White boy brutally beaten up VIDEO .

Sucker punches are the true sign of a coward. If a kid has a beef with another kid, take it outside and face each other. The attacking kid is scum and should be locked up with other animals.
Flood America with Turd Worlders of Color ( Minorities ) and Cover ( Islamists ) and Military Age Males and Criminals ( Cartel Henchmen ) and then Disarm Law Abiding Americans .
Notice the sucker punch at the beginning. That's how they're taught to fight.

Not only a cowardly attack but a foolish one. Had the a-hole used that sucker punch right, he could have dropped the white boy in that first punch. Almost as bad as the white kid's total unawareness of his environment, complete unpreparedness, and total inability to defend himself, despite given the prime opportunity when the black kid picked him up leaving both his throat and eyes vulnerable to the hands while lifting his feet right in line with his nuts.
Not only a cowardly attack but a foolish one. Had the a-hole used that sucker punch right, he could have dropped the white boy in that first punch. Almost as bad as the white kid's total unawareness of his environment, complete unpreparedness, and total inability to defend himself, despite given the prime opportunity when the black kid picked him up leaving both his throat and eyes vulnerable to the hands while lifting his feet right in line with his nuts.
By the time he was picked up, his head had been repeatedly used as a punching bag and thus wasn't thinking clearly. Also, standing with your back to a wall in a restroom, you aren't expecting an attack, just your turn in a stall.
If the kid knows his attacker, he needs to greet him with a baseball bat the next time he sees him.

this happens multiple times per day in dying America

IM2 & Superbadbrutha & sealybobo are all OK with this stuff. Violence is the go-to move for these animals. You can’t leave them loose around others without security.

Profile. Cross the street. Don’t stop to help. They are hunting for victims 24-7. Bet this video will not be shown on CNN or MSLSD or the halls of Congress.

Emboldened by decades of dem indoctrination telling them they have the right, and that responsibility for one's behavior is only for whitey.

Time to teach them otherwise and fuck anybody who disagrees.

Not only a cowardly attack but a foolish one. Had the a-hole used that sucker punch right, he could have dropped the white boy in that first punch. Almost as bad as the white kid's total unawareness of his environment, complete unpreparedness, and total inability to defend himself, despite given the prime opportunity when the black kid picked him up leaving both his throat and eyes vulnerable to the hands while lifting his feet right in line with his nuts.

too many young white males today are super feminate and weak. I mean the ones under age 30 or so

White boys in the older days were both stronger looking and much tougher.
IM2 & Superbadbrutha & sealybobo are all OK with this stuff. Violence is the go-to move for these animals. You can’t leave them loose around others without security.

Profile. Cross the street. Don’t stop to help. They are hunting for victims 24-7. Bet this video will not be shown on CNN or MSLSD or the halls of Congress.

Internet anonymity makes cowardly mofo's of them.

too many young white males today are super feminate and weak. I mean the ones under age 30 or so

White boys in the older days were both stronger looking and much tougher.
They have been brainwashed by Marxist Teachers & Profs from Pre School to Post Grad School for last 45 years
Most white boys today look much more skinny than decades ago
Either too skinny or too FAT

Every parent here must enroll their boys in a type of MMA training or this will happen to your son
After the attack started….the poor kids only hope was to grab on and hang on. Keeping the killer tied up. Hope for intervention.
Old school Italian or IRISH boys were super tough as were polish

WTF is going on

Even JEWS tough with Bugsy Seagel types
By the time he was picked up, his head had been repeatedly used as a punching bag and thus wasn't thinking clearly. Also, standing with your back to a wall in a restroom, you aren't expecting an attack, just your turn in a stall.
Chance favors the prepared. Always expect the unexpected.

If the kid knows his attacker, he needs to greet him with a baseball bat the next time he sees him.
I have a hunch they know each other, what is unclear is what precipitated the attack. But a bat will just get the kid arrested for assault and 30 black kids looking to gang up on him and make an example, so his options now are pretty limited to two things, which I'll leave you guessing what they are.

The time to act was DURING that assault, where, had he beat down his attacker, would have gained him respect and caution. Instead, the white kid had VICTIM BEAT ME written all over him.
Old school Italian or IRISH boys were super tough as were polish

WTF is going on

Even JEWS tough with Bugsy Seagel types

there were many smaller kids like that in all decades. But there was no pack of wild animals attacking them 24-7 inside the school restroom.

why don’t the other Blacks ever stop a wrong? Silly me.
Superstar Black athletes crimes like this from their junior days are often censored so they can keep playing. See Randy Moss History. Oh it cant be found anymore. Thanks google. He’s one of many. Now on TV, hall of fame ….. programming young Blacks like the attacker above.
There were attacks like this on film in a DET area Macys where a Black store employee sucker punches and tries to kill a skinny white. Then later says he was called the N-Word or some BS as-if a word would justify it. Leftist scum ate it up and were OK with it.

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