Which pundits on Fox News are puppets and which ones actually speak for themselves?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I think O'Reilly speaks for himself most of the time. I'll give him credit for that.

The same cannot be said for Sean Hannity, however. Honestly i think all of the garbage Hannity reads off the teleprompter is just crap Roger Ailes pulls out of his ass.

Who else? Who Do you think is a puppet and who speaks for himself/herself (kind of) on FNC?

The day Fox News gains an ounce of integrity will be the day John Boehner and Obama Share a hug on live television.
Watch the documentary, Orson Rolls In His Grave. You'll learn that we sold our journalistic integrity during the Bush admin. Used to be that no foreigner could own American media and no one company could own more than one media of any kind.

During the Bush admin, Michael Powell, the dishonest son of Colin Powell, became head of the FCC and, thanks to Bush, pushed through bills that effectively too US journalism out of the US. He sold the US out to various foreign interests, notably Richard Murdoch and Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Muslim Arab, oil sheik. They very quietly began buying up media and now control much what we see and hear in the US.

Watching Murdoch in this documentary is just plain scary. He tells his staff to continuously repeat the phrase, "fair and balanced" until that is what the public thinks of when they hear "Fox".

Watch the documentary and you will see that Fox personalities say what they are paid to say. And, as we all know, this man is in charge of programming and pays the bills.

All you rabid Muslim haters are being brainwashed by one. The worst part of that is that you know it.

Apparently, the rw nutters have forgotten that they were dead set against the mosque that was to be built two blocks away from 9/11 ground zero.

rw's have very selective memories.

MSNBC was ruined by comcast.

Yeah, they were really kicking ass before them. Or, maybe their collapsing ratings are due to their stridently liberal dick sucking and nightly anti-Fox, anti-Republican, anti-Rush, anti-anti screeds by whomever makes up their current cast of nightly lunatics.

You clowns are a laugh a minute with your b.s. excuses.
Watch the documentary, Orson Rolls In His Grave. You'll learn that we sold our journalistic integrity during the Bush admin. Used to be that no foreigner could own American media and no one company could own more than one media of any kind.

During the Bush admin, Michael Powell, the dishonest son of Colin Powell, became head of the FCC and, thanks to Bush, pushed through bills that effectively too US journalism out of the US. He sold the US out to various foreign interests, notably Richard Murdoch and Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Muslim Arab, oil sheik. They very quietly began buying up media and now control much what we see and hear in the US.

Watching Murdoch in this documentary is just plain scary. He tells his staff to continuously repeat the phrase, "fair and balanced" until that is what the public thinks of when they hear "Fox".

Watch the documentary and you will see that Fox personalities say what they are paid to say. And, as we all know, this man is in charge of programming and pays the bills.

All you rabid Muslim haters are being brainwashed by one. The worst part of that is that you know it.


Percy said that Alaweed adviser Monsour got Obama into Harvard
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Watch the documentary, Orson Rolls In His Grave. You'll learn that we sold our journalistic integrity during the Bush admin. Used to be that no foreigner could own American media and no one company could own more than one media of any kind.

During the Bush admin, Michael Powell, the dishonest son of Colin Powell, became head of the FCC and, thanks to Bush, pushed through bills that effectively too US journalism out of the US. He sold the US out to various foreign interests, notably Richard Murdoch and Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Muslim Arab, oil sheik. They very quietly began buying up media and now control much what we see and hear in the US.

Watching Murdoch in this documentary is just plain scary. He tells his staff to continuously repeat the phrase, "fair and balanced" until that is what the public thinks of when they hear "Fox".

Watch the documentary and you will see that Fox personalities say what they are paid to say. And, as we all know, this man is in charge of programming and pays the bills.

All you rabid Muslim haters are being brainwashed by one. The worst part of that is that you know it.


Percy said that Alaweed adviser Monsour got Obama into Harvard

Meet the new boss......
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I think O'Reilly speaks for himself most of the time. I'll give him credit for that.

The same cannot be said for Sean Hannity, however. Honestly i think all of the garbage Hannity reads off the teleprompter is just crap Roger Ailes pulls out of his ass.

Who else? Who Do you think is a puppet and who speaks for himself/herself (kind of) on FNC?

The day Fox News gains an ounce of integrity will be the day John Boehner and Obama Share a hug on live television.

The only puppet I know of is Obama.

Take away his teleprompter and he's a stuttering idiot.
I think O'Reilly speaks for himself most of the time. I'll give him credit for that.

The same cannot be said for Sean Hannity, however. Honestly i think all of the garbage Hannity reads off the teleprompter is just crap Roger Ailes pulls out of his ass.

Who else? Who Do you think is a puppet and who speaks for himself/herself (kind of) on FNC?

The day Fox News gains an ounce of integrity will be the day John Boehner and Obama Share a hug on live television.

The only puppet I know of is Obama.

Take away his teleprompter and he's a stuttering idiot.

So there are no puppets in the ideology you believe in? Every single one of them has integrity? Do you think every liberal lacks integrity?
Chris Wallace and Shep Smith are pretty much mainly interested in hard news.

The rest? :lol:

O'Reilly has an occasional lucid moment.
Dumbass Libs....
They think Hannity and O'Reilly shows are News shows.
this obsession with fox News can't be healthy, they might need to see a shrink...

trolling can't be healthy either...shrink time
MSNBC was ruined by comcast.

Yeah, they were really kicking ass before them. Or, maybe their collapsing ratings are due to their stridently liberal dick sucking and nightly anti-Fox, anti-Republican, anti-Rush, anti-anti screeds by whomever makes up their current cast of nightly lunatics.

You clowns are a laugh a minute with your b.s. excuses.

"Countdown" Beats "O'Reilly Factor" In Ratings Demo For First Time Ever


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