Which major party is Dumber, Repubs or Dems

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This enemy thing....you realize the left started it. and i'm not sure that isn't one of your left wing psyops...play on conservatives good sides about not making the left the enemy and then give the democrats to go ahead to continue their agenda of destroying the country. No. We've got to put our collective foot down and recognize just who the enemy is. The dems push..COMPROMISE..which means nothing more than they get their way and we suck it up. Look at omar, Just recently she said her loyalty was to somalia... she's a somalian alright. She hates that term, so let's all use it. This is what you choose to run your party. Foreign enemies who come to this country to destroy us and democrats are fine with that.
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The Democrats aren't trying to turn America into a fascist state. That's al on the republicans. Fear-mongering, hatred and destroying democracy is all they know now.
what do you call wide open borders with terrorists, criminals, illegals, rapists, murderers, the criminally insane coming across every day. I"ve seen stats tat 5 Americans are dying at the hands of these invaders on a daily basis...that's not counting fentanyl deaths. And now Bribem wants to give them child tax credits which amounts to welfare. Democrats don't care about Americans they care about foreign invaders who hate america...now tell me again that democrats don't want to destroy this country.

and again. WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY. WE are a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC and unfortunately our Representatives are not doing their jobs. Maybe they've been bought off.
what do you call wide open borders with terrorists, criminals, illegals, rapists, murderers, the criminally insane coming across every day. I"ve seen stats tat 5 Americans are dying at the hands of these invaders on a daily basis...that's not counting fentanyl deaths. And now Bribem wants to give them child tax credits which amounts to welfare. Democrats don't care about Americans they care about foreign invaders who hate america...now tell me again that democrats don't want to destroy this country.

and again. WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY. WE are a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC and unfortunately our Representatives are not doing their jobs. Maybe they've been bought off.
You're an idiot. The border has been open since the United States became a nation.And yes our form of government is a representative republic but it's based on democratic not fascist ideals. That's why it's a Democracy.
You're an idiot. The border has been open since the United States became a nation.And yes our form of government is a representative republic but it's based on democratic not fascist ideals. That's why it's a Democracy.

youare full of shite. you are ignorant and you support perversion.
i don't give a damn what you say. your party is corrupt. You allow your trans supporters to kill children, they rape kids and your side releases them. YOU should be shutting your mouth and hiding in your home for the filth your support. Lying thieving bastard democrats.
Calling everyone else fascist when your side uses all the tactics and behaves in fascist ways is not going to work. America sees right through democrats and you're an ignorant fools for buying into it.
You're an idiot. The border has been open since the United States became a nation.And yes our form of government is a representative republic but it's based on democratic not fascist ideals. That's why it's a Democracy.

We haven't been a republic since our elected officials started representing lobbyist over "We the people."
Speaking of dumb, I do find it amazing how trump turned a $5 million loss into an $83 million loss. What an amazing business man. He did the same thing as President. Increased our debt by over $7 trillion in 4 years.
youare full of shite. you are ignorant and you support perversion.
i don't give a damn what you say. your party is corrupt. You allow your trans supporters to kill children, they rape kids and your side releases them. YOU should be shutting your mouth and hiding in your home for the filth your support. Lying thieving bastard democrats.
Calling everyone else fascist when your side uses all the tactics and behaves in fascist ways is not going to work. America sees right through democrats and you're an ignorant fools for buying into it.
Again I must point out that you've become radicalized if you believe half the shit that coming out of your putting down in print here. Most people,are a lot more normal. No one is perverse some people like you just express it more.
Again I must point out that you've become radicalized if you believe half the shit that coming out of your putting down in print here. Most people,are a lot more normal. No one is perverse some people like you just express it more.
Many people believe it because it is true. WE see it. Ask yourself why you don't. This stuff goes on under your nose. and you ignore it. Do you think you and your family, assuming you have one, do you?? will not suffer for these policies? It will be too late then.
You're an idiot. The border has been open since the United States became a nation.And yes our form of government is a representative republic but it's based on democratic not fascist ideals. That's why it's a Democracy.
People can come to this country LEGALLY AND GET IN LINE! That means no border jumping, overstaying their visas, etc. The borders need to be locked TIGHT! Especially in the South.
The arrogant so-called independents are the dumbest of all. While lacking conviction to have any type of reasonable standards, their wishy washy and greedy ways continue to infect the nation. They're as greedy as Democrats when they want free stuff, but suddenly wary when expected to pay for it. Worse, they whine constantly of the problems they cause.
I disagree, Who is so uninformed that they could believe that because you put a party label behind your name,
you by magic become capable & educated in government?
That you are honest & your goal is to work for what is better for most Americans, NO MATTER what party they prefer.
independents MAYBE are smarter?
Many people believe it because it is true. WE see it. Ask yourself why you don't. This stuff goes on under your nose. and you ignore it. Do you think you and your family, assuming you have one, do you?? will not suffer for these policies? It will be too late then.
Ask yourself why you allow what other people do and have the right to do bother you. Plus what you imagine is largely untrue to begin with.
I disagree, Who is so uninformed that they could believe that because you put a party label behind your name,
you by magic become capable & educated in government?
That you are honest & your goal is to work for what is better for most Americans, NO MATTER what party they prefer.
independents MAYBE are smarter?
Party affiliations are a waste of time and effort. They are both messed up, tangled up in problems of their own making. And advocating things they should not be advocating in a free country.

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