Whipping Democrats Back Into Line


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Liberalism is mob action.

And the mob never lets it's members stray.

Sooooo.....woe betide any member who tries to regain his or her rights as an individual.

1. As a Democrat, you are not allowed to think for yourself….e.g., Kanye West…..the party issues you your thoughts, you ingest them, and regurgitate same when called upon to do so, and when not called upon, you must simply sit down and shut up. So, if you are black, the party of Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and the KKK, is your party. If you don’t vote for them, well…you’re a race-traitor.

Kanye West is now a marked man -- Tha Dogg Pound rapper Daz Dillinger put the call out for the Crips to beat Kanye's ass.

Daz's video putting gang members on alert for Kanye is the most severe and violent reaction yet to Ye saying he loves President Trump and calling him his "brother." Daz says Kanye is essentially saying, "I'm with you mastah Trump. Burn all these n***ers."
Daz Dillinger Wants the Crips to 'F*** Up' Kanye West

3. "Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

Waters, speaking to Politico on Monday during a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus members to discuss diversity in Silicon Valley, said that while the Grammy Award–winning artist "is a very creative young man," he sometimes needs help to "formulate some of his thoughts."

Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

4. And, here is another of the once-indoctrinated, a Hillary Clinton staffer, who is also taking a stroll off the plantation:

'Can We Stop Being Such Jerks?': Ex-Clinton Staffer's Warning to Fellow Liberals
Former Clinton staffer Annafi Wahed....wrote in the Wall Street Journal that liberals must "stop the ideological purity tests and admit there are more ways than one of solving a problem."

"Can we stop being such jerks?" she wrote, calling for some bipartisanship.

... she shopped her op-ed to more liberal publications like the New York Times and Washington Post but they declined to publish it...."[Liberals] don't know how to engage constructively with ideas that are not their own," ...
....liberals have been "incredibly arrogant" toward the 63 million people who voted for President Donald Trump, adding that most of those millions are not "sexist or xenophobic" or "duped" by propaganda.

"Our side does not do a good job of reaching out to others," she said..."
'Can We Stop Being Such Jerks?': Ex-Clinton Staffer's Warning to Fellow Liberals

5. "The “big tent” of the Democratic Party now seems a pup tent. Annafi Wahed, a former staffer to Hillary Clinton, recently wrote in this newspaper about her experience attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. She complimented the conservative attendees, pointing out that most made her feel welcome at their meeting. They listened attentively to her views—a courtesy, she had to admit, that would not be given to them at a meeting of political liberals.""

Faith groups are finally realizing how much the Left hates them | The Bridgehead

6. "...Wahed wondered what would happen if conservatives showed up to a Democratic rally, ..."
Hillary campaign staffer: You won't believe what CPAC taught me about conservatives

Changes......may be blowin' in the wind........
7. "Andrew Klavan has some observations about standards of courtesy on the Left and the Right:

On the left was The New York Times, a former newspaper, which now reads like a cross between Pravda and a cluster of six-year-old girls who have just seen a mouse.
Now consider another Op-Ed, over at the grown-ups' table, also known as the Wall Street Journal. There, on the same day, Annafi Wahed, who describes herself as "a tiny, talkative South Asian woman who spent four months on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign staff," relates the tale of her visit to CPAC, the annual gathering of the conservative base.

As Wahed headed for the event, her liberal friends expressed actual concern for her safety, as if she were descending into a den of violent ruffians. Instead, Wahed found a group of open-minded, rowdy-but-kind political thinkers. "I found myself singing along to 'God Bless the USA' with a hilariously rowdy group of college Republicans, having nuanced discussions about gun control and education policy with people from all walks of life, nodding my head in agreement with parts of Ben Shapiro’s speech, and coming away with a greater determination to burst ideological media bubbles."

Yes, conservatives are better behaved. We don’t subscribe to the Left’s amoral “By any means necessary” method of gaining power."
Liberty's Torch: Assorted, But With A Theme
The Democrats sure seem to have freed themselves of free thinkers for a good while now. Could it be that "all for one and one for all" is how the liberals get things done? I don't ask this rhetorically, I'm just at a loss how with Trump as president and GOP in control of both houses of congress the liberals were able to get a favorable budget passed.

It was before my time but I'm familiar with the Will Rogers quote, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." It seems to me that shoe is now on the other foot and currently pertains to the GOP.
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Lol. Suddenly the cons what to hear from Kanye “Gorge Bush hates black people” West?
as long as a convicted mass murderer waiting on death row wrapped his lips around Trumps butt RW Trumpdrones would give him a free pass.
I must say as a very liberal American the first post in this thread is so off base in presumptions and accusations it should of it's own weight of falseness fall to the reich.
I must say as a very liberal American the first post in this thread is so off base in presumptions and accusations it should of it's own weight of falseness fall to the reich.

Well Tax Man after rereading the OP I think you might be wrong in your accusation re: the validity of the post... Please prove the 'falseness' you speak of...
I must say as a very liberal American the first post in this thread is so off base in presumptions and accusations it should of it's own weight of falseness fall to the reich.

It’s PC...you get used to it. Nobody who takes themselves as seriously as Jumbo does is as consistently incorrect. See above. Democrats can’t think for themselves....right? Somehow she missed the Bernie Sanders movement where he won what...22 states in 2016. And he’s still in campaign mode. Meanwhile where have Trump’s opponents gone? Pretty much all of them have acquiesced into the woodwork except for Kasich.

The OP is full of shit. I challenged her once to put the lyrics of a song (her choice) into one of her unending diatribes just to see if people actually read them. I wonder if she ever did.
I must say as a very liberal American the first post in this thread is so off base in presumptions and accusations it should of it's own weight of falseness fall to the reich.


1. As a Democrat, you are not allowed to think for yourself….e.g., Kanye West…..the party issues you your thoughts, you ingest them, and regurgitate same when called upon to do so, and when not called upon, you must simply sit down and shut up. So, if you are black, the party of Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and the KKK, is your party. If you don’t vote for them, well…you’re a race-traitor.

I didn't just SAY it......I PROVED it.....here:

Kanye West is now a marked man -- Tha Dogg Pound rapper Daz Dillinger put the call out for the Crips to beat Kanye's ass.

Daz's video putting gang members on alert for Kanye is the most severe and violent reaction yet to Ye saying he loves President Trump and calling him his "brother." Daz says Kanye is essentially saying, "I'm with you mastah Trump. Burn all these n***ers."
Daz Dillinger Wants the Crips to 'F*** Up' Kanye West

3. "Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

Waters, speaking to Politico on Monday during a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus members to discuss diversity in Silicon Valley, said that while the Grammy Award–winning artist "is a very creative young man," he sometimes needs help to "formulate some of his thoughts."
Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

Will there ever be a time when 'Liberal Americans' will actually be allowed to think, and question their elites, rather than regurgitating the propaganda when called upon to do ?????

I must say as a very liberal American the first post in this thread is so off base in presumptions and accusations it should of it's own weight of falseness fall to the reich.

It’s PC...you get used to it. Nobody who takes themselves as seriously as Jumbo does is as consistently incorrect. See above. Democrats can’t think for themselves....right? Somehow she missed the Bernie Sanders movement where he won what...22 states in 2016. And he’s still in campaign mode. Meanwhile where have Trump’s opponents gone? Pretty much all of them have acquiesced into the woodwork except for Kasich.

The OP is full of shit. I challenged her once to put the lyrics of a song (her choice) into one of her unending diatribes just to see if people actually read them. I wonder if she ever did.

Well, then....here's your chance.....

See if you can find any errors in the post...

Sooooo.....woe betide any member who tries to regain his or her rights as an individual.

1. As a Democrat, you are not allowed to think for yourself….e.g., Kanye West…..the party issues you your thoughts, you ingest them, and regurgitate same when called upon to do so, and when not called upon, you must simply sit down and shut up. So, if you are black, the party of Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and the KKK, is your party. If you don’t vote for them, well…you’re a race-traitor.

Kanye West is now a marked man -- Tha Dogg Pound rapper Daz Dillinger put the call out for the Crips to beat Kanye's ass.

Daz's video putting gang members on alert for Kanye is the most severe and violent reaction yet to Ye saying he loves President Trump and calling him his "brother." Daz says Kanye is essentially saying, "I'm with you mastah Trump. Burn all these n***ers."
Daz Dillinger Wants the Crips to 'F*** Up' Kanye West

3. "Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

Waters, speaking to Politico on Monday during a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus members to discuss diversity in Silicon Valley, said that while the Grammy Award–winning artist "is a very creative young man," he sometimes needs help to "formulate some of his thoughts."
Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

4. And, here is another of the once-indoctrinated, a Hillary Clinton staffer, who is also taking a stroll off the plantation:

'Can We Stop Being Such Jerks?': Ex-Clinton Staffer's Warning to Fellow Liberals
Former Clinton staffer Annafi Wahed....wrote in the Wall Street Journal that liberals must "stop the ideological purity tests and admit there are more ways than one of solving a problem."

"Can we stop being such jerks?" she wrote, calling for some bipartisanship.

... she shopped her op-ed to more liberal publications like the New York Times and Washington Post but they declined to publish it...."[Liberals] don't know how to engage constructively with ideas that are not their own," ...
....liberals have been "incredibly arrogant" toward the 63 million people who voted for President Donald Trump, adding that most of those millions are not "sexist or xenophobic" or "duped" by propaganda.

"Our side does not do a good job of reaching out to others," she said..."
'Can We Stop Being Such Jerks?': Ex-Clinton Staffer's Warning to Fellow Liberals

5. "The “big tent” of the Democratic Party now seems a pup tent. Annafi Wahed, a former staffer to Hillary Clinton, recently wrotein this newspaper about her experience attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. She complimented the conservative attendees, pointing out that most made her feel welcome at their meeting. They listened attentively to her views—a courtesy, she had to admit, that would not be given to them at a meeting of political liberals.""
Faith groups are finally realizing how much the Left hates them | The Bridgehead

6. "...Wahed wondered what would happen if conservatives showed up to a Democratic rally, ..."
Hillary campaign staffer: You won't believe what CPAC taught me about conservatives

Changes......may be blowin' in the wind........

And try to do so without the vulgarity, you know....as though you were an adult.
Lol. Suddenly the cons what to hear from Kanye “Gorge Bush hates black people” West?
If he can educate the blacks that liberals are just using them, then yes. I think he is an asshole, but liberals are bigger assholes. You actions towards West proves it.
I must say as a very liberal American the first post in this thread is so off base in presumptions and accusations it should of it's own weight of falseness fall to the reich.

It’s PC...you get used to it. Nobody who takes themselves as seriously as Jumbo does is as consistently incorrect. See above. Democrats can’t think for themselves....right? Somehow she missed the Bernie Sanders movement where he won what...22 states in 2016. And he’s still in campaign mode. Meanwhile where have Trump’s opponents gone? Pretty much all of them have acquiesced into the woodwork except for Kasich.

The OP is full of shit. I challenged her once to put the lyrics of a song (her choice) into one of her unending diatribes just to see if people actually read them. I wonder if she ever did.

Well, then....here's your chance.....

See if you can find any errors in the post...

Sooooo.....woe betide any member who tries to regain his or her rights as an individual.

1. As a Democrat, you are not allowed to think for yourself….e.g., Kanye West…..the party issues you your thoughts, you ingest them, and regurgitate same when called upon to do so, and when not called upon, you must simply sit down and shut up. So, if you are black, the party of Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and the KKK, is your party. If you don’t vote for them, well…you’re a race-traitor.

Kanye West is now a marked man -- Tha Dogg Pound rapper Daz Dillinger put the call out for the Crips to beat Kanye's ass.

Daz's video putting gang members on alert for Kanye is the most severe and violent reaction yet to Ye saying he loves President Trump and calling him his "brother." Daz says Kanye is essentially saying, "I'm with you mastah Trump. Burn all these n***ers."
Daz Dillinger Wants the Crips to 'F*** Up' Kanye West

3. "Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

Waters, speaking to Politico on Monday during a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus members to discuss diversity in Silicon Valley, said that while the Grammy Award–winning artist "is a very creative young man," he sometimes needs help to "formulate some of his thoughts."
Maxine Waters on Kanye West: He sometimes 'talks out of turn'

4. And, here is another of the once-indoctrinated, a Hillary Clinton staffer, who is also taking a stroll off the plantation:

'Can We Stop Being Such Jerks?': Ex-Clinton Staffer's Warning to Fellow Liberals
Former Clinton staffer Annafi Wahed....wrote in the Wall Street Journal that liberals must "stop the ideological purity tests and admit there are more ways than one of solving a problem."

"Can we stop being such jerks?" she wrote, calling for some bipartisanship.

... she shopped her op-ed to more liberal publications like the New York Times and Washington Post but they declined to publish it...."[Liberals] don't know how to engage constructively with ideas that are not their own," ...
....liberals have been "incredibly arrogant" toward the 63 million people who voted for President Donald Trump, adding that most of those millions are not "sexist or xenophobic" or "duped" by propaganda.

"Our side does not do a good job of reaching out to others," she said..."
'Can We Stop Being Such Jerks?': Ex-Clinton Staffer's Warning to Fellow Liberals

5. "The “big tent” of the Democratic Party now seems a pup tent. Annafi Wahed, a former staffer to Hillary Clinton, recently wrotein this newspaper about her experience attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. She complimented the conservative attendees, pointing out that most made her feel welcome at their meeting. They listened attentively to her views—a courtesy, she had to admit, that would not be given to them at a meeting of political liberals.""
Faith groups are finally realizing how much the Left hates them | The Bridgehead

6. "...Wahed wondered what would happen if conservatives showed up to a Democratic rally, ..."
Hillary campaign staffer: You won't believe what CPAC taught me about conservatives

Changes......may be blowin' in the wind........

And try to do so without the vulgarity, you know....as though you were an adult.

Hmmm.....given the opportunity to put her Dinero where she puts her dinner, our Liberal heroine slithered off with her tail between her legs.....

Now....isn't that proof of exactly what I said about Liberals????
Seems that some of our Liberal drones are upset that the thread is based on a very simple, proven, obvious fact: Liberal foot troops are not allowed to either think, nor question their party leaders.

Just to rub their (ugly?) faces in the truth…..here are a bunch of questions about Democrat/Liberal policies that none of ‘em will be able to explain, or defend.

And when they can’t….it will prove exactly what I’ve said: Democrats/Liberals are not allowed to either think, nor question, but simply ingest the orders, and regurgitate same when called upon to do so, and when not called upon, you must simply sit down and shut up.

These: both historic and contemporary policies of the Democrat Party

1. Hussein and his gang gave Iran the green light for nukes.
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?

4. Why is it that the Candidate Obama, who was going to be President of all of the people, has advanced, praised, shielded from blame, has stood up for, only one 'religion' throughout his 8 years in office?
Seems that some of our Liberal drones are upset that the thread is based on a very simple, proven, obvious fact: Liberal foot troops are not allowed to either think, nor question their party leaders.

Just to rub their (ugly?) faces in the truth…..here are a bunch of questions about Democrat/Liberal policies that none of ‘em will be able to explain, or defend.

And when they can’t….it will prove exactly what I’ve said: Democrats/Liberals are not allowed to either think, nor question, but simply ingest the orders, and regurgitate same when called upon to do so, and when not called upon, you must simply sit down and shut up.

5. Why would the President, Hussein Obama, sworn to defend the Constitution, have instructed illegal aliens to vote in the presidential election???

6. If the Democrats, from Franklin Roosevelt, to Carter and Clinton, had not substituted social justice for fiscal responsibility in the area of home ownership, would there have been a mortgage meltdown?

7. The three factors that are working to injure the middle class, the working folks, are globalization, immigration, and technology.
If the Democrat Party is concerned about the middle class, why is the Democrat Party foursquare in favor of all three?

These: both historic and contemporary policies of the Democrat Party.

Any Democrat voters want to explain their support for the policies?
The dictatorship of the proletariat must enforce the party line to prevent domination by the kulaks.
when i saw the thread title, I thought it was referring to actually whipping democrats with an actual leather whip and the democrats dressed in those revealing leather and chain outfits

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