White Analyst Calls Out Republicans On Pulling Out Race Card, Encouraging Racism


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Joan Walsh New Book: White Analyst Calls Out Republican’s Veiled Racism With New Book | Breaking News for Black America

During the Republican National Convention, Mitt Romney and company unveiled a new slogan: “we built it.” In an interesting interview, Joan Walsh, author of “What’s the Matter With White People?: Why We Long For a Golden Age That Never Was” and MSNBC political analyst, discusses how the Republican’s focus on individual success and the “we-built-that” mentally is racially coded language that pits Whites, particularly working class, against Black and Brown people, causing powerful, conscious divides that keep many Whites voting against their own interests. Walsh then goes a step further to contend that these false idioms and various isms shed light on why many Whites are known to reminisce on a “golden era that never was,” without realizing that many of the strides they made as immigrants in this country were actually made because of government programs that they benefited greatly from, which is a direct counter to the Republican’s platform, reports the Root.

Got to love this, :lol:
The more you claim racism where there is none, the less impact the accusation of racism has on people.

When are you going to stop seeing things through the prism of race? It's so meaningless. It serves no purpose to try to stir up contention based on race.
Amen! I totally agree with Joan Walsh.
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The more you claim racism where there is none, the less impact the accusation of racism has on people.

When are you going to stop seeing things through the prism of race? It's so meaningless. It serves no purpose to try to stir up contention based on race.

From one Philly person to another Philly person you are full of shit, stop trying to play the victim role.
Talk about a fictitious narrative, that bitch is dilusional. How the hell can you draw those conclusions from a simple slogan. The American people paid for the government we have, so yes we built it. Government takes, it destroys wealth and in many cases lives. The government we have now should be destroyed and then rebuilt in the image of the Constitution, the founders wouldn't recognize the bloted thing we have now.
The more you claim racism where there is none, the less impact the accusation of racism has on people.

When are you going to stop seeing things through the prism of race? It's so meaningless. It serves no purpose to try to stir up contention based on race.

From one Philly person to another Philly person you are full of shit, stop trying to play the victim role.

From one Philly person to another Philly person, please try reading what I actually write. I never claimed to be a victim. I would never give you that much power over me.

Im just suggesting that stirring up contention based on race is meaningless. And that is precisely what you are trying to do.
The more you claim racism where there is none, the less impact the accusation of racism has on people.

You need to come-up, outta your bunker (for some fresh-air), more-often.....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgvBdlD7xUk]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6hCoj9Kg6E]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
The more you claim racism where there is none, the less impact the accusation of racism has on people.

When are you going to stop seeing things through the prism of race? It's so meaningless. It serves no purpose to try to stir up contention based on race.

From one Philly person to another Philly person you are full of shit, stop trying to play the victim role.

From one Philly person to another Philly person, please try reading what I actually write. I never claimed to be a victim. I would never give you that much power over me.

Im just suggesting that stirring up contention based on race is meaningless. And that is precisely what you are trying to do.

Accusing someone of stirring up nonexistent racism when racism is obvious is fucking delusional, is that some kind of Jedi Mind trick?
Avatar has mental problems.

He seriously does, his bullshit is used as a ruse to deny racism by accusing those who point it out as starting trouble and stirring up shit just like those fucking southern segregationists who claim all was "perfect" until those NAACP Negroes started stirring up trouble, taking their word no racism existed in the south, thats the same fucked up mentality Avatar has.
Avatar has mental problems.

He seriously does, his bullshit is used as a ruse to deny racism by accusing those who point it out as starting trouble and stirring up shit just like those fucking southern segregationists who claim all was "perfect" until those NAACP Negroes started stirring up trouble, taking their word no racism existed in the south, thats the same fucked up mentality Avatar has.

September 4, 2010

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDOa_MEUGVY]Civil Rights & White Southern Grievance: GOP Governor Haley Barbour's New Fake History of The South - YouTube[/ame]


"When Michelle Obama called voting rights “the movement of our era” in a speech Saturday night, she didn’t specifically mention the Republican-led crusade for restrictive voter identification laws. She didn’t have to.

Her audience at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual gala dinner fully understood the context. It’s hard to believe that, in this day and age, the right to vote is once again under assault from those who would prefer to keep minorities, the poor and the elderly away from the polls. But here we are."​

A Voting Issue That Isn’t

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When it comes to who built much of the colonial south's agricultural industry?

Negro slaves built most of it, without question

Of you doubt that for a moment, I suggest you read your nation's history.
Joan Walsh New Book: White Analyst Calls Out Republican’s Veiled Racism With New Book | Breaking News for Black America

During the Republican National Convention, Mitt Romney and company unveiled a new slogan: “we built it.” In an interesting interview, Joan Walsh, author of “What’s the Matter With White People?: Why We Long For a Golden Age That Never Was” and MSNBC political analyst, discusses how the Republican’s focus on individual success and the “we-built-that” mentally is racially coded language that pits Whites, particularly working class, against Black and Brown people, causing powerful, conscious divides that keep many Whites voting against their own interests. Walsh then goes a step further to contend that these false idioms and various isms shed light on why many Whites are known to reminisce on a “golden era that never was,” without realizing that many of the strides they made as immigrants in this country were actually made because of government programs that they benefited greatly from, which is a direct counter to the Republican’s platform, reports the Root.

Got to love this, :lol:

“Far too many White Americans — especially those who do not come from wealth or privilege — don’t understand the extent to which they’ve had help"

what govt. program was that?

back breaking work in a coal mine ?

what a fucking lie

PS it's from The Root the hate whitey rag. I'm certain their perspective is unbiased.
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wow, that was really a bunch of shit...I (a white) don't NEED ANYONE telling me what my best interest are..and if Blacks AND Browns (notice how they describe people, AS COLORS of their skin) buy into this, then that's just SAD
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When it comes to who built much of the colonial south's agricultural industry?

Negro slaves built most of it, without question

Of you doubt that for a moment, I suggest you read your nation's history.

what happened up north?

And the trans-atlantic slave trade did not reach it's peak until the 19th century. The souths cash crop agriculture was only feasible after the invention of the cotton gin.
wow, that was really a bunch of shit...I (a white) don't NEED ANYONE telling me what my best interest are..and if Blacks AND Browns (notice how they describe people, AS COLORS of their skin) buy into this, then that's just SAD

notice the double talk?

There was no golden age for white people, yet they had all this privilege?
Joan Walsh New Book: White Analyst Calls Out Republican’s Veiled Racism With New Book | Breaking News for Black America

During the Republican National Convention, Mitt Romney and company unveiled a new slogan: “we built it.” In an interesting interview, Joan Walsh, author of “What’s the Matter With White People?: Why We Long For a Golden Age That Never Was” and MSNBC political analyst, discusses how the Republican’s focus on individual success and the “we-built-that” mentally is racially coded language that pits Whites, particularly working class, against Black and Brown people, causing powerful, conscious divides that keep many Whites voting against their own interests. Walsh then goes a step further to contend that these false idioms and various isms shed light on why many Whites are known to reminisce on a “golden era that never was,” without realizing that many of the strides they made as immigrants in this country were actually made because of government programs that they benefited greatly from, which is a direct counter to the Republican’s platform, reports the Root.

Got to love this, :lol:

“Far too many White Americans — especially those who do not come from wealth or privilege — don’t understand the extent to which they’ve had help"

what govt. program was that?

back breaking work in a coal mine ?

what a fucking lie

PS it's from The Root the hate whitey rag. I'm certain their perspective is unbiased.

If you're asking that question you're one of the ones that obviously doesn't understand, that requires picking up a history book and reading, but rather than do your own research you want others to tell you, and we wonder why our nation has so many substandard students, :lol:
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“Far too many White Americans — especially those who do not come from wealth or privilege — don’t understand the extent to which they’ve had help"

what govt. program was that?

back breaking work in a coal mine ?

what a fucking lie

PS it's from The Root the hate whitey rag. I'm certain their perspective is unbiased.

If you're asking that question you're one of the ones that obviously doesn't understand, that requires picking up a history book and reading, but rtaher than do your own research you want others to tell you, and we wonder why our nation has so many substandard students, :lol:

pick up a history book?

tell me about these "programs" for whitey.

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