Fox News, obtained reports by the House Judiciary Committee and nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.
They are the result of the committee’s subpoena request for Department of Homeland Security records from October 2008 to July 2011.
The information was analyzed by the CRS and show 276,412 reported charges against illegal and criminal immigrants over that three-year period as identified by Secure Communities, a federal program that essentially attempts to make best use of resources by identifying and prioritizing which illegal immigrants pose the biggest threat to public safety and should be arrested or deported. Fox News reports,
“Of the 160,000 people in the database, more than 26,000 were re-arrested —
accounting for nearly 58,000 crimes and violations.
They allegedly committed nearly 8,500 drunken-driving offenses and more than 6,000 drug-related violations. The records also show major criminal offenses, which included murder, battery, rape, kidnapping and nearly 3,000 thefts. Roughly two percent of the crimes included child molestation, lynching, and torture, according to the 13-page Congressional Research Service report.”[13]
Undocumented immigrants and law enforcement officers are not the same, one having nothing to do with the other.

No one said they were the same.

No one said they have anything to do with each other.

THe point was about the relative number of deaths caused by each of them.

Comparing two numbers of the same items ie violent deaths is a completely valid comparison, and it is not credible that you were confused by that.

It is credible that you have no real answer to the point, and are just throwing out anything that might let you obfuscate a truth you don't want to deal with.
More like facts you don't want to discuss.
Doesn't lend well to your lines of bullshit and ignorance.

I'll discuss the facts.

In 2012, approximately 4 American children per day were killed by child abuse.

In 2012, 92 Americans per day died in vehicle related events.


Yeah it's an ugly world out there, your point??

What's the OP's point? I did what he did.

No, you didn't.

All you did was show that you didn't get the point.

Then state in your own words what the point is.

Don't need to. It's been done quite well.

Stop playing games and address it.
Even more pointedly is where is the White House on this? The WH sends 3 representatives to Freddy Gray a known criminal's funeral.
But not one mention much less a representative to the white woman Kate Seinie.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly opened The Kelly File Thursday by asking why President Barack Obama spoke out about the deaths of young black men, but ignored the San Francisco murder of Kate Seinle at the hands of a five-time deported illegal immigrant.

“When asked repeatedly this week to speak to this case, White House spokesman Josh Earnest declined to weigh in, other than to refer folk to the Department of Homeland Security,” Kelly said. “A stark contrast to what we saw after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, a man we now know was attacking a police officer at the time of his death,”
Kelly Why Has Obama Ignored Woman Killed by Immigrant Mediaite

The only conclusion one can come to is Obama is content with "sanctuary cities" and making gross exaggeration of black criminals deaths
but can see a way to acknowledge there is even a problem.

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