Which major party is Dumber, Repubs or Dems

Who is dumber?

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I'm not on TEam Red. I"m Team Trump. I hope you have sense enough to know that he took the presidency out of political elites hands in 2016 and that is a good thing for the American People. Our political elites are going the way of the european royals. They're inbred, they're stupid, they're are focused on anything other than the safety, security and sovereignty of this nation. Things like sex parties, pedophilia..let's just say it...sex with children, luxury, money, power, drink drugs....they're corrupt to the bone.
Ya took the presidency out of the hands of politicians and put it in the hands of a corrupt, mentally ill, criminal, rapist ,con man who shits in his pants and is a drug addict and has become their God and leader. Scum Bag will be a dictator if elected. That's elected by the most stupid political group in the history of this country.
2. Both party's will come together to keep a great 3rd party candidate from winning anything.
As MAGAs discovered after trump was elected

Republicans in congress were horrified that an outsider and rank amateur had beat them at their own game

They had more in common with democrats and closed ranks to deny trump voters the fruits of their victory
As MAGAs discovered after trump was elected

Republicans in congress were horrified that an outsider and rank amateur had beat them at their own game

They had more in common with democrats and closed ranks to deny trump voters the fruits of their victory

Horrified? Are you stupid? The RNC isn't going to let some trojan horse into their ranks. They control everything from top to bottom with elections. If they didn't want Trump in office, he would've never gotten all the media coverage he got. They would've lied about the polls to keep him out of the debates.
You know, like the do fiscal conservatives like Rand Paul. After the Ron Paul thing, they changed to rules to keep any rogue candidate from gaining any traction. FFS, they even hijacked one of the voters on that rule change from getting to the national convention in FL, 2012. Paid the bus driver to not stop at the convention center until AFTER the votes were cast for that specific rule.

Ronna and the RNC establishment are Trump supporters, FFS.

My god, the evidence is right there in front of you about how Trump IS one of them. He's just playing the part of being one of you and is going to solve all the problems. It's BS. It's a charade. You're being duped again.

Have you ever seen "Erin Brockovich?" The part where Erin explains to one of her clients about the lies the water company was telling her about the chemicals and then about how the doctors, who were being paid by the water company to cover up the effects of those chemicals? The pieces of the lies finally click to the mom while her kids were playing in the pool.

Be the mom who finally understands how you've been duped. Put the fucking pieces together and stop accepting the lies as fact. This is a highly corrupt, multi billion $$$ organization (RNC and DNC) that's not going to explain how they're corrupt and how they're going to keep screwing you. All they're doing is keep giving you false hope with fake reasons to keep supporting them.
What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are. All we want to know is: "Who is to blame?"

The right wants to blame the left. The left blames the right. And in that very instance, the RNC and DNC are laughing all the way to bank with how dumb the voters are for keeping them in power for over 150 years straight.
Are you stupid? The RNC isn't going to let some trojan horse into their ranks.
The RNC was powerless to stop trump

They planned for Jeb Bush to be the nominee but trump rolled over him

And did so without focus groups, speech writers or teleprompters

And they resented it

Trump was the 3rd party hero fence sitting tweeners for years said they wanted
The RNC was powerless to stop trump

They planned for Jeb Bush to be the nominee but trump rolled over him

And did so without focus groups, speech writers or teleprompters

And they resented it

Trump was the 3rd party hero fence sitting tweeners for years said they wanted
Ya took the presidency out of the hands of politicians and put it in the hands of a corrupt, mentally ill, criminal, rapist ,con man who shits in his pants and is a drug addict and has become their God and leader. Scum Bag will be a dictator if elected. That's elected by the most stupid political group in the history of this country.
i'm confused....you just described Biden. YOu did that on purpose right?
YEP….Amazing policies…all favorable for America’s best citizens….just the way it was always supposed to be. but but but….Orange Man mean….Orange Man forbidden by purple hair faggots with nose rings and neck tattoos so therefore “we can’t run Orange Man”

What changed for you? Did his policies become bad after the fact? Have the Left forbid you from supporting him again?

How so? Be being retaliatory, defensive and aggressive? By being so hell-bent on working his ass off for America’s best citizens?

Be honest….Don’t you really mean you want a bigger pussy, one willing to allow the left to bully him and push him around without becoming retaliatory?

The state she served as Governor for disagrees with you…why do you think that might me?

What ignorant fool is trying to win on “morality”?
That sounds like some identity politics bullshit….lets win on policies that advance, improve and enhance America for our best citizens….Simple shit…no?
Well those are your views. I respect your right to have them. I am discovering that the Majority of people on this board are devoted to their color, be it red or blue. However I find those who are devoted to there ideas and principles are the ones I prefer to discuss with. Enjoy,
i'm confused....you just described Biden. YOu did that on purpose right?
Hey everyone the last time someone played this masterful quick change on me was in 3rd grade. Wow do you see how he turned that from Trump to Biden with just using words. I mean wow just words. These people are keeping us sharp.
i'm confused....you just described Biden. YOu did that on purpose right?
Ya took the presidency out of the hands of politicians and put it in the hands of a corrupt, mentally ill, criminal, rapist ,con man who shits in his pants and is a drug addict and has become their God and leader. Scum Bag will be a dictator if elected. That's elected by the most stupid political group in the history of this country.
Hey everyone the last time someone played this masterful quick change on me was in 3rd grade. Wow do you see how he turned that from Trump to Biden with just using words. I mean wow just words. These people are keeping us sharp.\\\
Are you in fourth grade now? you really couldn't see that everything you said applied to Biden?? wow is right.
Are you in fourth grade now? you really couldn't see that everything you said applied to Biden?? wow is right.
I guess he is stuck with his 3rd grade crap . The old switcherroo is a masterful maneuver. Actually it's the best these shit for brains have.
One amusing thing is how those so enthralled with the duopoly malign anyone who is not.

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