While Obama plays golf, France acts like a leader of the free world on Syria

Ugly American chickenhawks should shove their stupid Pussy this and surrender monkey horseshytte up their azz. Military success is an equation of numbers, quality of arms, and fanaticism. Chickenhawk Americans barely understand war or suffering. Oh, sorry.
Ugly American chickenhawks should shove their stupid Pussy this and surrender monkey horseshytte up their azz. Military success is an equation of numbers, quality of arms, and fanaticism. Chickenhawk Americans barely understand war or suffering. Oh, sorry.

Ask me a question franco how come Obama destroyed Libyia and killed The duck and not Sryia? both those civil wars started at the same time? The duck didnt use Wmd's but it looks more and more Bashar al-Assad is using it. Obama is scared of Putin... what a coward.
What is so hard about a no fly zone and launch a few hundred tomahawk missles like we did in libya it worked out great.
speaking as a Francophile and the world's greatest continental (retired drunk) driver, I would say Anglo-American RWers love being arrogant a-holes, sitting behind giant moats and lording it up. Though I am one (AA lol)
Ugly American chickenhawks should shove their stupid Pussy this and surrender monkey horseshytte up their azz. Military success is an equation of numbers, quality of arms, and fanaticism. Chickenhawk Americans barely understand war or suffering. Oh, sorry.

Ask me a question franco how come Obama destroyed Libyia and killed The duck and not Sryia? both those civil wars started at the same time? The duck didnt use Wmd's but it looks more and more Bashar al-Assad is using it. Obama is scared of Putin... what a coward.

Right, chickenhawk, Because Libya has 5x as many people, isn't strung out along the Med, has friends, and isn't within range of land based French and Italian fighters.
Ugly American chickenhawks should shove their stupid Pussy this and surrender monkey horseshytte up their azz. Military success is an equation of numbers, quality of arms, and fanaticism. Chickenhawk Americans barely understand war or suffering. Oh, sorry.

Ask me a question franco how come Obama destroyed Libyia and killed The duck and not Sryia? both those civil wars started at the same time? The duck didnt use Wmd's but it looks more and more Bashar al-Assad is using it. Obama is scared of Putin... what a coward.

Right, chickenhawk, Because Libya has 5x as many people, isn't strung out along the Med, has friends, and isn't within range of land based French and Italian fighters.

Who gives a rat ass about how many people they have? and you are affraid of the Russians and China men? guess you have a yellow streak running down you're back like Obama and FDR who turned a blind eye.. to the horrors of war till it was to late.
For those keeping score, the wingnuts in the Republican party now adore Russia and France ( yes, the France that inspired Freedom Fries) over an American President.
Can you believe Psaki said this today???
"At this time, right now, we are unable to conclusively determine CW use, but we are focused, every minute of every day since these events happened yesterday, on doing everything possible within our power to nail down the facts"

She was taking about what we have seen of the horror in Syria...weird.

Daily Press Briefing - August 22, 2013
Ask me a question franco how come Obama destroyed Libyia and killed The duck and not Sryia? both those civil wars started at the same time? The duck didnt use Wmd's but it looks more and more Bashar al-Assad is using it. Obama is scared of Putin... what a coward.

Right, chickenhawk, Because Libya has 5x as many people, isn't strung out along the Med, has friends, and isn't within range of land based French and Italian fighters.

Who gives a rat ass about how many people they have? and you are affraid of the Russians and China men? guess you have a yellow streak running down you're back like Obama and FDR who turned a blind eye.. to the horrors of war till it was to late.

A. I meant Syria is bigger etc.
B. It was isolationist Pubs who kept FDR from fighting earlier in a good war, and chickenhawk fool Pubs who got us in the 2 stupidest and longest wars EVER in Iraq and Afghan. You talk like a brainwashed idiot chickenhawk. The USA is sick of gigantic traps. MAYBE bomb Assad and their miltary headquarters. Arm the good rebels.
The incompetence of this Administration is beyond astonishing and it only reflects the failure of US policy all over the Middle East. In Syria. in the beginning the US was supposed to help and organize the most moderate rebels while at the same time weaken Assad and pushed him to serious talks... but what does Obama -Obadum does? He refused!!!

And so.....by withholding the heavy weapons to the moderate groups ...the radical jihadists and Al Qaeda groups became stronger!

I understand that this Administration doesn't want to get involved now that they messed everything up... is a little too late right?? but the real question is: Why did they allow this to happen in the first place?

and ...... we all know the answer.:mad:
Ugly American chickenhawks should shove their stupid Pussy this and surrender monkey horseshytte up their azz. Military success is an equation of numbers, quality of arms, and fanaticism. Chickenhawk Americans barely understand war or suffering. Oh, sorry.
Why are you here franco?
Right, chickenhawk, Because Libya has 5x as many people, isn't strung out along the Med, has friends, and isn't within range of land based French and Italian fighters.

Who gives a rat ass about how many people they have? and you are affraid of the Russians and China men? guess you have a yellow streak running down you're back like Obama and FDR who turned a blind eye.. to the horrors of war till it was to late.

A. I meant Syria is bigger etc.
B. It was isolationist Pubs who kept FDR from fighting earlier in a good war, and chickenhawk fool Pubs who got us in the 2 stupidest and longest wars EVER in Iraq and Afghan. You talk like a brainwashed idiot chickenhawk. The USA is sick of gigantic traps. MAYBE bomb Assad and their miltary headquarters. Arm the good rebels.

What WW1 a war we should have never been gotten into that gave rise to Hitler? ok franco now we can talk civil time to bomb Assad and their military a no fly zone.
Ugly American chickenhawks should shove their stupid Pussy this and surrender monkey horseshytte up their azz. Military success is an equation of numbers, quality of arms, and fanaticism. Chickenhawk Americans barely understand war or suffering. Oh, sorry.
Why are you here franco?

Doing where, lol? I'm American, and I'm here to tell you what's going on in the big world. RW ugly Anglo-Americans (UK and USA) are an arrogant, monolinguist, savage capitalist pain too LOL. Start depressions that cause no end of suffering...:eusa_whistle:
Who gives a rat ass about how many people they have? and you are affraid of the Russians and China men? guess you have a yellow streak running down you're back like Obama and FDR who turned a blind eye.. to the horrors of war till it was to late.

A. I meant Syria is bigger etc.
B. It was isolationist Pubs who kept FDR from fighting earlier in a good war, and chickenhawk fool Pubs who got us in the 2 stupidest and longest wars EVER in Iraq and Afghan. You talk like a brainwashed idiot chickenhawk. The USA is sick of gigantic traps. MAYBE bomb Assad and their miltary headquarters. Arm the good rebels.

What WW1 a war we should have never been gotten into that gave rise to Hitler? ok franco now we can talk civil time to bomb Assad and their military a no fly zone.

A) Pubs screwed up the League, but even so Europe was doing just fine by 1929- See Locarno amd Briand Pact, but then the Pubs started the Great DEPRESSION that actually led to the rise of militarist- AND isolationist Pubs let them run wild.

B) The French are saying what we would like to- They and we are putting pressure on the UN- either the UN, or if not, NATO might do a little bombing to encourage Assad and help the rebels...Patience, chickenhawks.

BTW, we fought in WW! for about 5 months. BFD.
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