Which major party is Dumber, Repubs or Dems

Who is dumber?

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Who’s dumber? Team Red or Team Blue?

The arguments for Red-
Donald Trump. That is the biggest one. He’s a despicable person.

If Donald Trump were a mute, he’d be president today. His policies were successfully enough while he was in office, and the Red team has smart enough political operatives to get him re-elected against an average old white guy whom the democrats had already rejected twice.

Once for plagiarism. Biden is tired, old, creepy, uninteresting and unexciting. His border policy is a disaster. With all that in their favor, all the Red team has to do is nominate somebody who isn’t Trump. Band together, pick another candidate. They won’t lose the MAGA vote to the blue team. Those people won’t suddenly decide to vote for Creepy Joe.

They despise him. But because they are dumb and Trump has cut their balls off, they let this guy take over the party. The only way they lose to Biden is by having their nominee be trump. That my friends is dumb.

The arguments for the Blue team.
Joe Biden. Again, that’s the biggest one.

He is weak, old, tired and uninspired. To top that off, his veep is a laughing stock. While the red idiots trot out the aforementioned POS, All the blue team has to do is insert a mildly viable candidate (nearly anybody other than Hellary) and the press will escort them to the White House. But no, they stick with a guy with an approval rating nearly as low as Jimmy Carter’s from the late 70s.

They have a ready made excuse to put him out to pasture. His age. Nobody, absolutely nobody believes he can effectively run the most powerful country in the world in his mid 80s. They wouldn’t lose any voters because Biden isn’t the nominee. The biggest reason the blue team members will bother to vote is to keep Trump out. Yet they stick with the only formula that could lose them the White House. Now that is some capital D dumb.

So Vote Team Red or Team Blue. Which do you think is dumber?

Republicans aren't necessarily dumb. They are just under Trump's thumb these days.
A democratic Republic with representatives cannot function without compromise. That's how government works. That's how life is. Wake up already. What you are suggesting is anarchy or despotism , either way your goose is cooked. You don't seem to know how good you have it.
You don't have to look any further then the brown shirts of Nazi Germany they were Hitlers strongest and favorite supporters till he became a dictator and didn't need them any more. , the quite ones went away, the ones that argued to stay in power were killed. That is exactly what MAGA's is. They are a mindless hate driven clown act.
Because the republicans are dumber , Democrats want to control your money , the republicans want to control your money , body and soul.
tell me how democrats can get anything monetarily from their support of SS' welfare , veterans support. education, and money for any group that are in need. This everyone is no good stupidity is ridiculous , it is night and day between the right and the left.
Sure it can. Compromise equals capitulation and surrender. And Republicans have done more than enough to appease the Left, much to the detriment of the country.
Do you know how stupid this ass hole is , he is taking about the most respected best country in the world. What kind of scum does that make a clown like him.
why should we even listen to your opinion then , we are pro American you are anti American. You have to be a MAGA Maggot.
Jesus... you partisans are brain damaged. There's a world outside your petty culture war.
why should we even listen to your opinion then , we are pro American you are anti American. You have to be a MAGA Maggot.
He could be an anarchist. Sounds like it. Hates everything.
Republicans aren't necessarily dumb. They are just under Trump's thumb these days.
Not true they are dumb as bricks and every study shows just that


Anarchy would be a whole lot worse.
LOL - seriously? Do you think the only alternative to two, fear-mongering parties dominating the political landscape with shitty candidates, is anarchy? Think again.
LOL - seriously? Do you think the only alternative to two, fear-mongering parties dominating the political landscape with shitty candidates, is anarchy? Think again.
so fuckhead what are you advocating , this should be good.
so fuckhead what are you advocating , this should be good.
Nothing startling. Just stop voting for shitty candidates because the MSM tells you they are the only options. Lesser-of-two-evils is a con for morons. Wake up.
I don't hate everything. Just the two-party cesspool you guys can't seem to climb out of.
I'm an Independent. I don't like dogmatic and pessimistic dogma , ther fore I usually vote Democratic , increasingly so. I do not want America to get any uglier.
Nothing startling. Just stop voting for shitty candidates because the MSM tells you they are the only options. Lesser-of-two-evils is a con for morons. Wake up.
are you that stupid, so you advocate wasting a vote. Under your premise why vote. You aren't from United states are you.

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