Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

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This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

So then a fling? Okay, so old girl hits the club and meets some nice dumb muscle. They decied to fool around and the rubber breaks. They make pill for this. You can buy it OTC at Walmart. If it's further along then abortion should not be an option. Yes, it's the woman's right to choose, but if she chooses that then she needs to pony up the bucks to have it done. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy. It's pretty common knowledge, if you put a penis in a vagina chances are good someone will get knocked up.

Every time you anti-abortion types write your reasons for opposing abortions, you talk about women having casual sex - a fling. Abortion studies show that the majority of women having abortions are married or in a committed relationship. The percentage of promiscuous women having abortions is quite low. Abortion is driven by economics, not lifestyle.

The morning after pill you speak of is only recommended in cases of rape or incest. Those are incredibly harmful chemicals, so don't write about them like they're no big deal.

Okay, several things here. First of all, straw man. This is not "every time"; it's every time you listen to. We talk about other circumstances all the time. If you don't pay attention, that's not our problem.

Second, this is the pot calling the kettle black, given the propensity of abortionists to run straight to "rape and incest!" in debates, despite those instances being a tiny percentage of abortions.

Third, "morning after pills are incredibly harmful"? Abortions kill babies, and YOU talk about THOSE as though the women are getting a mole removed.
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

So then a fling? Okay, so old girl hits the club and meets some nice dumb muscle. They decied to fool around and the rubber breaks. They make pill for this. You can buy it OTC at Walmart. If it's further along then abortion should not be an option. Yes, it's the woman's right to choose, but if she chooses that then she needs to pony up the bucks to have it done. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy. It's pretty common knowledge, if you put a penis in a vagina chances are good someone will get knocked up.

Every time you anti-abortion types write your reasons for opposing abortions, you talk about women having casual sex - a fling. Abortion studies show that the majority of women having abortions are married or in a committed relationship. The percentage of promiscuous women having abortions is quite low. Abortion is driven by economics, not lifestyle.

The morning after pill you speak of is only recommended in cases of rape or incest. Those are incredibly harmful chemicals, so don't write about them like they're no big deal.

The anti-abortion types seem to think that all unwanted pregnancies stem from closing-time casual sex, which seems to indicate that this is the only type of sex they are familiar with. Abortion is usually driven by economics, the failure of the two parents to agree to cooperate to raise an infant to maturity or abandonment by the male partner, medical problems, and the like.

The emphasis that the anti-abortion types place on casual sex, as opposed to people having sex in marriage or in relationships indicates that the source of their opinions is hostility to the fact that people actually have sex than any concern for "the unborn child" in this gun-totin', "let them eat cake," "stop them at the border," "I hate everybody who isn't like me" world.

The baby-killer types seem to pretend that all abortions stem from rape, incest, and life-threatening illnesses, which seems to indicate that they know the truth makes them appear to be barbarians. So I think we'll all just continue on with not wanting your approval.
It takes months for all of the necessary organs to develop so that there is a baby. Most people have abortions before this process is completed. People who want to terminate a pregnancy usually do not wait this long unless they are somehow denied access to the procedure. Late-term abortions are usually done due to medical complications or the discovery that the normal developmental processes did not occur.

But we live in a world of guns, hatred, violence, and death, so why are the contents of anyone's womb of more vital importance?
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

So then a fling? Okay, so old girl hits the club and meets some nice dumb muscle. They decied to fool around and the rubber breaks. They make pill for this. You can buy it OTC at Walmart. If it's further along then abortion should not be an option. Yes, it's the woman's right to choose, but if she chooses that then she needs to pony up the bucks to have it done. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy. It's pretty common knowledge, if you put a penis in a vagina chances are good someone will get knocked up.

Every time you anti-abortion types write your reasons for opposing abortions, you talk about women having casual sex - a fling. Abortion studies show that the majority of women having abortions are married or in a committed relationship. The percentage of promiscuous women having abortions is quite low. Abortion is driven by economics, not lifestyle.

The morning after pill you speak of is only recommended in cases of rape or incest. Those are incredibly harmful chemicals, so don't write about them like they're no big deal.

The anti-abortion types seem to think that all unwanted pregnancies stem from closing-time casual sex, which seems to indicate that this is the only type of sex they are familiar with. Abortion is usually driven by economics, the failure of the two parents to agree to cooperate to raise an infant to maturity or abandonment by the male partner, medical problems, and the like.

The emphasis that the anti-abortion types place on casual sex, as opposed to people having sex in marriage or in relationships indicates that the source of their opinions is hostility to the fact that people actually have sex than any concern for "the unborn child" in this gun-totin', "let them eat cake," "stop them at the border," "I hate everybody who isn't like me" world.

The baby-killer types seem to pretend that all abortions stem from rape, incest, and life-threatening illnesses, which seems to indicate that they know the truth makes them appear to be barbarians. So I think we'll all just continue on with not wanting your approval.

Nobody is a "baby-killer type." Having an abortion is not killing a baby. A "baby" isn't there yet. If a person wants to have a baby and miscarries, is this the Supreme Being/Mother Nature "killing a baby"? One of my aunts had three miscarriages before she succeeded in giving birth to a son. Who was the "baby killer"?
Those opposed to abortion must support education. Teach people about choice and what responsibility means. Convince that abortion must be a last resort and rare.
Repression of women through legislation is not tolerable and will not be accepted. Those days are over.

Human biology and reproduction are taught in all schools today. How much more education do you think is necessary?

How is it repression to believe that each person is responsible for his or her actions?

I think I get it, you libs think that the sex drive in women is so strong that they cannot control themselves and that the government must take responsibility for their urges.

So you husbands, boyfriends, and guys in bars are willing to go without, regardless of your relationship. That's a good one. Why do men have sex when they don't want a child? Do confess that every time you have had sex, you were ready for 18 years of being a hands-on parent.

It's ridiculous how you lot can yell about abortion while screaming that you need high-powered weaponry, that you hate everyone who doesn't look like you, and that you refuse to aid those in need, including the little children. Your "devotion to life" is so fraudulent and transparent.

Boy, what a stupid post......the racism is on the left.....the democrat party is the party of racism, skin color is the most important issue in that party. Conservatives, those who support and defend the Constitution, also tend to be more religious, and in that way give more in time and money to help others than you asshat left wing socialists do...and that is after paying the excessive taxes you asshats demand.
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

So then a fling? Okay, so old girl hits the club and meets some nice dumb muscle. They decied to fool around and the rubber breaks. They make pill for this. You can buy it OTC at Walmart. If it's further along then abortion should not be an option. Yes, it's the woman's right to choose, but if she chooses that then she needs to pony up the bucks to have it done. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy. It's pretty common knowledge, if you put a penis in a vagina chances are good someone will get knocked up.

Every time you anti-abortion types write your reasons for opposing abortions, you talk about women having casual sex - a fling. Abortion studies show that the majority of women having abortions are married or in a committed relationship. The percentage of promiscuous women having abortions is quite low. Abortion is driven by economics, not lifestyle.

The morning after pill you speak of is only recommended in cases of rape or incest. Those are incredibly harmful chemicals, so don't write about them like they're no big deal.

The anti-abortion types seem to think that all unwanted pregnancies stem from closing-time casual sex, which seems to indicate that this is the only type of sex they are familiar with. Abortion is usually driven by economics, the failure of the two parents to agree to cooperate to raise an infant to maturity or abandonment by the male partner, medical problems, and the like.

The emphasis that the anti-abortion types place on casual sex, as opposed to people having sex in marriage or in relationships indicates that the source of their opinions is hostility to the fact that people actually have sex than any concern for "the unborn child" in this gun-totin', "let them eat cake," "stop them at the border," "I hate everybody who isn't like me" world.

The baby-killer types seem to pretend that all abortions stem from rape, incest, and life-threatening illnesses, which seems to indicate that they know the truth makes them appear to be barbarians. So I think we'll all just continue on with not wanting your approval.

Nobody is a "baby-killer type." Having an abortion is not killing a baby. A "baby" isn't there yet. If a person wants to have a baby and miscarries, is this the Supreme Being/Mother Nature "killing a baby"? One of my aunts had three miscarriages before she succeeded in giving birth to a son. Who was the "baby killer"?

If the sperm fertilizes the egg in the womb...it's a baby, and nothing you say changes that.
Conservatives, those who support and defend the Constitution, also tend to be more religious, and in that way give more in time and money to help others than you asshat left wing socialists do.

Everybody supports and defends the Constitution, and most people help others. Saying that one is "religious" means absolutely nothing, and certainly not that a person is better than others. There are too many batshit-crazy cults. A person can say that they are "religious" when they follow some bozo like frankie graham around. Seriously. You sound like a member of one of these phony, worthless "Christian" monkey cults.
Pregnant women who are turned away from clinics spiral into debt and bankruptcy at high rates, a study finds.

What Happens To Women Who Can’t Get Abortions

All anti-choice zealots should read this.

Yes, we're totally going to be convinced that babies should die because of money, because everyone is a sociopath like you.
Is that a comment on the lack of affordable health care in the U.S.?

Is that a comment on how determinedly stupid you are?
Pregnant women who are turned away from clinics spiral into debt and bankruptcy at high rates, a study finds.

What Happens To Women Who Can’t Get Abortions

All anti-choice zealots should read this.

It is called adoption......or merely putting the baby at the box at the Fire Dept. Killing is not an option.

An abortion is not "killing." No one should be forced to go through pregnancy and childbirth just to satisfy your particular religious desires when they don't share them.

the unborn child is ALIVE, after the abortion the unborn chilld is DEAD. So tell us how it was not killed by the abortion.

Lice thinks if she just declares that unborn children aren't alive because she "feelz" that they aren't, the universe will realign to suit her.
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

So then a fling? Okay, so old girl hits the club and meets some nice dumb muscle. They decied to fool around and the rubber breaks. They make pill for this. You can buy it OTC at Walmart. If it's further along then abortion should not be an option. Yes, it's the woman's right to choose, but if she chooses that then she needs to pony up the bucks to have it done. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy. It's pretty common knowledge, if you put a penis in a vagina chances are good someone will get knocked up.

Every time you anti-abortion types write your reasons for opposing abortions, you talk about women having casual sex - a fling. Abortion studies show that the majority of women having abortions are married or in a committed relationship. The percentage of promiscuous women having abortions is quite low. Abortion is driven by economics, not lifestyle.

The morning after pill you speak of is only recommended in cases of rape or incest. Those are incredibly harmful chemicals, so don't write about them like they're no big deal.

Okay, several things here. First of all, straw man. This is not "every time"; it's every time you listen to. We talk about other circumstances all the time. If you don't pay attention, that's not our problem.

Second, this is the pot calling the kettle black, given the propensity of abortionists to run straight to "rape and incest!" in debates, despite those instances being a tiny percentage of abortions.

Third, "morning after pills are incredibly harmful"? Abortions kill babies, and YOU talk about THOSE as though the women are getting a mole removed.

It's nothing like getting a mole removed. It's much more easy.
An America concerned with the health of its population, and particular its youngest, would have a health care system that reflected that.
Hypocrites about abortion, if you really thought it were murder, you would get down to an abortion clinic and stop it.
I'll ask this again since my earlier post has been ignored

If we are going to be rational about the subject of abortion ( I know that's a big ask) then there has to be a consideration of the fact that at some point during gestation where the fetus is no longer a fetus but a viable baby.

It's the difference between a potential human being and an actual human being

I appreciate that you're trying to be rational about this subject, so please don't take this as me being hostile or insulting.

We can't backtrack on scientific fact and call it "being rational".

There's no such thing as a "potential human being". The closest you can get are individual sperm and ova, which could potentially be combined with each other. Once they are combined, you have a human being. There is no interim stage.

Likewise, there is no point when a fetus becomes a baby. A fetus IS a baby; the word "fetus" does not denote some completely separate thing. It means "unborn offspring from two months after conception to birth".
Those opposed to abortion must support education. Teach people about choice and what responsibility means. Convince that abortion must be a last resort and rare.
Repression of women through legislation is not tolerable and will not be accepted. Those days are over.

Human biology and reproduction are taught in all schools today. How much more education do you think is necessary?

How is it repression to believe that each person is responsible for his or her actions?

I think I get it, you libs think that the sex drive in women is so strong that they cannot control themselves and that the government must take responsibility for their urges.

So you husbands, boyfriends, and guys in bars are willing to go without, regardless of your relationship. That's a good one. Why do men have sex when they don't want a child? Do confess that every time you have had sex, you were ready for 18 years of being a hands-on parent.

It's ridiculous how you lot can yell about abortion while screaming that you need high-powered weaponry, that you hate everyone who doesn't look like you, and that you refuse to aid those in need, including the little children. Your "devotion to life" is so fraudulent and transparent.

Ahh, the ever-popular "humans are just animals, they can't possibly control their baser instincts with their intellect, how DARE you expect them to?!" argument.
It takes months for all of the necessary organs to develop so that there is a baby. Most people have abortions before this process is completed. People who want to terminate a pregnancy usually do not wait this long unless they are somehow denied access to the procedure. Late-term abortions are usually done due to medical complications or the discovery that the normal developmental processes did not occur.

But we live in a world of guns, hatred, violence, and death, so why are the contents of anyone's womb of more vital importance?

You've never swayed me with your "Well, I don't think it looks like an adult, so it can't be alive!" arguments before, so what makes you think I'm going to descend to your level of pig-ignorance this time?

Ditto with the "If I just repeat the propaganda ONE MORE TIME . . ."

Did you really just ask me why I should object to killing babies if the world isn't a perfect place? Just for the record, I can think of one "born human" who's worth less to me than the contents of a toilet bowl, never mind the contents of a womb. Just sayin' . . .
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

So then a fling? Okay, so old girl hits the club and meets some nice dumb muscle. They decied to fool around and the rubber breaks. They make pill for this. You can buy it OTC at Walmart. If it's further along then abortion should not be an option. Yes, it's the woman's right to choose, but if she chooses that then she needs to pony up the bucks to have it done. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy. It's pretty common knowledge, if you put a penis in a vagina chances are good someone will get knocked up.

Every time you anti-abortion types write your reasons for opposing abortions, you talk about women having casual sex - a fling. Abortion studies show that the majority of women having abortions are married or in a committed relationship. The percentage of promiscuous women having abortions is quite low. Abortion is driven by economics, not lifestyle.

The morning after pill you speak of is only recommended in cases of rape or incest. Those are incredibly harmful chemicals, so don't write about them like they're no big deal.

The anti-abortion types seem to think that all unwanted pregnancies stem from closing-time casual sex, which seems to indicate that this is the only type of sex they are familiar with. Abortion is usually driven by economics, the failure of the two parents to agree to cooperate to raise an infant to maturity or abandonment by the male partner, medical problems, and the like.

The emphasis that the anti-abortion types place on casual sex, as opposed to people having sex in marriage or in relationships indicates that the source of their opinions is hostility to the fact that people actually have sex than any concern for "the unborn child" in this gun-totin', "let them eat cake," "stop them at the border," "I hate everybody who isn't like me" world.

The baby-killer types seem to pretend that all abortions stem from rape, incest, and life-threatening illnesses, which seems to indicate that they know the truth makes them appear to be barbarians. So I think we'll all just continue on with not wanting your approval.

Nobody is a "baby-killer type." Having an abortion is not killing a baby. A "baby" isn't there yet. If a person wants to have a baby and miscarries, is this the Supreme Being/Mother Nature "killing a baby"? One of my aunts had three miscarriages before she succeeded in giving birth to a son. Who was the "baby killer"?

Hey, Chuckles, you want to slap your personal labels on others' beliefs and congratulate yourself on how smart it makes you, I suggest you butch up AND wise up to realize that I have the same right to do that you do.

Or don't, because listening to you cry about it gives me a warm fuzzy.

And once again, you can state your ignorant, uneducated worldview as fact all the times you want. Won't make it true, won't make me view you as more intelligent than a wad of gum on my shoe.
Conservatives, those who support and defend the Constitution, also tend to be more religious, and in that way give more in time and money to help others than you asshat left wing socialists do.

Everybody supports and defends the Constitution, and most people help others. Saying that one is "religious" means absolutely nothing, and certainly not that a person is better than others. There are too many batshit-crazy cults. A person can say that they are "religious" when they follow some bozo like frankie graham around. Seriously. You sound like a member of one of these phony, worthless "Christian" monkey cults.

Everybody doesn't support and defend the Constitution. Some do, and some support and defend what they want by calling it "Constitutional".

You are the last person on Earth who should even approach the subject of some people being less than others, OR the subject of beliefs being wacko. Call us when you stop believing that wishing something true makes it so.
An America concerned with the health of its population, and particular its youngest, would have a health care system that reflected that.
Hypocrites about abortion, if you really thought it were murder, you would get down to an abortion clinic and stop it.

I just heard, "Well, well, well . . . you can't defend your beliefs until you agree with XYZ cause I want to shoehorn into this! And then you have to do it the way I have decided right this second that you should!"

In case you didn't guess it, no one asked you what you thought pro-lifers should think about the healthcare system, no one submitted their plans to oppose abortion for your approval, and no one whatsoever has any interest in whether or not you have a good opinion of them.

Somehow, we will soldier on.
Pregnant women who are turned away from clinics spiral into debt and bankruptcy at high rates, a study finds.

What Happens To Women Who Can’t Get Abortions

All anti-choice zealots should read this.

It is called adoption......or merely putting the baby at the box at the Fire Dept. Killing is not an option.

An abortion is not "killing." No one should be forced to go through pregnancy and childbirth just to satisfy your particular religious desires when they don't share them.

the unborn child is ALIVE, after the abortion the unborn chilld is DEAD. So tell us how it was not killed by the abortion.

Lice thinks if she just declares that unborn children aren't alive because she "feelz" that they aren't, the universe will realign to suit her.

You obviously do not have the most elementary knowledge of the human gestational process.

Moreover, people have the right to choose their religion, if they want to. Your religious beliefs apply only to you. I doubt that people who have abortions agree with your selection of beliefs.

I don't agree with you as to what happens in the universe. I have my own thoughts.

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