White Advocates!

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

I've been on the board since 2003 or something. I love it!

I started life in college as a conservative/libertarian.

Some time after law school, however, I became interested in the issue of anti-white discrimination, inherent racial difference, Jewish power, and other "forbidden" topics. I did a lot of reading, lots of Internet stuff, went to a few meetings. I started to see that "conservative" was kind of beside the point. The real issue was race. And, my own is the white race, so I started sticking up for them. Nobody else will!

But, I don't like the term "racist"... everyone's a racist, why tag just whites with that? Or "Nazi"... my character was a Nazi sympathizer, but I don't even speak German.

Any other white advocates on the board?

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