While Daily Kos calls Tea Parties Racist, they spew Hatred for Jews


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010


But sites like the Daily Kos make me feel empowered. They keep talking about how the Jews control the media, the Jews control the banks, the Jews control the government.”

What makes the hatred of these sites so hypocritical is these progressives are usually the first to label any criticism of President Obama as racial hatred. Some progressives under the umbrella of George Soros’ Media Matters have even created a website to track the non-existent racist hatred coming from the Tea Party movement. Maybe before they look to find hatred that doesn’t exist from the Tea Party movement, they should look to clean up their own house.

Read all here: Dark Side of the Blogosphere: Hatred and Anti-Semitism From The Progressives Who Call The Tea Party Racist - Big Journalism

You want to know where this spate of "jews control the Federal Reserve" blah blah bnlah is coming from? Think it's the Tea Party?

Guess again! I've been aware for years that liberalism is rife with ant-semitism. Here is a great example.
if you try really, really hard, i bet you can guess where an OP about the media should go.

if you try really, really hard, i bet you can guess where an OP about the media should go.


Don't be mean to the mentally challenged, delilah. It is neither big, nor clever.

And... I've given out too much rep. Stupid Gunny and his rep rules..... although I've always preferred to think of them as more... sort of.... guidelines.
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if you try really, really hard, i bet you can guess where an OP about the media should go.


Don't be mean to the mentally challenged, delilah. It is neither big, nor clever.

And... I've given out too much rep. Stupid Gunny and is rep rules..... although I've always preferred to think of them as more... sort of.... guidelines.
if you try really, really hard, i bet you can guess where an OP about the media should go.


Considering, it is really about an orchestrated triage by liberals to smear the tea party as "racist" while their racism goes merrily on, it really needs to be in politics, but that's my own opinion.

Instead, of whining about it's placement why don't you comment on the actual op.

Or is that your point?

if you try really, really hard, i bet you can guess where an OP about the media should go.


Considering, it is really about an orchestrated triage by liberals to smear the tea party as "racist" while their racism goes merrily on, it really needs to be in politics, but that's my own opinion.

Instead, of whining about it's placement why don't you comment on the actual op.

Or is that your point?


You just called the US a Christian nation in another thread, thus exposing your own anti-Semitism.

OK, Teabagger Whimp. The OP is a peice of shit.

Oh man! Liberals do NOT like it when their racism is exposed do they.

They like to be pompous self righteous hypocrites behind closed doors.

Bring it out in the open and they start frothing at the mouth!

But, you notice all those stupid threads we have been having lately about Jews controlling everything.

I just thought I would let people know where they are coming from. The Daily Kos and other assorted liberal sites.

if you try really, really hard, i bet you can guess where an OP about the media should go.


Considering, it is really about an orchestrated triage by liberals to smear the tea party as "racist" while their racism goes merrily on, it really needs to be in politics, but that's my own opinion.

Instead, of whining about it's placement why don't you comment on the actual op.

Or is that your point?


You just called the US a Christian nation in another thread, thus exposing your own anti-Semitism.


Can you show me the evidence of Christianity being anti-semitic especially since we worship the King of the Jews?????

How stupid can you be to say that's anti-semetic????????

It's like the idiot my brother once heard on the radio who ranted about the eeeeeeeeeeeeeevils of the Jews and then said:

"May be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, bless you!" Wha??????? :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, I know they weren't Jews, but the Jews came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I mean not TOO fine a point of contention!

Pretty stupid, as a matter of fact. I never understood so called "christians" (and I use the small C with precision) that were anti-Jew, and I think YOU are no better if you see it the same way!

Who is the bigot when you think it's anti-semtic to worship the King of the Jews??????

I mean Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!


Well, it all makes sense now. Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, is a Catholic, and as we know from Glenn Beck's pal and featured speaker at the MLK day Beck rally, Pastorbator John Hagee,

the Catholics were to blame for the Holocaust.
I'm liberal and anti-zionist.

and 100% Jewish.

I don't really like the cartoons. But I wonder about your assumption that they represent "liberalism". I wonder how you can make the claim that all liberals are anti-semitic when 70-80 percent of American Jews are liberal.
Well, it all makes sense now. Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, is a Catholic, and as we know from Glenn Beck's pal and featured speaker at the MLK day Beck rally, Pastorbator John Hagee,

the Catholics were to blame for the Holocaust.

A Catholic that agrees abortion (for one) is not a Catholic. So try again.

It would be like me claiming I'm a Christian, but I worship Buddah.

Just because you claim you are something, but your ACTIONS go against everything that religion stands for, then you aren't, no matter how much you claim otherwise.

Kerry isn't a Catholic either.

Well, it all makes sense now. Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, is a Catholic, and as we know from Glenn Beck's pal and featured speaker at the MLK day Beck rally, Pastorbator John Hagee,

the Catholics were to blame for the Holocaust.

A Catholic that agrees abortion (for one) is not a Catholic. So try again.

It would be like me claiming I'm a Christian, but I worship Buddah.

Just because you claim you are something, but your ACTIONS go against everything that religion stands for, then you aren't, no matter how much you claim otherwise.

Kerry isn't a Catholic either.


Then you must love your enemies.
I'm liberal and anti-zionist.

and 100% Jewish.

I don't really like the cartoons. But I wonder about your assumption that they represent "liberalism". I wonder how you can make the claim that all liberals are anti-semitic when 70-80 percent of American Jews are liberal.

This is typical. When liberals are outed on this stuff, it's "oh that's isolated, it's fringe, how can you claim that represents liberalism?????"

But if an infiltrator gets into a Tea Party gathering with some stupid sign, and ALL OF A SUDDEN, that proves that EVERY SINGLE TEA PARTY, CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN, OR ANYONE THAT DIDN'T VOTE OBAMA, IS A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so typical, soooooooo hypocritical, and so predictable.

You see a lot of that here. Folks who claim not to be anti semitic get hyper defensive about their hatred of Israel.

While questioning the behavior of Israel is not anything to really get defensive about. Like every other country they are more interested in themselves than in international amity, they do lots of stupid stuff, Calling them on it should not result in defensiveness.

Even though I am not jewish myself (Screen name is an old story) I get lots of misdirected jew hatred. About 80% is from the left. But if my politics were different I am sure I would get more from the right, but mostly I get that kind of thing from the lefties.
Well, it all makes sense now. Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, is a Catholic, and as we know from Glenn Beck's pal and featured speaker at the MLK day Beck rally, Pastorbator John Hagee,

the Catholics were to blame for the Holocaust.

A Catholic that agrees abortion (for one) is not a Catholic. So try again.

It would be like me claiming I'm a Christian, but I worship Buddah.

Just because you claim you are something, but your ACTIONS go against everything that religion stands for, then you aren't, no matter how much you claim otherwise.

Kerry isn't a Catholic either.


Then you must love your enemies.

Who says I don't love 'em???????

The Bible said I should love them!

The Bible doesn't say I have to vote for them!

I'm liberal and anti-zionist.

and 100% Jewish.

I don't really like the cartoons. But I wonder about your assumption that they represent "liberalism". I wonder how you can make the claim that all liberals are anti-semitic when 70-80 percent of American Jews are liberal.

This is typical. When liberals are outed on this stuff, it's "oh that's isolated, it's fringe, how can you claim that represents liberalism?????"

But if an infiltrator gets into a Tea Party gathering with some stupid sign, and ALL OF A SUDDEN, that proves that EVERY SINGLE TEA PARTY, CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN, OR ANYONE THAT DIDN'T VOTE OBAMA, IS A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so typical, soooooooo hypocritical, and so predictable.


Feel free to point out anywhere where I've posted that I think the Tea Partiers are racist.

Otherwise, your post fails badly.
I'm liberal and anti-zionist.

and 100% Jewish.

I don't really like the cartoons. But I wonder about your assumption that they represent "liberalism". I wonder how you can make the claim that all liberals are anti-semitic when 70-80 percent of American Jews are liberal.

They dont' represent liberalism as a whole. the represent a problem with some of the people who attach to liberalism.

Liberalism is the idea every one should get a chance. These folks attach on and say I blew the first chance, now I deserve a second, third, fourth chance. And the reason I blew my previous chances has nothing to do with what I did, but is the fault of someone else rather than me.
I'm liberal and anti-zionist.

and 100% Jewish.

I don't really like the cartoons. But I wonder about your assumption that they represent "liberalism". I wonder how you can make the claim that all liberals are anti-semitic when 70-80 percent of American Jews are liberal.

This is typical. When liberals are outed on this stuff, it's "oh that's isolated, it's fringe, how can you claim that represents liberalism?????"

But if an infiltrator gets into a Tea Party gathering with some stupid sign, and ALL OF A SUDDEN, that proves that EVERY SINGLE TEA PARTY, CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN, OR ANYONE THAT DIDN'T VOTE OBAMA, IS A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so typical, soooooooo hypocritical, and so predictable.


Feel free to point out anywhere where I've posted that I think the Tea Partiers are racist.

Otherwise, your post fails badly.

I hate to break it to you, but I'm not talking about you in particular.

I'm talking about liberals as a whole.

And you can deny all you want that it's not true, but you did it.

The "yeah but that case doesn't speak for all liberals."

ANY liberal that gets caught openly revealing what liberals really think gets the "yeah, not all liberals are like that" defense.


But liberals talk about the tea party, WHAT DO THEY SAY?

And you are going to tell me the tea party HASN'T been called racist, yadda yadda yadda, by the left???????

So, whether you IN PARTICULAR have said this or that, is irrelevant. That is how the left treats their own, vs. how they treat those they disagree with, and YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE.

I'm liberal and anti-zionist.

and 100% Jewish.

I don't really like the cartoons. But I wonder about your assumption that they represent "liberalism". I wonder how you can make the claim that all liberals are anti-semitic when 70-80 percent of American Jews are liberal.

They dont' represent liberalism as a whole. the represent a problem with some of the people who attach to liberalism.

Liberalism is the idea every one should get a chance. These folks attach on and say I blew the first chance, now I deserve a second, third, fourth chance. And the reason I blew my previous chances has nothing to do with what I did, but is the fault of someone else rather than me.

William F. Buckely purged conservatism of anti-semites a very long time ago, and I'm glad he did, or I would have never become one.

Since then, anti-semites have found a home in the Democrat party, and more importantly liberalism. The attitude of the Democrat party toward Israel especially, makes that clear.

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