While Kavanaugh sucks all the O2 out of the news cycle..............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Republicans have managed to pass yet another tax cut bill this year, and they are making the tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.

House passes GOP bill to make new tax cuts permanent

House passes GOP bill to make new tax cuts permanent
  • Republicans have sped legislation through the House to expand their massive new tax law, capping their session for the year as they rush out of town to face voters in the November elections.
  • The new bill would make permanent the individual and small-business tax cuts in the law.
  • It's the second tax-cut proposal that Republican leaders have pushed in less than a year.
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 28 Sept 2018 Updated 10:04 AM ET Mon, 1 Oct 2018
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Maybe that is why Trump is keeping this Kavanaugh thing going, he's using it as a smokescreen for him and the GOP to pass other stuff that would get most people screaming mad.
Republicans have managed to pass yet another tax cut bill this year, and they are making the tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.

House passes GOP bill to make new tax cuts permanent

House passes GOP bill to make new tax cuts permanent
  • Republicans have sped legislation through the House to expand their massive new tax law, capping their session for the year as they rush out of town to face voters in the November elections.
  • The new bill would make permanent the individual and small-business tax cuts in the law.
  • It's the second tax-cut proposal that Republican leaders have pushed in less than a year.
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 28 Sept 2018 Updated 10:04 AM ET Mon, 1 Oct 2018
The tax cuts for the wealthiest and corporations were already permanent. This is to make tax cuts for the peasants permanent, but the House only passed it because they know the Senate won’t.

In other news, Trump increased the deficit by $1.2 trillion in the last 11 months
Holy Shit...

I think the bed wetter sailor just had an epiphany...

Government does shady shit in the back ground while it has your attention with the testimony of a 50+ Y/O hag acting like she was a girl scout raped by a village of afghani shepherds 10 minutes ago with a quivering little voice like she's never been inside a building with strangers or seen electrical lighting. They talked about inane shit written in a fucking kid's year book 35 years ago as if it was a pledge of allegiance to satan signed by the judge when he entered the room. Talk about bullshit side shows.

Then on top of it since Trump is almost finished mopping up the mess left behind by the moonbat messiah, he unfucked some of Clinton's globalist bullshit by wiping our asses with NAFTA. Now we have the MAGA Treaty....

I suppose. I have no idea what's in that, funny how that was done and we barely heard a word. Maybe another dam will break and we'll be flooded with libturd tears about it next week. Maybe it really is a shitty deal but it will be ignored... who knows.
They make tax cuts for the individual temporary and the leftists bitch
They make tax cuts for the individual permanent and the left bitch
Goddamn just shut the fuck up already you disingenuous hacks!
Meanwhile, we are still fighting overseas (war is expensive), and entering a trade war with China. Where is all the money gonna come from to cover these expenses?

Then.................there is still infrastructure that needs repair, there are disasters that have hit pretty hard, and Trump still wants his wall.

Where is all the money gonna come from to pay for it all if they keep cutting taxes?
All sorts of stuff going on that the media is doing its best to ignore - all stuff President Trump promised to do. More judicial appointments confirmed for one.
Maybe that is why Trump is keeping this Kavanaugh thing going, he's using it as a smokescreen for him and the GOP to pass other stuff that would get most people screaming mad.
Oh, so now its Trump who's prolonging this. Lol.
Meanwhile, we are still fighting overseas (war is expensive), and entering a trade war with China. Where is all the money gonna come from to cover these expenses?

Then.................there is still infrastructure that needs repair, there are disasters that have hit pretty hard, and Trump still wants his wall.

Where is all the money gonna come from to pay for it all if they keep cutting taxes?
I guess the same place the money will come from to fund single payer health care, free shit! Your fairy Godmother!

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