Which moderator would you most like to see naked

Which moderator would you most like to see naked?

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Why is this "humor?"

You know cnelsen has seriously considered the question.
(does not include groping)

I want to see DTMB naked, this is only because he deliberately ignores me, I think this goes back to when I once openly posted that I thought he had beautiful hair because he does, since then he has 100% ignored me, I think I embarrassed him.

I voted for myself because I'm pervy that way!
Why is it you spelled every name correctly but mine?
Stop being a martyr. There were other misspelled names, not just yours.
Wil Hav ta WILT?
How is this not a clean zone topic? I stressed "no groping".

As I am a woman why am I not allowed to grope if its nice buttocks? :popcorn:
I'm not a mod. I'm not the one who arbitrarily enforces rules I make up on the fly. You'll have to ask one of them.
I voted for myself because I'm pervy that way!

I can't vote or see the results, so you're gonna have to PM me with the final tally. If I voted in that poll --- HR would be putting me into "harassment class" for the 4th time. This will only be your 2nd time --- right?

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