While plugging in my truck just now

since it would be sitting in below freezing temperatures all night, and realizing that I really need it to start quickly for the next few days due to the 1 to 2 feet of snow that we are getting ready for.
It dawned on me.
Thank God (and Al Gore) for global warming, if not for that we might really be in some deep trouble.
But on the bright side of things, I am going to be locked in at work from Friday afternoon until Monday morning, just think of all the overtime I'm going to be getting.
For the liberals on here, overtime is when people get extra money for working more hours in a week than the typical liberal leach works in a year.
Total hours for this week, actually, Monday to Monday will be 120, in reality its only 84 but since Im locked in, I get paid for even my down time while there.
This has been a very good week.

Well, you have FDR, a liberal, to thank for your overtime pay. Republicans fought hard to destroy it, but were unable to do it.
actually Im not with a government facility, but some of the "patients" are from the old government run hospitals that were closed down when Regan decided it was better for them to wander around homeless instead of being confined with medical care. But thats another story.
...dropping said prius off at a junk yard.

with the librturd in it ?? :lmao:
well, you didnt actually think I was going to let a librturd in my truck and allow them to come in contact with the leather did you?
Must be a diesel
since it would be sitting in below freezing temperatures all night, and realizing that I really need it to start quickly for the next few days due to the 1 to 2 feet of snow that we are getting ready for.
It dawned on me.
Thank God (and Al Gore) for global warming, if not for that we might really be in some deep trouble.
But on the bright side of things, I am going to be locked in at work from Friday afternoon until Monday morning, just think of all the overtime I'm going to be getting.
For the liberals on here, overtime is when people get extra money for working more hours in a week than the typical liberal leach works in a year.
Total hours for this week, actually, Monday to Monday will be 120, in reality its only 84 but since Im locked in, I get paid for even my down time while there.
This has been a very good week.
I didn't think anyone in Maryland bothered to plug in a truck in the winter, must be a diesel. Here in the mountains of western Va I make sure my snow blower is still running. My F-150 with two 4 wheel modes pretty much gets me out. The good news is that it might get into the (normal) 40's by monday and tuesday so we can hunker down until then unless the power goes out and we have to fire up the generator. Gas is cheap enough to stockpile about 20 gal. I hear the global warming people are admitting that the globe isn't really warming and they are promoting some other doomsday scenario.
yes diesel, and I only plug it in when its going to be below 20, I dont like starting it with cold oil.
I have a 275 gallon tank on the property that I keep filled with diesel so I dont have to run to the gas station.
Only reason I have it is because my travel trailer is 13,000lbs and I wanted something that could hold speed through the mountains while towing. I also have a 90 gallon bed tank that I put in when going on the cross country trips gives me 140 gallons when the truck and bed tank are full. I remove the auxiliary tank when Im not going to be towing.
Sounds like you got it together both transportation and politically.

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