While we are sojourning here

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this short sermon Mike Boldea Jr. speaks of the Christian's mindset concerning our time here on earth. We are just passing through - this earth is not our home - not our final destination - yet sometimes we need that reminder. He reminds us of what Peter said about how we should think upon things and it has occured to me in recent days that the LORD is speaking the same thing to all of us. It is as if this is a time to take spiritual inventory of where we are at in order to prepare ourselves for the days ahead. This is a timely message and scripture verses.

1 Peter 1:17-19, ā€œAnd if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each oneā€™s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your sojourning here in fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.ā€

Hand of Help Ministries
For Peter, being sojourners here on earth was a foregone conclusion. He did not dwell on the topic, he did not elaborate, because he assumed those who would read his words would have lived enough years to understand that men are born, they live, and they die. It is the way of things.As such, Peter addressed how we should conduct ourselves while passing through this life, rather than attempt to convince anyone that this life was passing, and fleeting.

Again we are confronted with what the Word of God says regarding the way in which we ought to conduct ourselves throughout the time of our sojourning here, and what men say regarding our conduct while we journey through this life.

To hear some men tell the tale, whether or not your life mirrors the Word of God, or whether your conduct is different than that of the world, is irrelevant. We can dress like the world, act like the world, speak like the world, party like the world, curse like the world, be duplicitous like the world, and itā€™s peachy keen with God. He knows who you are, you know He knows who you are, so why live any different than how your flesh desires you to live?

Godā€™s your buddy, Heā€™s your pal, and He understands why you donā€™t take Him as seriously as perhaps He thinks you ought to, or why your life mirrors darkness more than it does light. If this were the case, if God truly were this big, fuzzy, bearded fellow in heaven who just shrugged his shoulders and winked at our sins, why pray tell would Peter insist that we ought to conduct ourselves throughout the time of our sojourning here in fear?
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This is part two to Michael Boldea Jr.'s sermon while we are sojourning here. This is a very important short sermon and I want to share something I heard once from a false teacher concerning the fear of the LORD. He was describing the fear of the LORD as something that had absolutely nothing to do with fear! He was wrong. It most certainly does but it is a healthy fear. It is wise to have a healthy fear of the LORD. It will keep you on the straight and narrow path. God does not want us to run from Him but to Him. That is what the Fear of the LORD should bring about. That we draw nearer to Jesus Christ. Here is the teaching, short but powerful...
Hand of Help Ministries

As so many other spiritually relevant words, the word fear has also been added to the list of taboo, never to be uttered words in the Christian dialect. We outright loathe the word fear, we despise it, and any time someone has the wherewithal to speak of conducting ourselves in fear, it sparks outrage of the highest order, replete with angry letters and please to retract such hateful speech lest I risk the individual never supporting my ministry again.

We do not want to be confronted with the word fear, nor do we like to be told we ought to conduct ourselves in fear. We all want to be snowflakes and butterflies floating about the breeze with not a care in the world, doing as we please, until the day we are snatched up and pressed against the Almightyā€™s bosom, rewarded at infinitum for saying the sinnerā€™s prayer, or better still walking up the isle at a crusade when we were in our teens.

For many years now there has been a negative connotation attached to the word fear in the church, and due to this negative connotation, many choose to overlook the scripture passages dealing with godly fear, or the fear of the Lord, not realizing there is such a thing as good fear
We have lost the fear of the Lord and it is to our detriment. We have lost the fear of the Lord and as a direct result the church is bursting at the seams with lawlessness and sin.

If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then, logically speaking, the absence of the fear of the Lord is the absence of wisdom altogether. Or am I missing something? Why is it we have stopped preaching the fear of the Lord when it is the first step in oneā€™s lifelong journey of attaining wisdom? Why is it we have stopped preaching the fear of the Lord when we are admonished, instructed, and encouraged to conduct ourselves throughout the time of our sojourning here with fear?

There is such a thing as a healthy fear. I have a healthy fear of rattlers, cobras, and pretty much anything that can kill me with one bite. Does this mean that I start to hyperventilate when I see one in a magazine or on television? No, but I donā€™t go around poking at them with sticks to see if theyā€™ll try to bite me either. So there is such a thing as healthy fear, there is such a thing as good fear, but to delve into this, for most preachers today, would be too complicated, too time consuming, and we wouldnā€™t want anything cutting into their golf game now would we?

And so we are told that we cannot fear, or ought not to fear someone who loves us, even though I feared my mom quite a bit when I was doing something naughty and knew I was doing something naughty, even though I knew she loved me, and I loved her back.

If the fear of the Lord were not good and wholesome for us as believers, then God would not have insisted upon it. If the fear of the Lord were not positive, and did not lead us to a more mature and thoughtful walk with God, then it is highly doubtful the Bible would have encouraged us to conduct ourselves with fear.

The notion that we cannot love and fear someone at the same time is childish and asinine on its face, taking away from the complexity of human emotion and sentiment.

Recently I saw a video of someone who forgot the fear aspect of their relationship with a lion. Apparently, from what I understood, this lion was a house pet, had been for some time, and it was loved and treated as a member of the family. Time passed, and everyone in the family lost the healthy fear they ought to have had for a wild beast that stalks, hunts, and eats its prey, until the day it attacked a member of the family, ripping into his back as though he were a paper doll.

Bad things happen when you remove fear from the equation, things we otherwise could have avoided if only weā€™d possessed a healthy dose of
This teaching is a very timely one as someone recently said to me I needed to get over my fear of the LORD. God forbid! It is a healthy sign to fear the LORD!
The message on Sojourning could have been titled the Fear of the LORD. It is an excellent teaching and I have copied the link to part 4 of the series but notice I didn't put up part 3 yet! So I will go get part 3 so I can put up the series in a right order.
Here is Part 3. This is teaching is really about the Fear of the LORD and how to rightly define it but as Michael Boldea Jr. chose to title it - While we are sojourning here that was what I made the thread title to be - as it is his message! So here is Part 3 and Part 4 I read this morning and it is outstanding! You are in for a feast! Truly a feast! Wow!
Hand of Help Ministries

Men often confuse the fear of the Lord, with terror, or phobia, but true fear of the Lord is neither of these things. True fear of the Lord has more to do with reverence for the Lord, and respect for the Lord, than it does fear in the sense weā€™ve redefined it in our modern age.

When you boil it down to its essence, the fear of the Lord possesses three important components. The first of these three aspects is the selfsame reverence for the Lord we mentioned, and it is a necessary component. What you do not revere, what you do not respect, you can neither obey nor lay your life down for.

Hebrews 12:28, ā€œTherefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.ā€

Reverence and godly fear are like fingers on the same hand, always found together. Why are reverence and godly fear necessary for us as believers? Because by possessing these two, we are able to serve God acceptably.

Yes, there is an acceptable way of serving God, and an unacceptable way of serving God. There are sacrifices and offerings God receives, and others He does not. We strive not merely to serve for the sake of serving, but to serve acceptably, and in order to serve acceptably reverence and godly fear must be our constant companions.

What troubles me is that some will see these words as radical, even though they are included within the pages of Scripture. Some might even say that theyā€™ve never heard something like that before, which again, is troubling for a different set of reasons altogether.

The fact that some people have written in and said they found this series on the first epistle of Peter refreshing and new goes to show just how out of favor true biblical teaching has fallen among the learned men of letters who call themselves doctors of theology and other grandiose titles.

When we possess reverence and godly fear we go about Godā€™s work cautiously, we do not do anything haphazardly, and we do not seek our own interest but only the furtherance of the kingdom of God.

continue reading on link above.......
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This is part 4 of the While we are sojourning here and as you can see the theme is still on the teaching of what is the fear of the LORD -

Hand of Help Ministries

It is said we are all born with two primary fears. Every one of us is born with the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. Every other fear we must learn through experience, we must learn through education, and we must learn through practice.

ā€˜No Fearā€™ might be a great tag line for a t-shirt, but there are some thing we ought to fear, and rightly so. I fear getting electrocuted, so I donā€™t go around licking live wires. I fear being mauled to death, so I donā€™t go around slapping grizzly bears across the snout. I fear God, knowing He is just and holy, so I do my utmost to be what He expects me to be which is nothing less than holy.

It is not as though the time of our sojourning here is inconsequential. If it were, then it is doubtful God would have included so many warnings in the Bible as to how we ought to conduct ourselves while sojourning here. It is because there are consequences to our actions while we journey here, and it is because how we conduct ourselves while here is important that God inspired it to be included in the Word.

There are certain fears we, as children of God ought never to have, and at the top of the list, number one with a bullet, is the fear of man. It is because we do not fear God that we fear man. Yes, the preceding statement was profound in its simplicity.

When we fear God, there is no fear of man to be had. When we fear men, then there is no fear of God to be had. You cannot fear man and God equally, and as such you must choose to fear one or the other.

So why is it that we have lost the fear of the Lord in our modern age? Why is it that we no longer fear God? We no longer fear God because as is the case with so many things, our modern age has stripped of meaning, some of the most profound truths.

ā€˜And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each oneā€™s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your sojourning here in fear;ā€™

If you call God Father, then you already know that He judges without partiality according to each oneā€™s work. In calling God Father, there is a certain level of intimacy that one must assume, and a certain level of knowledge that one reasonably expects to exist.

Even a word as often used as father has been so butchered, that men today call God Father, without understanding what the word means, and without having the requisite relationship a father has with his son or daughter.

Is God your Father? What does the word Father mean to you?

Does the word father mean the individual who provided, cared for, protected, disciplined, taught, instructed, and loved you throughout your life, because that is what the word father means! It is not simply about biology, itā€™s not about seeing a picture of someone who is long gone, having abandoned his family, and being told they are your father.

This is partly the reason why our reaction toward the reality that God is our Father is so tepid and lifeless. It is because the word has been redefined, or because at least 50% of individuals today have a negative association with the word.

ā€˜I was with you up to this point preacher, but come on are you insinuating that peopleā€™s perception of a wordā€™s definition has a direct effect as to how they react toward it?ā€™

Yes, that is what I am saying, not insinuating, but saying. Look at menā€™s definition of the word sin over the past few decades, and you will see that I am right. Sin used to be defined as death, and as such, men used to guard their hearts against it, and be ever vigilant in their walk.

Now that sin has become a relative term, a moral choice upon which another individual cannot pass judgment because everyone defines sin differently, the church is full of all manner of vile practices, and no one says a thing about it, because they will be smacked across the mouth with the ā€˜do not judgeā€™paddle.
Consider this teaching about the fear of God vs the fear of Man. If you rightly fear the Lord you will have a complete absence of the fear of man. What kind of man? Any man. The ISIS man. The reprobate man. The evil man. The tax man. The government man. The FBI man. The CIA man. The devil worshiping man. The slandering man. The witch doctor man. The terrorist threatening man. The death threat man. You will not fear any kind of man because you fear God rightly. Sound good? Stay with me here.

What does God say about man in his word? Go to Psalm 17 and look it up. You are in for a surprise, Beloved. I will get the bible link for that scripture. Hold on.

PSALMS 17 13 Arise O LORD disappoint him cast him down deliver my soul from the wicked which is thy sword

If you read the entire Psalm in its' fullness you will find the secret - is the relationship David had with the LORD. David was tried by the LORD, tested by the LORD, had visitations in the night by the LORD and knew intimately that everything was ordained by God and that even his enemies were the sword which God used to discipline his own people and execute judgment in the earth. Everything is in God's hands. Everything. If you are in right relationship with God and fear the LORD, it would be utter foolishness for you to fear the wicked because the LORD can snuff out the wicked in less than a second. It cannot harm you, beloved. If you are out there in the world doing your own thing - out there on Satan's territory - disobeying God - you are open season for the wicked - this is just a plain fact. I am not saying that God does not appoint certain things for His glory but God has a purpose in everything He does. Nothing is at random with God when you are living your life in Christ.


Here is Wesley's notes on this scripture:

Wesley's Notes for Psalms 17:4
17:4 Concerning - Observing the works of the men of this age, how wicked they are, I was resolved to take more care in ordering my own actions. By - By the help of thy blessed word. Paths - The customs and practices. Destroyer - Or, of the violent man: such as Saul, and his courtiers and soldiers.

It is wisdom that Wesley makes note of the power of this verse but here is another thing to consider. If you are fully submitted to Jesus Christ and are His. If you are led by the Holy Spirit in what you do, where you go, who you have company with, etc. then you have indeed resolved to be obedient to Christ and can be like Paul who said, Be careful for nothing. Paul said, I take no thought for my life.

Paul was led by the Spirit and therein knew the Spirit of God kept him. Sometimes you can be led by the Spirit without even knowing it is happening at the time. You have a desire to go to a certain store on a particular day - you are walking in obedience to Christ in your every day life and so while you are at that store in walks a person who you know who is having some trouble in their life and says I did not expect to see you but was praying the LORD would have me run into you! I need to ask you to pray with me about something. You say to yourself, that is funny - I have been thinking about this person recently and here they are!

That is the Holy Spirit arranging for you to happen to meet this person - a meeting of divine providence so that the person can be helped. You didn't know. The Holy Spirit didn't say get in your car and go to such and such a place - you just went - had a freedom to go - and in that - met the person you were intended to run into while going about your errand. So God works all things together for our good and for the good of the other person as well. ( the Holy Spirit could also speak to you to get in your car and go somewhere - but the former is more likely because the less we know..... - probably the better! )

Next scenario - you are to pick up a car in a certain city - suddenly you do not have a peace about driving to that place to pick up the car. What do you do? Pray and ask the LORD - is this your will? Do you want me to go or not? If there is no peace? Do not go. That it is the Holy Spirit checking you not to do it. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when you have the feeling something is wrong. You are about to write out a large check donating money to a certain ministry - you have a check in your spirit - something isn't right - you wait on the LORD until you feel a freedom to move forward or else you don't do it. All of this is the Psalm 17 life too.
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Being mindful of the little things is a much bigger thing with the LORD than some realize. For instance, how do we clean our home? Is it a surface cleaning or do we take things apart and properly clean them? Doing our work unto the LORD is huge. Why would we expect the LORD to promote us in other areas if we do not desire to serve Him in the ordinary things? The LORD is more impressed in how we do daily chores - attend to the things some might consider drudgery and find ourselves as happy to take apart and clean a refrigerator as we are to do some work in public. ( personally I would prefer to clean the refrigerator! ) For people desiring to obey the Holy Spirit - and we should all desire to obey Him - it could be that He is telling us to do one of these little things - clean our closet, clean out a refrigerator, write a letter to a sick relative, send money to a group that is doing good in the community - it could be any number of little things - and as we obey that little thing - honor God with all our heart in that little tiny insignificant thing - then here comes the next thing - and the next thing - and then one day? One day you think it is just a little tiny thing and you obey God but then you learn later on that was no tiny little thing - that was a huge matter and effected many people and you got an A. So be led by the Spirit in all things and watch how Jesus will make His voice clearer to you and clearer and clearer as you continue to be led by His Holy Spirit. We are never standing still. We are always moving forward with God or going backwards. There is no standing still although some may be waiting on the LORD in some way - even perceiving the season to be one of a holding pattern - there is still much being done in that we are obedient to the Holy Spirit in every waking hour - so in that - we are still moving forward with Him.

There is no life comparable to Life in Jesus Christ and a life being led by the Spirit of God. There is no possible comparison - no earthly joy and indeed indulgence in the flesh leads to the opposite result. The person indulging in their flesh, sin and continuing on finds more and more their being unsatisfied and incapable of having any measure of joy, peace or good conscience. It literally disintegrates their soul, their mind / personality into rubble. Not a good thing. The LORD has the very best plan for our lives. We need to listen to Him.
Part 5 of While we are Soujourning was delivered the other day. Now that I have found this thread - I will add it.
Please use discernment in considering this and other words by Dumitru Duduman and Michael Boldea Jr.

As coordinator of OpenHeaven.com I must speak a word of warning and caution regarding the potential of at least inaccuracy in the record of these men's predictions and possibly some deception working in them.

Before putting a lot of stock in them you may want to read the evaluation by Miriam Franklin. Click Here

Below is a brief excerpt from Miriam Franklin at End Times Prophetic:

In one instance the angels allegedly told a sick Dumitru Duduman that he would be healed to do a lot more work.

ā€˜As I was laying in my hospital bed, looking over the faces of my family, three men appeared beside me. One had a globe in his hand, and he began to rotate it and point out certain countries saying: ā€œThis is where the destruction will come from.ā€ I donā€™t remember all the places he pointed to, but I remember I saw Mexico, Cuba, and the Alaskan border. Then one of the men spoke to me; ā€œwe fought against death for you. It was a hard fight. Do not fear you will not leave. You still have work to do.ā€ Suddenly, 3 stars appeared behind them. One of them asked; ā€œDo you know what that means?ā€ ā€œNoā€ I answered. ā€œWe wonā€™t say exactly, but it probably means that in another 3 years a great massacre will occur.ā€ Then the stars turned into blood, and everything disappeared.ā€™ (Vision of Dumitru Duduman received November 29, 1996)

ā€œI wonā€™t say exactlyā€ and ā€œIt probably meansā€¦.ā€ Where in the Bible would you find one of Godā€™s messengers giving a confused message like this? Either God says something or He does not! This predicted massacre did not come to pass in either Mexico, Cuba, or the Alaskan border, and despite the angelā€™s apparent fudging, still have not over eleven years later.

Anyway these predictions were proven false just a few months later when he died, all of this proving that these angels were wrong. (His prophetic ā€˜mantleā€™ was then passed onto his grandson, Michael Boldea. This idea of keeping a ministry in the family is not Biblical in itself, another thing that troubles me about this clan of prophets. In this one fact in itself, it undermines the whole integrity of Duduman, Boldea ā€“ the lot of them.)

Please use discernment in considering this and other words by Dumitru Duduman and Michael Boldea Jr.

OpenHeaven.com - A Great Earthquake Coming Michael Boldea Jr. Dumitru Duduman s grandson

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