Which part of the US will succumb, to SEA LEVEL RISE, first?

Now if the ocean warms, there is significant sea level rise from that alone, even discounting the obvious affect of a warming ocean on the cryosphere.

New comparison of ocean temperatures reveals rise over the last century

ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2012) — A new study contrasting ocean temperature readings of the 1870s with temperatures of the modern seas reveals an upward trend of global ocean warming spanning at least 100 years.

The research led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego physical oceanographer Dean Roemmich shows a .33-degree Celsius (.59-degree Fahrenheit) average increase in the upper portions of the ocean to 700 meters (2,300 feet) depth. The increase was largest at the ocean surface, .59-degree Celsius (1.1-degree Fahrenheit), decreasing to .12-degree Celsius (.22-degree Fahrenheit) at 900 meters (2,950 feet) depth.

The report is the first global comparison of temperature between the historic voyage of HMS Challenger (1872-1876) and modern data obtained by ocean-probing robots now continuously reporting temperatures via the global Argo program. Scientists have previously determined that nearly 90 percent of the excess heat added to Earth's climate system since the 1960s has been stored in the oceans. The new study, published in the April 1 advance online edition of Nature Climate Change and coauthored by John Gould of the United Kingdom-based National Oceanography Centre and John Gilson of Scripps Oceanography, pushes the ocean warming trend back much earlier.
Scared Kitty is ......terrified!!!

Florida is being nibbled away now, I don't see all the way under until the end.

Erosion is a mother Fawker aint it :lol:

You idiots crack me up :lmao:

Me too.. It's entertaining.. I had a Panamanian roomate who was in Coastal Geology. Took him to Daytona Beach and we drove on the beach -- which he loved. And all the time he was telling me that the beach was gonna completely disappear in 50 years because of the seawalls and isolating the dunes from the ocean. THAT -- I could believe. And he was closer to right than the climate models.

If florida is looking like it's being "nibbled away" you better check the seawalls and the sinkholes FIRST!!!
Now if the ocean warms, there is significant sea level rise from that alone, even discounting the obvious affect of a warming ocean on the cryosphere.

New comparison of ocean temperatures reveals rise over the last century

ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2012) — A new study contrasting ocean temperature readings of the 1870s with temperatures of the modern seas reveals an upward trend of global ocean warming spanning at least 100 years.

The research led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego physical oceanographer Dean Roemmich shows a .33-degree Celsius (.59-degree Fahrenheit) average increase in the upper portions of the ocean to 700 meters (2,300 feet) depth. The increase was largest at the ocean surface, .59-degree Celsius (1.1-degree Fahrenheit), decreasing to .12-degree Celsius (.22-degree Fahrenheit) at 900 meters (2,950 feet) depth.

The report is the first global comparison of temperature between the historic voyage of HMS Challenger (1872-1876) and modern data obtained by ocean-probing robots now continuously reporting temperatures via the global Argo program. Scientists have previously determined that nearly 90 percent of the excess heat added to Earth's climate system since the 1960s has been stored in the oceans. The new study, published in the April 1 advance online edition of Nature Climate Change and coauthored by John Gould of the United Kingdom-based National Oceanography Centre and John Gilson of Scripps Oceanography, pushes the ocean warming trend back much earlier.

And that fractional degree rise in the FIRST 2300 FEET is CAUSING the thermal expansion that contributes 40% of today's MEASURED sea level rise??

No -- stop it.. I can't laugh anymore... Seriously dude.. I'm busting gut here..

Did they run a calibration on the HMS Challenger thermometer to 0.05degC???

Git out of here..... You're KILLING me....
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Now if the ocean warms, there is significant sea level rise from that alone, even discounting the obvious affect of a warming ocean on the cryosphere.

New comparison of ocean temperatures reveals rise over the last century

ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2012) — A new study contrasting ocean temperature readings of the 1870s with temperatures of the modern seas reveals an upward trend of global ocean warming spanning at least 100 years.

The research led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego physical oceanographer Dean Roemmich shows a .33-degree Celsius (.59-degree Fahrenheit) average increase in the upper portions of the ocean to 700 meters (2,300 feet) depth. The increase was largest at the ocean surface, .59-degree Celsius (1.1-degree Fahrenheit), decreasing to .12-degree Celsius (.22-degree Fahrenheit) at 900 meters (2,950 feet) depth.

The report is the first global comparison of temperature between the historic voyage of HMS Challenger (1872-1876) and modern data obtained by ocean-probing robots now continuously reporting temperatures via the global Argo program. Scientists have previously determined that nearly 90 percent of the excess heat added to Earth's climate system since the 1960s has been stored in the oceans. The new study, published in the April 1 advance online edition of Nature Climate Change and coauthored by John Gould of the United Kingdom-based National Oceanography Centre and John Gilson of Scripps Oceanography, pushes the ocean warming trend back much earlier.

And that fractional degree rise in the FIRST 2300 FEET is CAUSING the thermal expansion that contributes 40% of today's MEASURED sea level rise??

No -- stop it.. I can't laugh anymore... Seriously dude.. I'm busting gut here..

Did they run a calibration on the HMS Challenger thermometer???

Git out of here.....

Florida is being nibbled away now, I don't see all the way under until the end.

I haven't noticed any vast hoards of refugees fleeing Florida. In fact, I haven't even noticed anyone selling their homes on the beach.

Lived on the coast my entire life and I have not seen a change in the coastline, other than hurricane damage, yet.

But Im waiting :tongue:

When the rich lolberal goofballs like David Geffen are willing to sell their Malibu Beach spreads for really cheap, I'll start worrying.
Aerosols may also play a role in explaining variations in NEH SLRDs. The mid-century low (Fig. 4) may have been forced by volcanic aerosols reflecting radiation and lowering air temperatures25 and slowing14 SLR. The authors of ref. 26 found 76% of the variance of detrended North Atlantic sea surface temperatures from 1860–2005 could be explained by aerosol emissions and volcanic eruptions. In regard to the role of cycles, the single ~ 60-yr pattern in Fig. 4a does not seem associated with 10–30 yr sea-level variations discussed in ref. 27. With our limited series length, the presence of cycles, for example associated with natural ocean variability and/or AMO, is indeterminate. In the Holocene geologic record of an NEH marsh, the authors of ref. 28 found evidence of several rapid SLR increases separated by 900 yr or more that they associated with gyre changes. Regardless, our correlations suggest that should temperatures rise in the twenty-first century as projected, the NEH SLRD will continue to increase. If future sea-level variability is forced by aerosols and/or is part of a cycle, SLR in the NEH may also alternately fall below and rise above projections of IPCC scenarios alone.

Our analyses support a recent acceleration of SLR on ~ 1,000 km of the east coast of North America north of Cape Hatteras. This hotspot is consistent with SLR associated with a slowdown of AMOC.​

From the actual paper.

So, where do they state that the measured changes are due to anthropogenic CO2?

They state that some of the rise might be associated with increased temperatures. And that if the temperature continue to rise, so will the sea level in that area.
Yes, they demonstrated some correlation with temperatures, too.
Which part of the US will succumb, to no appreciable SEA LEVEL RISE, first?
The militant environmentalists. Their heads will begin to explode when they are proven wrong yet again.
I haven't noticed any vast hoards of refugees fleeing Florida. In fact, I haven't even noticed anyone selling their homes on the beach.

Lived on the coast my entire life and I have not seen a change in the coastline, other than hurricane damage, yet.

But Im waiting :tongue:

When the rich lolberal goofballs like David Geffen are willing to sell their Malibu Beach spreads for really cheap, I'll start worrying.

I like that.. You should start a list..

You'll know Global Warming is REAL when ___________.. Might be a 2nd career in comedy.

You'll know Global Warming is REAL when -- you see geese flying NORTH for the winter.

You'll know Global Warming is REAL when -- NoNukes changes his name to NukesNow.
Lived on the coast my entire life and I have not seen a change in the coastline, other than hurricane damage, yet.

But Im waiting :tongue:

When the rich lolberal goofballs like David Geffen are willing to sell their Malibu Beach spreads for really cheap, I'll start worrying.

I like that.. You should start a list..

You'll know Global Warming is REAL when ___________.. Might be a 2nd career in comedy.

You'll know Global Warming is REAL when -- you see geese flying NORTH for the winter.

You'll know Global Warming is REAL when -- NoNukes changes his name to NukesNow.
There is a "serious" Goebbels warming research facility that is located in some ridiculously low-lying coastal area somewhere...I just can't remember where.

When they relocate their facility to Denver, I'll take their word on it over their alleged concern of seal level rise.
From the actual paper.

So, where do they state that the measured changes are due to anthropogenic CO2?

Hey. Quasi-mo-doodoo. Link your queer shit. I hate assholes who won't link a study, since nobody can search up the references or the context. Eat shit, bitch.

Aerosols are not anthropogenic, unless volcanoes erupted because humans caused enough of a sea level rise, to make a difference, during maximum tidal wash, which can trigger volcanic eruptions.

Humans did cut down trees and burn fossil fuel, for years, queer.

Been mixing drinks tonight, champ?
Florida is being nibbled away now, I don't see all the way under until the end.

I haven't noticed any vast hoards of refugees fleeing Florida. In fact, I haven't even noticed anyone selling their homes on the beach.

Did you look at the swell graphs, which Trakar loaded, when you didn't know shit, but you showed you have shit, for brains, buttpunk?

The line goes UP, and after that, the sea level rises. Remember what Professor Trakar wrote, about your profane, retarded assertions? "epic fail" You still seem DDD, to me.

Did you read the OP, at the start of this thread? Probably not, since your head is usually way up your ass. The trend will be for Florida land to subside, while sea level rise ACCELERATES, including by failure, of the trade currents, near the East Coast, US.

Remember Trakar's graph! That shows ACCELERATION, of rise, in average global temperature.

When SLR accelerates, nobody will buy shit, in Florida, buttpunk. You might be dead, so don't try to notice how shit happens, by then. Sing the DDD song, for us, buttpunk.
Florida is being nibbled away now, I don't see all the way under until the end.

I haven't noticed any vast hoards of refugees fleeing Florida. In fact, I haven't even noticed anyone selling their homes on the beach.

Did you look at the swell graphs, which Trakar loaded, when you didn't know shit, but you showed you have shit, for brains, buttpunk?

The line goes UP, and after that, the sea level rises. Remember what Professor Trakar wrote, about your profane, retarded assertions? "epic fail" You still seem DDD, to me.

Did you read the OP, at the start of this thread? Probably not, since your head is usually way up your ass. The trend will be for Florida land to subside, while sea level rise ACCELERATES, including by failure, of the trade currents, near the East Coast, US.

Remember Trakar's graph! That shows ACCELERATION, of rise, in average global temperature.

When SLR accelerates, nobody will buy shit, in Florida, buttpunk. You might be dead, so don't try to notice how shit happens, by then. Sing the DDD song, for us, buttpunk.
Well, according to the paper, the SLR in Florida isn't significantly different from zero.

You really should read the actual paper.

But, you are fun, I'll give you that.
Quasi-mopunk, the sea level on the East Coast of the US is affected, by trade currents, so it is reading higher, than the average 3 mm per annum rise.

Of course, when you are a Log Cabin Club shitpiece, you don't read the OP or satellite data.

OP stands for original post, fucktard, not for the shit you smeared on page 3.

Only a congenital moron could believe that sea level will rise more in one location than another over the long term. Furthermore, measured sea level rise has actually bene decreasing as shown in this chart:


Fake Sea Level Rise Approved by NASA in Climate Fraud | Co2 Insanity

Fake Sea Level Rise Approved by NASA in Climate Fraud
By John O’Sullivan

NASA researchers admit adding fake inches to sea level rises. Skeptics denounce desperate attempt to salvage government global warming policies.

In a disturbing development in the ongoing global warming fiasco the U.S. government-funded Sea Level Research Group has been given a green light from NASA to exaggerate sea level rises way above actual recorded measurements. The reason? So that policy makers can falsely blame humans for adding to natural rises in sea levels.

Florida is being nibbled away now, I don't see all the way under until the end.

I haven't noticed any vast hoards of refugees fleeing Florida. In fact, I haven't even noticed anyone selling their homes on the beach.

Did you look at the swell graphs, which Trakar loaded, when you didn't know shit, but you showed you have shit, for brains, buttpunk?

The line goes UP, and after that, the sea level rises. Remember what Professor Trakar wrote, about your profane, retarded assertions? "epic fail" You still seem DDD, to me.

Did you read the OP, at the start of this thread? Probably not, since your head is usually way up your ass. The trend will be for Florida land to subside, while sea level rise ACCELERATES, including by failure, of the trade currents, near the East Coast, US.

Remember Trakar's graph! That shows ACCELERATION, of rise, in average global temperature.

When SLR accelerates, nobody will buy shit, in Florida, buttpunk. You might be dead, so don't try to notice how shit happens, by then. Sing the DDD song, for us, buttpunk.
There's a big fire around Pikes Peak so don't plan on escaping there anytime soon.
Quasi-mopunk, the sea level on the East Coast of the US is affected, by trade currents, so it is reading higher, than the average 3 mm per annum rise.

Of course, when you are a Log Cabin Club shitpiece, you don't read the OP or satellite data.

OP stands for original post, fucktard, not for the shit you smeared on page 3.

You really should read the actual paper. You know, the topic of your news piece in the OP (and that "shit" you referred to)?
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