While Attempting Coup, House Dems Vote To Protect Iranian Regive


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The House seems to tie the President's hands after he directed the strike on the leader of the world's largest terrorist group, the IRCG.

General Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of over 600 Americans and thousands of innocent men, women, and children throughout the Middle East.

According to the very politicians who seek to prevent the Commander and Chief and US Armed Forces from protecting the US / responding in a timely manner to Iranian aggression, the legislation would do little:

"This amendment does nothing, nothing to restrict" Trump's ability to protect American interests and American allies, Khanna said during floor debate for his bill, which has nearly 100 Democratic co-sponsors but no Republicans. "It gives him all of the powers of the War Power Resolution. If we are hit, he has every authority to act."

So...if Iran fire rickets through its surrogate terrorist groups and injures Americans, like they did prior to the Soleimani strike, the President has the authority to act, like he did with the Soleimani strike?!


House Votes to Limit Trump's Power to Launch Attack on Iran

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