Which major party is Dumber, Repubs or Dems

Who is dumber?

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Whatā€™s pathetic is that the duopoly is offering two 80 year olds and LibTarians / Independents STILL canā€™t roll-out a candidate with a sellable message, idelas or platformā€¦.Now thatā€™s fucking patheticā€¦.isnā€™t it?
What does a sellable message have to do with it? You idiots aren't even listening. You'll vote shit party regardless.
I'm not preoccupied with who the MSM tells me has a "realistic chance", and it's no excuse to vote for bad candidate. I'll vote for the best candidate on the ballot, or write someone in. I won't line up with the rest of the fools and vote for a shitty leader on purpose.
Weird confused person-
ā€The Cowboys and Eagles are playing but I hate both teams so Iā€™m going to bet on the Giants to win.ā€
Sane person in-touch with reality-
ā€œUmm, but the Giants arenā€™t playing in this game.ā€
Weird confused person-
ā€œYeah but maybe in time I can will the Giants into winning the game even though they arenā€™t playing in the game.ā€
Sane person in-touch with reality-
ā€œUmm, havenā€™t you been trying this crazy ā€˜WILLā€™ bullshit for decades with no luck?ā€

Do you hear how fucking crazy this shit sounds?

Golfing Gator
I'm not preoccupied with who the MSM tells me has a "realistic chance", and it's no excuse to vote for bad candidate. I'll vote for the best candidate on the ballot, or write someone in. I won't line up with the rest of the fools and vote for a shitty leader on purpose.

The only way I'd be throwing away my vote is if I voted for a bad candidate. I'm not going to do that.
I would rather you vote for a third party loser than for biden

So go in peace
Put the Big Man in, stop voting for his lackeys.

satan 2024.jpg
Weird confused person-
ā€The Cowboys and Eagles are playing but I hate both teams so Iā€™m going to bet on the Giants to win.ā€
Voting is not gambling, moron. You don't win a prize if the candidate you vote for wins. And you don't lose anything if they don't. If you throw away your vote on a shitty candidate, you lose regardless.
Voting is not gambling, moron. You don't win a prize if the candidate you vote for wins. And you don't lose anything if they don't. If you throw away your vote on a shitty candidate, you lose regardless.
I think illegal aliens won and American citizens lost when biden became president
Voting is not gambling, moron. You don't win a prize if the candidate you vote for wins. And you don't lose anything if they don't. If you throw away your vote on a shitty candidate, you lose regardless.
Let me dumb this downā€¦AGAIN!!!
Team #1-
81 million ignorant fools voted for 8 million illegal wetbacks and $5 fuel
Team #2-
74 million voted against 8 million wetabacks and $5 dollar fuel

Team #1 ā€œwonā€ the prize they bet on and hoped forā€¦.didnā€™t they?
Let me dumb this downā€¦AGAIN!!!
Team #1-
81 million ignorant fools voted for 8 million illegal wetbacks and $5 fuel
Team #2-
74 million voted against 8 million wetabacks and $5 dollar fuel

Team #1 ā€œwonā€ the prize they bet on and hoped forā€¦.didnā€™t they?
No. We all lost.

Here's what partisan twats can never understand. We're all on the same team. There is no winner if we elect a bad leader.
Againā€¦.your LibTarian platform is such SHIT that you canā€™t even squeeze in and sell it when the duopoly runs an 80 year old Douche and an 80 year old Turd Sandwich.
Why is that?
Because of exactly what we're talking about. Because hapless cowards like you fall for the fear-mongering and propaganda.
Because of exactly what we're talking about. Because hapless cowards like you fall for the fear-mongering and propaganda.
Even hapless cowards want whatā€™s best for Americaā€¦LibTarians donā€™t have a ā€˜better for Americaā€™ platform to pitchā€¦thatā€™s the bottom line.
Smaller government, less spending, legal drugs and more beaners canā€™t be sold to Americans.
What am I saying you ask?
Even hapless cowards want whatā€™s best for Americaā€¦LibTarians donā€™t have a ā€˜better for Americaā€™ platform to pitchā€¦thatā€™s the bottom line.
They do, in fact. The just don't cater to bigots like you. Fortunately, most people aren't bigots like you. Sorry, not sorry.
They do, in fact. The just don't cater to bigots like you. Fortunately, most people aren't bigots like you. Sorry, not sorry.
Bigotry is what creates standards and expectationsā€¦.Standards and expectations are what create great nations.
You peace love and rock & roll ā€œLOVE EVERYONE AND THEIR WAYSā€ stoned as fuck hippies need to understand that America became an exceptional nation because of itā€™s bigotry.
I should vote for some 3rd party sure loser while a democrat wins the seat?

No thanks

You should vote for whoever is best and refuse to give in to the fear mongering. But you won't. You'll line up as you're told and vote for a shitting candidate because your scared.

You're both right. But voting for the lesser of two evils is wrong on so many levels. Especially when you consider that voting out of fear (lesser of two evils), only keeps any good 3rd party from ever gaining any traction. It keeps them from ever being able to bring competition to the duopoly.
This is something the R & D's have set up to keep them both in charge. And by doing that, it forces us to have to settle for bad politicians in their party's.

I justified my 3rd party votes by:

1. Realizing that the system is rigged in the duopoly's favor.
2. Both party's will come together to keep a great 3rd party candidate from winning anything.
3. That my vote is just one vote. And that it's not going to change the out come of any election. So why the hell not vote for someone that I agree with the most?

Voting for the lesser of two evils is like a single mom enabling her 30yr old loser kid. Letting him/her stay rent free, with his kids and not forcing him to even get a job and get his own life in order.

It's my view that Republicans should simply stop voting for republicans. Let the democrats kick their ass in a major way, for a couple elections in a row. And if/when asked, the party leadership should be told that we're simply tired of RINO's. We're sick of the Republicans promising to bring opposition to democrats. And that they have 4 decades of caving to the left. Allowing them to go without a budget amendment (even when they have the majority). Increasing the debt ceiling, then spending so much afterwards that the debt ceiling has to be increased again and again and again.

I agree, the country will be worse off for those two elections. BUT, once the party leadership finally understands the tough love thing, they'll start supporting better candidates who will actually bring some competition to the democrats.

Enabling the GOP RINO's ain't going to fix the problem. And if we keep electing them, they'll never understand how bad they are for this country. And they'll just continue caving to the democrats and taking this country even further left of center than it already is.
Even hapless cowards want whatā€™s best for Americaā€¦LibTarians donā€™t have a ā€˜better for Americaā€™ platform to pitchā€¦thatā€™s the bottom line.
Smaller government, less spending, legal drugs and more beaners canā€™t be sold to Americans.
What am I saying you ask?

You don't actually understand libertarians or their platform. You focus on the moronic part of the LP. And I'll agree the they need to just shut up about legalizing drugs. That's retarded.

But their monetary policies will solve a lot of problems the republicrats created and perpetuate. Like welfare for illegals. Libertarians are firmly against that. Increasing the debt ceiling and passing CR's. They're firmly against that. The government living beyond it's means is something they support and is desperately needed with this government.

If the Mises Caucus can weed out the pro druggies from the party that'll help their reputation. But even if they do that, they still have a mountain to climb just to pitch the message and get it out there.
Why? Because too many people are still brainwashed to the idea that it's better to vote for the lesser of two evils. And yes, it is brainwashing propaganda that the R & D's keep drilling into the minds of voters.

Why? Because it works.

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