Whistleblowers coming forward in trump regime wrong doings

Tearing the tags off of a mattress?

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime ...


Mattress Police don't frak around.
‘Dozens’ of Whistle-Blowers Are Secretly Cooperating With House Democrats

This is the most corrupt regime in US history....headed by the Liar in Chief!

Atlantic Magazine. Left of center and moving further left.

The most corrupt regime was the Criminal Traitor Obama's administration.

You wanna compare indictments....guilty pleas....and scandals? No....I doubt it...

Corrupt politicians don't get indicted ... that's what the corruption is for.
‘Dozens’ of Whistle-Blowers Are Secretly Cooperating With House Democrats

This is the most corrupt regime in US history....headed by the Liar in Chief!
Voted in by the dumbest Americans ever, Republicans But I repeat myself

Then the dumbest Americans are going to vote him in again in 2020. Bank on it.
Go for it and really fuk up America with no Dem bailing you out this time
It's only Dems that need bailing out. Conservatives bail themselves out.
Cellblock2429 said:
I stopped reading and laughed out loud at the first sentence “The number of anonymous tipsters ”
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