While Expelling Diplomats, Germany Quietly Increases Dependence On Russian Gas


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On Monday, Germany became one of the first European countries to expel Russian diplomats in response to the alleged Russian poisoning of a former spy in British soil – doing so even before the United States had announced its unprecedented move to kick out 60 diplomats. It was a bold action coordinated with Britain and France last week.

On Tuesday, Berlin quietly gave authorization for a new Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea which will increase Europe's dependence on Russian gas.

.....Washington is also displeased. America has been lobbying EU capitals intensely to reject the pipeline, saying it constitutes a threat to Europe’s energy security. They say it is a naked attempt to punish Ukraine by bypassing the Ukrainian gas transit route, and to kill a rival project called South Stream, which would bring non-Russian gas to Europe from the Caucasus. In short, they say, it would hold Europe hostage to Russian gas blackmail.
While Expelling Diplomats, Germany Quietly Increases Dependence On Russian Gas

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