White Americans becoming more facists,and extremists.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

Cause and effect...
When you have years of rioting and looting from the likes of OWS,BLM and antifa,normal people will eventually say enough is enough.
I would recommend the left stop their antics because I promise..it wont end well for you.
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

The Democrats and media are trying with some desperation to create a fantasy world they can sell as real. Only those of stunted intellect are buying it.

Obama restarted the 1960s. It won't last long.
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

I've noticed that the Democrats, their thugs the Antifa and their media arm the MSM are all pushing that false narrative, so I can see why you could fall for it. Why don't you watch a little coverage of Harvey rescues and see how ALL Americans act regardless of color. You just might get "woke".
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

The Democrats and media are trying with some desperation to create a fantasy world they can sell as real. Only those of stunted intellect are buying it.

Obama restarted the 1960s. It won't last long.

You can see how gullible they are. Hell, they all believed with all their heart and weak mind that Hillary was the greatest candidate in the world and the de facto next president.
Epic Narrative Failure.
A scene repeated over and over in Texas and Louisiana.
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.
So who are the fascist thugs again? Oh yeah, the ones hiding behind masks.
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

Whats going on is that Americans stopped moving forward like they were in the 80s and 90s. they have been pitted against each other, fueled by a news media who will tell you about blacks being shot by white cops but will not mentioned when people of other races are also shot by cops and unarmed or that half of the cops were not white but black or hispanic.

The youth has also been fueled by the teachings of college proffessors who by design, prepare their students to be intolerant of speech that they are told is hateful, so that when someone for instance like Ann Coulter shows up to give a speech. people freak out and riot as though they are defending civilization itself, when the true path of learning requires that ideas should be shared and debated.

so what has happened in some cases, is that some white people have pushed back in some respects.

For the most part though, where I live, I don't see any more extremism, facism or racism than from anyone else. People here all seem to be getting along. For the most part, most extremism is happening around localized events where people are drawn in from all around the country.

I get it, after eight years of Obama left wing libralism, Trump and the right wing blowback is what we are seeing today.
Thank you for that insight.
What else can we expect from the right?
White Americans becoming more facists,and extremists.

Really... how surprising.

With all the stupid and obnoxious antics of the BLM crowd, along with all the riots, looting, burning of cars and buildings, the destruction of neighborhoods, the high crime rates by blacks, including murders, rapes, burglaries, attacks on innocent whites and on cops, and every other category, could any rational person blame whites for changing their attitudes about blacks? After all the accusations of racism and oppression and white privilege and white supremacy and all the other stupid shit, why should whites give a fuck what happens to blacks?

Long ago I used to help hire people, and I went out of my way to hire blacks. I would never hire a black person today. Thanks BLM, we enjoyed all your brainless rioting. But, acting stupidly has consequences.
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.
Where are you while taking notice?
I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

You are the poster child of insipid, mindless, bed wetting drones.

Thank you for proving us right.

I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.
Where are you while taking notice?

Right where every other libturd is.

I have noticed that white Americans are becoming more fascists and extream with their thoughts on race in America. More cops shooting unarmed black males, more discrimination in the work place. What is going on in America.? Your thoughts.

I don't agree with you at all! ^^^

Have you been living under a mushroom?? :dunno:


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