Which Is Worse? Trump at Helsinki or FDR at Yalta? It's Not Even Close

If Democrats are furious and outraged over Trump's expression of doubt about Russian meddling at the Helsinki press conference, they should, at the very least, be equally furious and enraged over the fact that FDR sold out Eastern Europe to Stalin at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. Stalin murdered 20 million Soviets, among others, before WW II even began. Putin is a minor-league tyrant compared to Stalin.

FDR's shocking and tragic sellout to Stalin at Yalta was preceded by previous acts of betrayal of Eastern European nations. FDR also sold out European Jews and opposed the creation of a Jewish state.

History Can't Be Rewritten To Defend FDR's Behavior At Yalta

Roosevelt’s Failure at Yalta


https://mises.org/sites/default/files/Roosevelts Road to Russia_3.pdf

FDR at Yalta: Walking With the Devil

How FDR Appeased Stalin and Sowed the Seeds of the Cold War

1943 – The Year FDR Betrayed the Baltic States

FDR’s Costly Enchantment with Stalin

Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

All but the Jews


How was FDR going to stop Stalin after he made promises he didn't keep?
You see, I'm perfectly willing to admit that Trump committed two severe gaffes at Helsinki, but the vast majority of liberals still, to this day, won't admit the ugly truth about Yalta, even after all we now know about the Soviet spies and sympathizers in FDR's administration. By any rational measurement, whatever "damage" Trump did at Helsinki totally pales in comparison to the damage FDR did at Yalta.
Damn. This is the most desperate I have ever seen you Trump sheep. Even you know he &^%%$$$ and you will go to great lengths to avoid having to admit it.

So you're not going to address the hypocrisy and double-standard? You're not going to address the fact that Trump's gaffe at Helsinki pales in comparison to FDR's handing over tens of millions of people to Stalin's tyranny at Yalta? (In fact, many liberals still, to this day, deny that FDR did anything wrong at Yalta!!!)

And, FYI, I've made it clear in several posts that I believe that Trump erred when he expressed doubt about Russian meddling and when he said that he trusted both sides. I've said those statements were mistakes and should not have been uttered. But those two gaffes pale in comparison to what FDR did at Yalta.
There is no double standard. Just an attempt at denying the truth about what Trump did by pointing at FDR and screaming.. But I know in your eyes you see both Trump and FDR equally incompetent..
You see, I'm perfectly willing to admit that Trump committed two severe gaffes at Helsinki, but the vast majority of liberals still, to this day, won't admit the ugly truth about Yalta, even after all we now know about the Soviet spies and sympathizers in FDR's administration. By any rational measurement, whatever "damage" Trump did at Helsinki totally pales in comparison to the damage FDR did at Yalta.
The FDR administration was the ones that started the UnAmerican Activities committee which spied on and prosecuted Nazis and communist starting in 1938
The Trump/Putin summit was not a great and shinning moment for Trump nor was it the end of the world as we know it. There is a word many people should familiarize themselves with, Perspective the ability to consider things in relation to one another accuratley and fairly.
And that perspective tells us that Trump fucked up mightily. Only the best mightily.
You see, I'm perfectly willing to admit that Trump committed two severe gaffes at Helsinki, but the vast majority of liberals still, to this day, won't admit the ugly truth about Yalta, even after all we now know about the Soviet spies and sympathizers in FDR's administration. By any rational measurement, whatever "damage" Trump did at Helsinki totally pales in comparison to the damage FDR did at Yalta.
Yalta was a bad, bad moment for US foreign policy. OTH, who was going to make Stalin honor his "promises"? Not the USA, who with exhausted powers GB and FR had Germany and Italy to garrison and Europe to rebuild, while fighting Japan in the Pacific.

We can't say the two are not comparable, because it may take a decade or two for Trump's gaffe to produce results that all true Americans fear.
Helsinki, then, according to DJT, is as bad as Yalta.

If so, impeach Trump right now.

Go for it. File a lawsuit or shut up.
:lol: Doc1, you are not the boss of anyone here.

I think what Trump pulled at Helsinki easily can be a charge by the House for an indictment of impeachment.

Translation, you won't do shit except type as an anonymous LDS douche.
Bless your heart, Doc1, a personal attack reveals weakness, and you know I am not LDS, although I do admire many of the Mormons I know.

Trump gaffed terribly at Helsinki and the Dems will try to make him pay for it personally and the GOP generally in the elections.
As I remember the period, the American people wanted the war to end. We were not about to turn Patton loose to try and defeat the USSR, and people are the simple difference between a democratic republic and a dictatorship.
Besides Trump has now come along and America and Russia are now as one.
Putin dominated Trump in Helsinki. does Trump like to be dominated by a strongman?

Trump nervously fidgeted. he looked dejected, like a "man burying himself alive", as one media outlet put it.
If Democrats are furious and outraged over Trump's expression of doubt about Russian meddling at the Helsinki press conference, they should, at the very least, be equally furious and enraged over the fact that FDR sold out Eastern Europe to Stalin at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. Stalin murdered 20 million Soviets, among others, before WW II even began. Putin is a minor-league tyrant compared to Stalin.

FDR's shocking and tragic sellout to Stalin at Yalta was preceded by previous acts of betrayal of Eastern European nations. FDR also sold out European Jews and opposed the creation of a Jewish state.

History Can't Be Rewritten To Defend FDR's Behavior At Yalta

Roosevelt’s Failure at Yalta


https://mises.org/sites/default/files/Roosevelts Road to Russia_3.pdf

FDR at Yalta: Walking With the Devil

How FDR Appeased Stalin and Sowed the Seeds of the Cold War

1943 – The Year FDR Betrayed the Baltic States

FDR’s Costly Enchantment with Stalin

Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

All but the Jews


Ridiculous. tRump is now. Nobody is outraged at crap that happened half a century ago.

Get real.
Damn. This is the most desperate I have ever seen you Trump sheep. Even you know he fucked up and you will go to great lengths to avoid having to admit it.

Yup and that's why the Democrats tears down statues of their evil past...

Ignorance is bliss.

If Democrats are furious and outraged over Trump's expression of doubt about Russian meddling at the Helsinki press conference, they should, at the very least, be equally furious and enraged over the fact that FDR sold out Eastern Europe to Stalin at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. Stalin murdered 20 million Soviets, among others, before WW II even began. Putin is a minor-league tyrant compared to Stalin.

FDR's shocking and tragic sellout to Stalin at Yalta was preceded by previous acts of betrayal of Eastern European nations. FDR also sold out European Jews and opposed the creation of a Jewish state.

History Can't Be Rewritten To Defend FDR's Behavior At Yalta

Roosevelt’s Failure at Yalta


https://mises.org/sites/default/files/Roosevelts Road to Russia_3.pdf

FDR at Yalta: Walking With the Devil

How FDR Appeased Stalin and Sowed the Seeds of the Cold War

1943 – The Year FDR Betrayed the Baltic States

FDR’s Costly Enchantment with Stalin

Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

All but the Jews


Ridiculous. tRump is now. Nobody is outraged at crap that happened half a century ago.

Get real.

Say what? You have people on here still complaining about slavery 200 plus years ago and they demand their 40 acres and a mule..

FDR gave away half of fucking Europe and millions disappeared...

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Nobody ever fucked up like Kennedy did in Vienna.
tRump did in Helsinki.

Bull Shit.
Dude, it was broadcast live on international television. They are still showing reruns.

Reruns of what? There were no sanctions removed on Russia. There was no
land given to Russia. Russia got nothing.
Reruns of tRump sucking up, giving in, capitulating, grovelling, subjugating himself and us, etc.

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