While Obama plays golf, France acts like a leader of the free world on Syria

they are killing woman and children with Chemical war fare do any of these poster's here no how deadly and painful that stuff is? just read about WW1..
they are killing woman and children with Chemical war fare do any of these poster's here no how deadly and painful that stuff is? just read about WW1..

The UN hasn't even had a chance to investigate the claims. Where do you get your info ? It could just as easily be the rebels who are using the chemicals
Personally, i still haven't seen a logical coherent explanation as to why we're all supposed to hate Assad so much. Why are we all supposed to be calling for his head? I'll wait for someone here to offer an explanation.
France says force may be needed against Syria
France's foreign minister on Thursday raised the
possibility of the international community using force in Syria if it is proven that Bashir Assad's regime used chemical weapons in an attack the opposition says killed more than 100 people.
France says force may be needed against Syria

Then let France take the lead. Why does the US always have to play Workd Police?
There is other capable countries.

You're right! Get Obama out of the picture....he doesn't know how to lead anyway!
Lets just make him kill less of his people than he did before. :D

So the claim is that he is a really bad guy and his whole regime needs to be toppled.... by Al Qaeda? Didn't the Egyptians just go through this ??

I was exposing the ridiculousness some anti-war liberals use by saying we need to stay out of Syria. No sane person would sit idly by and watch while tens of thousands of people are mercilessly slaughtered by their government. The Egyptians saw their mistake and are in the process of correcting it... or so it seems.

We've done it before. We sat back and let Russia and China kill millions.

The 1986 United States bombing of Libya, code-named Operation El Dorado Canyon, comprised air-strikes by the United States against Libya on 15 April 1986. The attack was carried out by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps via air-strikes, in response to the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing.

1986 United States bombing of Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And under Obama we've sent more missiles than can be counted, up the asses of terrorists. Oh yeah and we got the big cahuna, OBL.

The Seals got the Big Cahuna....Obama was playing cards.
Obama has played it smarter then Bush when it comes to this. Killing thousands of terrorist without killing American troops.

Smart policy.

Bullshit Obozo didnt learn a thing from Bush Sr. he was in and out of Iraq in like a hundred days it took Obama what 3 years before he pulled out of Iraq. and how many Americans were killed in that time? What is the differance between Obamas Libya war and Syria? He is pissing in his pants over Putin... While France surrender monkeys are leading. This guy is no leader.

That's exactly right!

But then, that is what leading from behind means! leading all the way from his backside!

yup you know you have a sissy boi as a president when France or Italy takes charge in world affairs frickin embarrassing.
The shrub spent over 700+days of his 8-Years in Office on Vacation.

Clueless georgie played 100- Rounds of Golf.

georgieporgie once said that he would no longer play golf, as long as there U.S Troops in "Harm's Way".

President Obama has spent 92-Days of his Two Terms in Office on Vacation.

Mr. Obama has played 100-Rounds of Golf.

U.S. Troops are out of Iraq and set to leave Afghanistan.

Nice try, but epic fail on your part.
Bullshit Obozo didnt learn a thing from Bush Sr. he was in and out of Iraq in like a hundred days it took Obama what 3 years before he pulled out of Iraq. and how many Americans were killed in that time? What is the differance between Obamas Libya war and Syria? He is pissing in his pants over Putin... While France surrender monkeys are leading. This guy is no leader.

That's exactly right!

But then, that is what leading from behind means! leading all the way from his backside!

yup you know you have a sissy boi as a president when France or Italy takes charge in world affairs frickin embarrassing.

If France and Italy were smart they'd ask the arab world to take care of it.
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Bullshit Obozo didnt learn a thing from Bush Sr. he was in and out of Iraq in like a hundred days it took Obama what 3 years before he pulled out of Iraq. and how many Americans were killed in that time? What is the differance between Obamas Libya war and Syria? He is pissing in his pants over Putin... While France surrender monkeys are leading. This guy is no leader.

That's exactly right!

But then, that is what leading from behind means! leading all the way from his backside!

yup you know you have a sissy boi as a president when France or Italy takes charge in world affairs frickin embarrassing.

We don't need to involve ourselves in insane military engagements to make Obama look like shit. I saw one political war----I will not support another one
they are killing woman and children with Chemical war fare do any of these poster's here no how deadly and painful that stuff is? just read about WW1..

Then France should really think about doing something... Or maybe Canada, U.K., Saudi Arabia, UAE.
Bullshit Obozo didnt learn a thing from Bush Sr. he was in and out of Iraq in like a hundred days it took Obama what 3 years before he pulled out of Iraq. and how many Americans were killed in that time? What is the differance between Obamas Libya war and Syria? He is pissing in his pants over Putin... While France surrender monkeys are leading. This guy is no leader.

That's exactly right!

But then, that is what leading from behind means! leading all the way from his backside!

yup you know you have a sissy boi as a president when France or Italy takes charge in world affairs frickin embarrassing.

Or a smart one who knows we don't have the money to take care of everyone's problems.
That's exactly right!

But then, that is what leading from behind means! leading all the way from his backside!

yup you know you have a sissy boi as a president when France or Italy takes charge in world affairs frickin embarrassing.

Or a smart one who knows we don't have the money to take care of everyone's problems.

The conservatives bitch about money unless some thug is doing something on the other side of the planet. Always war with these idiots.
The US hasn't even acknowledged officially that there were chemical weapon used.
If it does come to light that indeed they were used by the Syrian government, I'm wondering if Obama will acknowledge that he had a "red line" as a reference point?
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So why are we all supposed to hate Assad and want him dead? Still haven't heard one coherent argument supporting that sentiment. What has Assad done to us to warrant such hysterical hatred? I'll wait a bit longer for someone to explain it.
So why are we all supposed to hate Assad and want him dead? Still haven't heard one coherent argument supporting that sentiment. What has Assad done to us to warrant such hysterical hatred? I'll wait a bit longer for someone to explain it.

Don't hold your breath. I've been waiting for that one myself. The fact that we would even consider arming Al Qaeda is all I need to know that this mission is insane.
So why are we all supposed to hate Assad and want him dead? Still haven't heard one coherent argument supporting that sentiment. What has Assad done to us to warrant such hysterical hatred? I'll wait a bit longer for someone to explain it.

Don't hold your breath. I've been waiting for that one myself. The fact that we would even consider arming Al Qaeda is all I need to know that this mission is insane.

Obama has painted himself in a corner with all the empty words he could muster. He should have just kept his mouth shut and a lot of this posturing could have been avoided.
So why are we all supposed to hate Assad and want him dead? Still haven't heard one coherent argument supporting that sentiment. What has Assad done to us to warrant such hysterical hatred? I'll wait a bit longer for someone to explain it.

Don't hold your breath. I've been waiting for that one myself. The fact that we would even consider arming Al Qaeda is all I need to know that this mission is insane.

Obama has painted himself in a corner with all the empty words he could muster. He should have just kept his mouth shut and a lot of this posturing could have been avoided.

Absolutely. I'm hoping beyond hope that he doesn't feel the big need to kill American troops and waste American money just to prove that he's a bad ass.
So why are we all supposed to hate Assad and want him dead? Still haven't heard one coherent argument supporting that sentiment. What has Assad done to us to warrant such hysterical hatred? I'll wait a bit longer for someone to explain it.

Don't hold your breath. I've been waiting for that one myself. The fact that we would even consider arming Al Qaeda is all I need to know that this mission is insane.

So many Americans are acting like rabid dogs these days. They're so bloodthirsty and they don't even know why. Why does Assad have to be killed? I don't know. And the ones calling for it don't know either. All they know is that they've been told he's bad, and that they should cheerlead for his death. It's very sad observing how so many can be such blind followers. Assad and Syria have done nothing to our Nation. There is absolutely no reason to go to War. Period, end of story. I'm out. Take care.

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