Whistleblower Story on Trump is a Sham.

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Let's keep in mind, this is the same Mike Huckabee who let rapists and murderers out of prison if they said "Jesus" sincerely enough.

One of them went on to rape and murder a woman.
Wayne DuMond - Wikipedia

Another one went out to murder four cops who were on their lunch break.
Maurice Clemmons - Wikipedia

What Biden's relationship with the Ukraine was is irrelevant. You can't break the law to prove someone else might have broken the law. It's why we don't let the cops beat confessions out of people. It's why we don't let the government ease-drop on anyone they think is dirty.

And it's why you can't go to a government fighting for it's life and say, "We'll hold up your aid package unless you get me dirt on my opponent."
Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Let's keep in mind, this is the same Mike Huckabee who let rapists and murderers out of prison if they said "Jesus" sincerely enough.

One of them went on to rape and murder a woman.
Wayne DuMond - Wikipedia

Another one went out to murder four cops who were on their lunch break.
Maurice Clemmons - Wikipedia

What Biden's relationship with the Ukraine was is irrelevant. You can't break the law to prove someone else might have broken the law. It's why we don't let the cops beat confessions out of people. It's why we don't let the government ease-drop on anyone they think is dirty.

And it's why you can't go to a government fighting for it's life and say, "We'll hold up your aid package unless you get me dirt on my opponent."
what law was broken???!!!!!!!!!

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Oh, it's real enough, alright... it's no sham.


Doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do.

Time enough to deal with him if-and-when actual relevant dirt comes to light and stands-up under a closer scrutiny.

No... this is about what
Trump did or didn't do.

The Congressional Impeachment Inquiry will give us those answers...

While the nation watches The Robber Baron and his enablers sweat their a$$e$ off.

And as legions of righteous Republicans remember that they have souls, and that they are Americans first, and Republicans second.

This is gonna be fun.

Buckle-up, buttercup.

Game On.
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And it's why you can't go to a government fighting for it's life and say, "We'll hold up your aid package unless you get me dirt on my opponent."

besides, the whole 'hookers & blow' deal has been done to death now

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Let's keep in mind, this is the same Mike Huckabee who let rapists and murderers out of prison if they said "Jesus" sincerely enough.

One of them went on to rape and murder a woman.
Wayne DuMond - Wikipedia

Another one went out to murder four cops who were on their lunch break.
Maurice Clemmons - Wikipedia

What Biden's relationship with the Ukraine was is irrelevant. You can't break the law to prove someone else might have broken the law. It's why we don't let the cops beat confessions out of people. It's why we don't let the government ease-drop on anyone they think is dirty.

And it's why you can't go to a government fighting for it's life and say, "We'll hold up your aid package unless you get me dirt on my opponent."
Lemme see. JoeB131 cites three paragraphs on collected dirt on Huckabee, deems Biden's extortion as irrelevant, and then wrongfully accuses "someone of something," possibly the President, since it sounds like nutcase Schiff's false narrative introduction into his little wannabe impeachment 'inquiry' on President Trump, that is a complete, total, and unadulterated sham. <cough, cough>
Lemme see. JoeB131 cites three paragraphs on collected dirt on Huckabee,

It's not collected dirt. These are documented things he did.

deems Biden's extortion as irrelevant,

You think we should have handed a billion dollars to a corrupt prosecutor?

and then wrongfully accuses "someone of something," possibly the President, since it sounds like nutcase Schiff's false narrative introduction into his little wannabe impeachment 'inquiry' on President Trump, that is a complete, total, and unadulterated sham.

Except we know what Trump did. He shook down a foreign leader for dirt on his opponent.
Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Let's keep in mind, this is the same Mike Huckabee who let rapists and murderers out of prison if they said "Jesus" sincerely enough.

One of them went on to rape and murder a woman.
Wayne DuMond - Wikipedia

Another one went out to murder four cops who were on their lunch break.
Maurice Clemmons - Wikipedia

What Biden's relationship with the Ukraine was is irrelevant. You can't break the law to prove someone else might have broken the law. It's why we don't let the cops beat confessions out of people. It's why we don't let the government ease-drop on anyone they think is dirty.

And it's why you can't go to a government fighting for it's life and say, "We'll hold up your aid package unless you get me dirt on my opponent."
Fake news.
Joe Biden was making a fool of himself....bragging about hitting some black kid named Corn-pop with a rusty chain.....Joe Biden was going down in flames.....so the Democrats hatch this lie about Trump doing what Biden did and what Obama and Hillary did. Notice how Biden isn't out there anymore making a fool of himself. Why would Trump want to give him a breather if the silly fuck was literally destroying his own campaign?
Lemme see. JoeB131 cites three paragraphs on collected dirt on Huckabee,

It's not collected dirt. These are documented things he did.

deems Biden's extortion as irrelevant,

You think we should have handed a billion dollars to a corrupt prosecutor?

and then wrongfully accuses "someone of something," possibly the President, since it sounds like nutcase Schiff's false narrative introduction into his little wannabe impeachment 'inquiry' on President Trump, that is a complete, total, and unadulterated sham.

Except we know what Trump did. He shook down a foreign leader for dirt on his opponent.
That is a bald faced lie perpetrated by Adam Schiff, the Liar Man.

IN the beginning of this video is Schiff's manufactured story which is a total lie about what President Trump said, and it was stated in the beginning as theater for the unsophisticated listener, who will believe the false narrative is a truth. It's not, but Schiff is shifty to the point of no-good, and he intentionally deceived people who simply believed the big liar.

This liar Schiff has absolutely no business lying his ass off and obfuscating the truth from the public in order to push his lie forward and make his base pissed off wrongfully at President Trump, who has never sought anything but good will and justice to those in foreign countries with whom he converses.


Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Oh, it's real enough, alright... it's no sham.
Doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do.
Time enough to deal with him if-and-when actual relevant dirt comes to light and stands-up under a closer scrutiny.
No... this is about what
Trump did or didn't do.
The Congressional Impeachment Inquiry will give us those answers...
While the nation watches The Robber Baron and his enablers sweat their a$$e$ off.
And as legions of righteous Republicans remember that they have souls, and that they are Americans first, and Republicans second.

This is gonna be fun.
Buckle-up, buttercup.

Game On.

Game? Game? Game? An impeachment inquiry is a game?
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Democrats claim that Trump did something that Biden and the Democrats themselves did.
So it's okay for that Democrats to do it and Trump can't?
Despite the fact that Trump didn't do it in the first place?

Here's the mess fully explained.

Democrats claim that Trump did something that Biden and the Democrats themselves did.
So it's okay for that Democrats to do it and Trump can't?
Despite the fact that Trump didn't do it in the first place?

Here's the mess fully explained.

You nailed it in part. When the Democrats do something bad, and in a very short time make the false claim that their opponent did something bad, they are projecting their bad on an innocent victim, usually someone they hate and wish HAD done what their dither-brained opponent did.

The sham factor of this Witch Hunt began with Schiff's little story that sounded half true and took in simple people to make himself look important, except for one thing: it's all backfiring on the Democrats who lead with false narratives, in particular mr Schiff's story simply meant to confuse his base and get on with the mudslinging against the First Family.
what law was broken???!!!!!!!!!

Misuse of government funds for political purposes...
Funny you should mention that....

  • Spending millions on a witchhunt called the Mueller Investigation
  • Spending millions wasting everyone's time with one investigation after another
  • Spending millions of dollars of our money bribing people by paying off their student loans
  • Spending billions of dollars paying for millions of illegals to come here to vote for Democrats
  • Spending trillions of dollars to pay for Obamacare

Every one of these examples is an example of Democrat spending our money for political purposes.....
Democrats claim that Trump did something that Biden and the Democrats themselves did.
So it's okay for that Democrats to do it and Trump can't?
Despite the fact that Trump didn't do it in the first place?

Here's the mess fully explained.

Excellent video, Mr. mudwhistle. I hadn't seen it, and it was so well-stated. :thup:
Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Let's keep in mind, this is the same Mike Huckabee who let rapists and murderers out of prison if they said "Jesus" sincerely enough.

One of them went on to rape and murder a woman.
Wayne DuMond - Wikipedia

Another one went out to murder four cops who were on their lunch break.
Maurice Clemmons - Wikipedia

What Biden's relationship with the Ukraine was is irrelevant. You can't break the law to prove someone else might have broken the law. It's why we don't let the cops beat confessions out of people. It's why we don't let the government ease-drop on anyone they think is dirty.

And it's why you can't go to a government fighting for it's life and say, "We'll hold up your aid package unless you get me dirt on my opponent."
Democrats claim that Trump did something that Biden and the Democrats themselves did.
So it's okay for that Democrats to do it and Trump can't?
Despite the fact that Trump didn't do it in the first place?

Here's the mess fully explained.

You nailed it in part. When the Democrats do something bad, and in a very short time make the false claim that their opponent did something bad, they are projecting their bad on an innocent victim, usually someone they hate and wish HAD done what their dither-brained opponent did.

The sham factor of this Witch Hunt began with Schiff's little story that sounded half true and took in simple people to make himself look important, except for one thing: it's all backfiring on the Democrats who lead with false narratives, in particular mr Schiff's story simply meant to confuse his base and get on with the mudslinging against the First Family.

That's a pitiful reply.

What hate-site supplies your thoghts?
Democrats claim that Trump did something that Biden and the Democrats themselves did.
So it's okay for that Democrats to do it and Trump can't?
Despite the fact that Trump didn't do it in the first place?

Here's the mess fully explained.

You nailed it in part. When the Democrats do something bad, and in a very short time make the false claim that their opponent did something bad, they are projecting their bad on an innocent victim, usually someone they hate and wish HAD done what their dither-brained opponent did.

The sham factor of this Witch Hunt began with Schiff's little story that sounded half true and took in simple people to make himself look important, except for one thing: it's all backfiring on the Democrats who lead with false narratives, in particular mr Schiff's story simply meant to confuse his base and get on with the mudslinging against the First Family.

Impeachment is Hillary's baby.
She wants pay-back for her husband being impeached.
That's why the Democrats keep talking about impeachment....since the day they found out Trump won.
But another classic Clinton tactic is they accuse their critics of committing the very crimes they are themselves guilty of.
This acts as a cleanser for their own criminal activity and puts the spotlight on their enemies.

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